aprīlis 12, 2013

A hard-working lawyer, attached to his cell phone, can't find the time to communicate with his family. An estranged couple uses the internet as a means to escape from their lifeless marriage. A widowed ex-cop struggles to raise a mischievous son who cyber-bullies a classmate. An ambitious journalist sees a career-making story in a teen that performs on an adult-only site. They are strangers, neighbors and colleagues and their stories collide as ordinary people struggling to connect in today's wired world.

Single dad Richard meets Christine, a starving artist who moonlights as a cabbie. They awkwardly attempt to start a romance, but Richard’s divorce has left him emotionally damaged. Meanwhile, Richard’s sons—one a teenager, the other 6-years-old—take part in clumsy experiments with the opposite sex.

februāris 2, 2022

Posing as a wealthy, jet-setting diamond mogul, an Israeli conman wooed women online then conned them out of millions of dollars. Now some victims plan for payback.

februāris 14, 2024

Two long-time internet friends - Ted, the hometown artist, and Liz, a globe-hopping humanitarian. On the night of his gallery opening, on a river that goes nowhere, they meet for the first time. Neither one knows that the other loves them.

Five people get murdered in Malaysia and the cop who investigates the crime finds out that they have a common Facebook friend — Asha Black. Meanwhile, a young man from India comes to the country to meet Asha, after she befriends him on Facebook.

By the dawn of the 21st century, hip-hop sales had reached an all-time high, but one thing has remained the same. The doors were still locked, and the music industry held the keys. Young artists began to self-market on the Internet, ultimately helping to collapse the music industry as we knew it. It’s Yours explores how it became possible to become a rap star through a Twitter account, YouTube site or Myspace page. It tells this story through the unique perspectives of numerous artists, producers, record industry insiders, and music and cultural critics.

Juvenal is a metro driver from Belo Horizonte. Margô, a station controller. Both live in a state of complete solitude – each in a particular way. Juvenal refuses to be alone and strolls through the streets of this metropolis taking comfort by mingling with the anonimous crowd. Margo seeks relief in the virtual world of social networks where she struggles to establish long lasting relations with real persons.

septembris 30, 2021

A business meeting dives into the socio-political when a truly human moment moves the group to speak their hidden truths.

jūlijs 30, 2024

A lonely boy starts an online relationship with a girl during lockdown. One day she vanishes and as the days go by the line between the digital and the real starts to blur.

maijs 9, 2012

On New Year's Eve, accompanied by a bottle of champagne, Emile, 35 years old, signs up to Meet Me, a famous Internet dating site, with a good resolution for the new year: to find love. There are many men on Meet Me: cynics, comics, a few oddballs, and even great romantics. Emilie is far from imagining what is waiting for her in real life.


septembris 1, 2008

Dao (22) is a young Thai woman. She arrives in the Netherlands to share the rest of her life with a dutch called Michel. The confrontation with a man she barely knows in a strange country with foreign tastes, scents and habits makes Dao feel rootless. Does she realizes only now what she has started?

oktobris 27, 2020

A hacker discovers a Zoom file on a local Police server and leaks it to the public. The contents of the file have been kept under wraps to avoid further public outcry and protests. What may seem to be your typical weekly office Zoom call turns into a missing employee and a "who done it" mystery.

an online gamer encounters an NPC in real life from having skipped a youtube advert

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