26 fılm

Truman Burbank és un home corrent i una mica ingenu que ha viscut tota la seva vida en un d'aquells pobles on mai no passa res. Tot i això, de sobte, uns estranys successos el fan sospitar que alguna cosa anormal està passant. Tots els amics són actors, tota la seva ciutat és un plató, tota la seva vida està sent filmada i emesa com el reality més ambiciós de la història.

2001 Naýryz 16

Leonard és un investigador d'una agència d'assegurances que té la memòria irremissiblement danyada per culpa d'un cop al cap sofert en intentar evitar l'assassinat de la seva dona, aquest és l'últim fet que recorda del passat. Per culpa del cop ha perdut la memòria recent, és a dir, els fets quotidians desapareixen de la seva ment en uns minuts. Així doncs, per investigar i venjar l'assassinat de la seva esposa ha de recórrer a l'ajuda d'una càmera instantània i a les notes tatuades en el seu cos.

2009 Qyrkúıek 25

Set in a futuristic world where humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots, a cop is forced to leave his home for the first time in years in order to investigate the murders of others' surrogates.

2023 Qyrkúıek 29

Un intrèpid detectiu descobreix una complexa xarxa d'enganys mentre indaga en la veritat que s'amaga després del brutal assassinat d'una jove agent immobiliària.

2007 Maýsym 10

An impromptu goodbye party for Professor John Oldman becomes a mysterious interrogation after the retiring scholar reveals to his colleagues he never ages and has walked the earth for 14,000 years.

2008 Naýryz 7

A teenage skateboarder becomes suspected of being connected with a security guard who suffered a brutal death in a skate park called "Paranoid Park".

2024 Aqpan 23

Grief-stricken after the loss of her child, Vanessa takes refuge at a lake house only to be met with an aberration of herself from a parallel universe and realizes the multiverse gates hold the key to releasing her grief or trapping her forever.

2022 Qańtar 20

The tape-recorded words “erase it” take on new weight in the context of history and war. When the state of Israel was established in 1948, war broke out and hundreds of Palestinian villages were depopulated in its aftermath. Israelis know this as the War of Independence. Palestinians call it “Nakba” (the Catastrophe). In the late 1990s, graduate student Teddy Katz conducted research into a large-scale massacre that had allegedly occurred in the village of Tantura in 1948. His work later came under attack and his reputation was ruined, but 140 hours of audio testimonies remain.

2022 Naýryz 31

L'Alexandra ha jugat al tennis des de que té memòria. Tras anys entrenant baix la tutela del seu pare Julio, un tenista retirat que pretén reviure les seves victòries per mitjà d'ella, s'ha transformat en una de les tenistes júnior més prometedores del circuit espanyol. Durant la celebració d'un dels torneigs més importants de la temporada del 1978, la presió creixent que exercirà el pare dins i fora de la pista començarà a afectar la seva salut mental. Amb l'arribada de l'adolescència i els interrogants que aquest comporta, l'Alex d'adonarà de què, potser, aquest no és el seu destí.

Martinaud, an illustrious notary suspected of being the perpetrator of two horrendous crimes, voluntarily agrees to be questioned by Inspector Gallien on New Year's Eve. What initially is a routine procedure, soon becomes a harsh interrogation that seems to confirm the initial suspicions.

Man has always sought to seek further afield. After the seafaring explorers of the 16th century, 21st century cosmologists today navigate more celestial oceans, with each mission providing an ever-broader and more impressive cartography of our surroundings. At the avant garde of modern technology, these strange travellers are actually immobile, and their vessels are powerful and spectacular telescopes, on the Earth or in space, constantly widening the limits of our knowledge and giving form to our dreams of infinity. From Hawaii to Australia, via South Africa and China, we set out on an incredible scientific and human adventure to visit the planet's greatest cosmic exploration centres to discover the new challenges involved in understanding the universe. A journey on Earth and in the heavens that will take your breath away!

2016 Sáýir 28

A young man, looking to start his life over moves into a new neighborhood. In his new home, he discovers a picture of a beautiful girl with a phone number along side of it. As time passes by, his curiosity and affection of the girl grows and compels him to text the number. He eventually gets pulled into an unconventional relationship with the girl over text messages, but they never actually meet.

2022 Sáýir 24

A strange story from Somerset, England about a filmmaking farmer and the inspiring legacy of his long-lost home movies.

2017 Maýsym 2

A sensitive university student unraveling while on a week-long vacation with a crowd of cocksure relatives and family friends.

2021 Qazan 31

Three young hikers in the woods settle down by a campfire to relax and have a good time, but someone is watching them.

A thought provoking documentary feature film providing a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of signals intelligence over the past century. Whether you're intrigued by the secretive world of intelligence agencies or concerned about the implications of digital surveillance, this film will leave you with a deeper understanding of the role signals intelligence plays in society.

Alexander just got out of prison. Lonely and silent, he finds some comfort in his friendship with Robson, his co-worker.

2009 Jeltoqsan 9

A mysterious man with missing memories asks some very personal questions of a beautiful woman he just met.

During a lunch break, an aspiring actor meets by a self declared "showman" who seems to be obsessed for Loredana Floris, a famous TV diva. The young man tries to be sympathetic, will they meet for real or it was all just an act?

2017 Sáýir 17

Ed is commissioned to make a documentary intending to change those habits of society that are harmful to animals. But completely alien to the animal protection movement, he will realize that to carry out the project, he must first convince himself.

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