8 film

4 maggio, 1984

Three middle-aged daddies visit California to have a marvelous time at the beach. When they learn that a nice apartment and an expensive cabriolet isn't enough for them to score with the chicks, they employ a student to help them. At first he's as disgusted of them and his job as his girlfriend, but soon they find out how to use the situation to everyone's benefit.

Un commissario russo in gonnella giunge a Parigi per recuperare un famoso compositore che ha accettato di scrivere le musiche per un kolossal hollywoodiano. La bella "commissaria" viene però circuita da un simpatico produttore americano che la convince a rinunciare alla sua missione, a rimanere in Occidente "scegliendo la libertà".

Gloves Donahue, fuorilegge abituale, dopo l'assassinio di un suo amico, si mette sulle tracce del colpevole per vendicarlo, ma si trova, suo malgrado, davanti a una banda di spie naziste che in territorio statunitense operano per favorire le mire della Germania in guerra. Gloves inizia una sua guerra personale riuscendo a far arrestare dalla polizia l'intera organizzazione nazista.

5 ottobre, 1930

Western sheriff Bob Wells is preparing to marry Sally Morgan; she loves part-Indian Wanenis, whose race is an obstacle. Sally flees the wedding with hypochondriac Henry Williams, who thinks he's just giving her a ride; but she left a note saying they've eloped! Chasing them are jilted Bob, Henry's nurse Mary (who's been trying to seduce him) and others.

14 marzo, 1931

A young Frenchwoman is determined to get into and stay in show business, no matter what. Then she's determined to win a recently divorced man's heart... again, no matter what.

After losing nearly all of an inheritance to taxes, sisters Kay and Barbara Latimer, waitresses at a drive-in restaurant in Texas, scheme to find rich husbands. With the aid of their aunt Susan, the sisters take the last of their money and head to a well-known Miami resort where they soon meet two wealthy young men, Phil and Jeff, who begin a fierce rivalry for Kay, not realizing that Barbara has fallen in love with one of them.

La famiglia Higgins vive nel suo ranch che avrebbe bisogno di molti lavori sempre rimandati per mancanza di soldi. Ma un giorno la ditta che produce il liquore Liquepap offre loro molto denaro se, sfruttando la loro nota abilità nel nuoto, attraverseranno la Manica a scopo pubblicitario. Gli Higgins accettano e si trasferiscono in Inghilterra.

2 gennaio, 1952

Reclining on her chaise lounge in a see-through robe, Lili St. Cyr decides she needs a bubble bath. In a gilded tub fit for Marie Antoinette, she bares all that the law will allow. Then she squeezes into an evening gown and mink coat to paint the town red.

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