14 部电影

Mitsuki and Yuya become stepsister and stepbrother because of their parents' marriage. Mitsuki can't get along with her new family and Yuya doesn't know how to approach his new stepsister. One day, Mitsuki becomes possessed by the spirit of Hiyori. Hiyori likes Yuya and believes Yuya can help her get to heaven. Hiyori places a leather chastity belt upon on Mitsuki and a plan takes place to help send Hiyori to heaven.

1990 年 10 月 12 日

Malý Joshua zná od svého dědečka příběhy o goblinech a o tom jak jsou nebezpeční. Díky tomu má i zlé sny, které se začnou měnit i v boj o život.

1963 年 05 月 16 日

Clay Spencer and his wife, Olivia, live in a small town deep in the mountains. When Clay isn't busy drinking with his buddies or railing against the town minister, he's building the house he's always promised Olivia. He is overjoyed when he learns his eldest son will be the first Spencer to attend college, if he can resist the charms of a pretty local girl and rustle up the money for tuition.

2013 年 11 月 28 日

Melody Gerardová je cílevědomá workoholička zaměstnaná v korporátní společnosti, která se zabývá maloobchodním prodejem. Těší se, že svou dovolenou stráví s kamarádkami podobného ražení. K jejímu nemilému překvapení ji však šéf vyšle do nudného rodiště, kde musí přesvědčit tamní nerudné obyvatele, aby povolili stavbu jednoho z dalších obchodů. Čeká ji setkání s rodinou i s láskou z dětství - Carterem McClurem. Její úkol není vůbec snadný. Všichni jsou totiž proti všemu, co požaduje její firma. V zoufalé snaze uniknout z nudné díry se Melody opije. Čeká ji probuzení v jiné dimenzi, v níž nikdy neopustila svůj původní domov a Cartera si dokonce vzala za manžela! Aby však mohla opustit rodné maloměsto, musí nejprve zjistit pravý smysl svého nového života a rozhodnout se, jestli se opravdu chce vrátit domů.

Overcoming bullies and his own loser mentality, 10-year-old Bernie Dingledorf must destroy Dr. Chuckles’s diabolical Laugh Generator before it sends the world into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

Matka úspěšné samoživitelky upadne do kómatu a její dceři se vrátí hořké vzpomínky na všechno, co spolu musely prožívat, když se jedna druhé postupně vzdalovaly.

Přivede si domů bohatého, ale staršího snoubence. Starostlivému otci se ale jejich věkový rozdíl vůbec nelíbí, a tak se jim snaží svatbu ze všech sil překazit.

1980 年 12 月 18 日

Satirická komedie o přísné starší generaci, která se v letech 1947 a 1978 postaví proti mladým, co se chtějí jenom bavit.

2019 年 10 月 09 日

In Lagos, Nigeria, Ebele Njoko has been running all his life. A search for acceptance and love from his family, has led him to recreate himself as Adrian Njoko, respected father, husband, and brother. Suddenly, Adrian’s past and secrets have caught up with him and his world soon begins to crumble as he frantically tries to control the growing ripple effect of a revelation. In coming to terms with his sexuality, Adrian is forced to choose between a compromised existence and the life that he would like to lead.

Anatole France's The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife has been adapted into three different Hong Kong films in the 1950s alone. These two adaptations stray from the source material considerably in genre, characterisation and plot, turning a farce about married life into localised romantic comedies that emphasise family values. The Beauty and the Dumb follows the couple from their meet-cute to the misunderstandings they encounter before the inevitable happy ending. The heir of a bank (Huang He) falls in love at first sight with one of the employees' daughter (Li Lihua), but their burgeoning relationship is nearly derailed when the girl's father intervenes to help his dumb daughter land a rich husband.

Precious Daughter follows the couple's story even after their marriage. With the help of her caring mother, rich girl who is mute manages to marry the man of her dreams. However, their marriage soon runs into difficulties because of her inability to please her demanding sister-in-law. While the heroine regaining her voice leads to catastrophe for the hero in the original play, the two films celebrate the return of their heroines' voices with song and dance – thanks to the popularity of musicals at the time.

1987 年 08 月 25 日

Part Two: SMALL HAPPINESS - Despite the tremendous advances women in China have made, serious problems continue. Long Bow women talk about love, marriage, work, birth control, birth customs and the now outlawed custom of foot binding. Truly moving interviews with Lingqiao and her mother-in-law draw us into their lives.

2017 年 04 月 21 日

MEUTHEN'S PARTY unmasks the rise of the provincial politician Dr. Jörg Meuthen who doesn't shy away from spreading racist sentiments with a smile on his face.

1965 年 04 月 02 日

Onni Lintula, a journalist interested in ancient sights and a glacier has joined the Cypriot peacekeeping force. On the beach he falls in love with the local beauty Stalo. Despite the turbulent situation, strict moral rules and the obstruction of Stalo’s brother, Onni and Stalo find each other.



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