23 filmų

Finiass Teilors Bārnums vienmēr ir gribējis atstāt neizdzēšamas pēdas izklaides žanra vēsturē. Un tajā brīdī, kad likās, ka visa pasaule ir pret viņu, Bārnums nolemj sekot savam sapnim un izveido aizraujošu koncertprogrammu, kura kļūst par sensāciju un liek pamatus mūsdienās zināmajam šovbiznesam. Filmas pamatā - patiesi notikumi. Filma "Izklaides karalis" ir krāšņs šovs, kurš priecēs visa vecuma skatītājus.

Volters Mitijs strādā žurnālā Life. Viņa dienas ritms - gatavot fotogrāfijas publikācijām. Lai izbēgtu no rutīnas, Volters sāk sapņot stāstus, kuros viņš ir supervaronis. Volteram dzīvē patīk kolēģe Šerila, ar kuru viņš labprāt saietos, tomēr viņš jūtās nepilnvērtīgs. Kādā brīdī viņam rodas iespēja izbaudīt īstu piedzīvojumu, kad Life jaunie īpašnieki viņu nosūta misijā, kurā jāatrod perfekts attēls pēdējam drukātajam izdevumam.

2015 gegužės 22

Kad piedzīvojumu meklētājas Keisijas rokās nonāk noslēpumains priekšmets, ar kura palīdzību ir iespējams nokļūt paralēlā realitātē, viņa meklē palīdzību pie ciniska ģēnija - izgudrotāja Frenka. Keisijai ir jāmēģina pārliecināt Frenku atklāt viņai noslēpumu, kurš apvij paralēlajā realitātē esošo fantastisko pasauli, un jāpalīdz viņam atgriezties tur, no kurienes Frenks reiz ticis izraidīts.

Britu zvejniecības eksperts Alfreds saņem uzaicinājumu no šeiha pārstāves Herietas piedalīties projektā, kura mērķis ir ieviest laša zveju Jemenā. Neskatoties uz savu skeptismu, viņš pieņem piedāvājumu.

Jason Staebler lives on the Boardwalk and fronts for the local mob in Atlantic City. He is a dreamer who asks his brother David, a radio personality from Philadelphia, to help him build a paradise on a Pacific Island, which might be just another of his pie-in-the-sky schemes. Inevitably, complications begin to pile up.

2024 birželio 7

A young writer in desperate need of inspiration begins an affair with an enchanting, enigmatic older woman during a weekend in Santa Monica. True feelings emerge, and they must decide whether to continue their torrid romance or go their separate ways.

1970 gruodžio 9

A comedy about an absent-minded man who works at a advertising company and topples from one problem to another.

2022 kovo 27

On the eve of the wedding of an old flame, a young man must come to terms with every woman he has ever loved and lost. No sleep tonight.

A tragicomic story of a department store seller.

2023 spalio 20

An ex-couple arrange to meet up again to share some exciting yet bittersweet news. This prompts the pair to reminisce about the early days of their relationship, and the events that transpired leading to its collapse.

A film novella about a young dreamer in which the real world and the dream world are intertwined. After meeting a young lady in a park, but seeing her indifferent to his romantic overtures, the young man gets drunk and falls asleep. In his dreams he relives the meeting with the young women, which ends in his attempting to kiss her and subsequently falling of the bench. The fall is simultaneously the moment of awakening from his alcoholic stupor, which reveals the reality of his situation. The humor of the story stems from a formal reversal of the plot, a point at which a dream is unexpectedly separated from reality.

2023 rugpjūčio 11

A young girl is trapped in dreams with a pineapple then, she realizes she has no dream, and her life is meaningless.

1981 balandžio 1

Based on the comic strip about the hopeless but lovable slacker Gaston who drives his colleagues crazy at the office.

1984 rugsėjo 21

The lives of a group of young Chicago men, as seen through the eyes of one of them, a writer.

Literature graduate Orlando begins a love affair with the Foreign Ministry official Anders. She follows him to Argentina. There she learns that he is already married.

2021 sausio 1

Lola's dream of escaping her father's Sunnyside motel seems closer to reality when a young stranger checks in.

2020 gruodžio 1

A Somali billboard repairman working in Dubai decides he wants to experience some of the products advertised on his billboards. It’s an experience that begins innocently enough, but quickly spins out of control, especially when a con man enters the picture.

In Brazil's countryside, Amanda tries to get her first show while Thamires tries to make her first film, both at risk of the highway.

Samuel is 9 years old, he will be remembered as a thief, an arsonist and a murderer.

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