<RUNWAY>雜誌是紐約時尚界聖經,總編米蘭達是難纏的大人物。只要稍有自尊的人,絕對無法在她手下工作,可是進入<RUNWAY>又是所有對時尚有熱情的年輕女孩最大的夢想。 剛畢業的社會新鮮人安德莉亞(安海瑟薇飾演),憑著西北大學的漂亮履歷,進入<RUNWAY>位於曼哈頓總部辦公室。不服輸的她準備擔任米蘭達的助理。這名從頭到腳全是Prada的女士,將為她的人生帶來最殘酷的考驗。 漸漸地,安德莉亞讓自己融入米蘭達要求的氣質和形象,很短時間裡,她學會了這一行說話的模樣身段及行事方法。只是,當她越嫻熟米蘭達所在世界的遊戲規則,她也發現這其實是一個表面上精彩華麗但其實很孤獨的世界,值得嗎?安德莉亞靠自己找到她的答案。


一名時尚編輯赫然發現自己在派對上親吻的陌生年輕帥哥不只是新同事,更是老闆的兒子。她原本力圖重振事業,這下可難了。 觀賞預告並進一步了解。

13 febbraio, 1957

美國女性時尚雜誌的主編瑪姬崇尚完美多變,以引領美國女性的流行為己任,但是雜誌最近卻面臨模特荒,因為他們缺乏“有思想”的女主角。瑪姬與攝影師迪克 攜團隊來到一家書店取景,他們事後發現此行最大的收穫是宣揚移情主義的書店店員喬·史托頓小姐 。喬對模特工作起初毫無興趣,但考慮到可以前往巴黎面見移情哲學家弗拉斯教授,還是應承了下來。迪克因為喬而創作欲強烈,兩人合作了一系列美輪美奐的作品,同時他們的關係也到了發展。不久喬如願見到了教授,這使迪克頗為不安,兩人大吵一番後喬憤而離去,為了挽回喬與展演,迪克和瑪姬使出了渾身解數……

28 agosto, 2009

A documentary chronicling Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour's preparations for the 2007 fall-fashion issue.

26 luglio, 2013

When four best friends try and move forward in their work and personal life, they realize that trying to live their life's dream is more difficult than they imagine -- especially in the high fashion world of Shanghai.

四個從小一起長大的好姐妹大學畢業進入職場,開始了新的旅程。 原本離開了姐妹們,準備和墮落的男友席城(姜潮 飾)離開上海的南湘重新迴歸到姐妹們身邊。顧裡率領眾人搬進了新的別墅,大家繼續著同一屋簷下的烏托邦生活。林蕭、顧裡陪同宮洺(錦榮 飾)參加羅馬的時尚活動,還叫上了南湘和唐宛如,又在羅馬遇上了顧裡的混血表弟Neil(李賢宰 飾)。然而當林蕭回到上海,卻接到了男友崇光(陳學冬 飾)癌症復發不幸去世的噩耗。 幾個月後,終於振作起來重新開始新生活的林蕭卻遇到了一個總是讓她莫名想起崇光的外國模特陸燒(陳學冬 飾)。與此同時,顧裡從未見過面的親生弟弟顧準(任佑明 飾)突然出現,手握顧家20%的隱藏股份,他告訴顧裡M.E有一個巨大的財務漏洞,姐弟兩人聯手想要奪回被M.E收購的盛古公司。顧裡說服姐妹們藉著宮洺生日暨M.E週年慶的機會去宮家老宅偷取關鍵檔案,一切會如她們預想的那樣順利嗎?一個最漫長難熬的夜晚在靜靜等待著她們……

時間齒輪的運轉,猶如死神刻畫的軌跡一般;陽光背後的陰影,就似死神的鐮刀揮舞斬斷希望。 林蕭(楊冪 飾)和知名模特兒陸燒(陳學冬 飾)跨年夜在煙火盛放的大街上擁吻,這則花邊新聞直接衝擊M.E.的經營,葉傳萍(王琳 飾)強勢入主,宮洺(錦榮 飾)被迫退位形同傀儡,南湘(郭碧婷 飾)為得權勢的不擇手段。盛古財團瀕臨瓦解,於此同時,公司又面臨虧空四億的財務大坑洞,而這財務危機也讓一直想奪走顧里(郭采潔 飾)一切的葉傳萍緊咬不放,深陷財務險境的她還不幸被診斷出罹癌,精神和生理的雙重打擊,讓幾近完美的她瀕臨崩潰,而顧里父親留下來的隱藏遺產,又會掀起什麼風波? 踏入職場,林蕭、顧里、南湘、唐宛如(謝依霖 飾)這四個好朋友,皆因自己的利益捲入爾虞我詐的漩渦中,她們的友情和愛情也將承受前所未有的終極考驗……













11 aprile, 2020

After years of organizing fashion in the city, Lauren decides to move home. In exchange for her organizing services, mover Rob makes it his mission to help her see the beauty of Seattle.

22 novembre, 2015

Brie Traverston is up for partner at her firm if she can successfully coordinate a Christmas wedding reshoot and ignore all the feelings that come with working with the one-that-got-away Eddie Chapman and his possibly new girlfriend Isabella.

21 gennaio, 2000

A young, underappreciated intern at the ultra-hip magazine Skirt must learn to deal with kissy-face phoniness, model tantrums and bulimic editors, while trying to steal the heart of a dashing British art director from the grips of a supermodel.

6 dicembre, 2012

Documentary film takes a look at some of the world's most influential fashion images as conceived by the magazine's iconic fashion editors.

10 ottobre, 1963

Short subject on how fashion is created-- not by the great couturiers, but on the street.

Based on the 1963 novel by Sylvia Plath, a young woman's summer in New York sees her working for a Mademoiselle-like magazine, return home to New England, and subsequent breakdown all amidst the horrors of the fifties, from news of the Rosenbergs' execution to sleazy disc jockeys and predatory college boys.

19 maggio, 2018

Hope is a short film featuring Pedro Pascal for Style Magazine Italy.

Yana Titova is a very successful businesswoman, editor-in-chief of a fashion glossy magazine. She considers herself a self-sufficient, accomplished woman and supports "child-free". It doesn't bother Yana at all that at thirty-eight she doesn't have a husband or children. Having achieved popularity, Yana confidently goes forward, not wanting to compromise her own principles.

But suddenly, clouds are gathering over Yana's well-being, and in order to strengthen her almost lost position, she agrees to an unthinkable step, deciding to adopt a child. Yana takes her from the orphanage a little gypsy by the name of Yanko. That's just Yana does not even suspect what will turn out for her such a PR move.

18 ottobre, 1963

A photoshoot on the roofs and in the streets of Paris, under the astonished eyes of the inhabitants.

Hope is a short film featuring Pedro Pascal for Style Magazine Italy, 2018.

1 gennaio, 2005

An actress starts working at a fashion magazine to investigate the death of a famous model.

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