19 movies

septembris 29, 2023

O femeie însărcinată fuge de regimul totalitar dintr-o țară devastată și încearcă să supraviețuiască într-un container de transport care plutește în derivă.

În 1850, fostul marinar Thomas Nickerson a primit o vizită neașteptată a autorului Herman Melville. A auzit de o expediție periculoasă care a avut loc în urmă cu treizeci de ani pe vânătorul de balene Essex, din care Nickerson este acum singurul supraviețuitor. Încurajat de soția sa, Nickerson, acum bătrân, acceptă să povestească incredibila aventură din Essex scriitorului american. Sub ordinele primului ofițer Owen Chase, echipajul a atras mânia unei creaturi gigantice mânate de o sete teribilă de răzbunare. Supărată de masacrul vânătorilor din marea liberă, imensa balenă avea o singură dorință: să scufunde barca și să-și înece echipajul.

Dragostea plutește în aer pentru doi liceeni când, în timpul unei excursii cu clasa, lucrurile iau o întorsătură neașteptată și ajung izolați pe o insulă nelocuită.

septembris 24, 1999

Condamnată pe nedrept și închisă pentru uciderea soțului ei, o femeie plănuiește răzbunarea supremă atunci când descoperă că acesta încă e în viață.

După un naufragiu pe o insulă pustie, doi copii cresc împreună, se îndrăgostesc în adolescență și încearcă să-și construiască o viață în paradisul izolat de lume.

aprīlis 26, 2013

The true story about legendary explorer Thor Heyerdahl and his epic crossing of the Pacific on a balsa wood raft in 1947, in an effort to prove it was possible for South Americans to settle in Polynesia in pre-Columbian times.

Într-o croazieră în Caraibe, Jenny este părăsită pe o plajă cu idolul ei rock and roll. Îndrăgostită de ideea de a rămâne singură cu el, ea reușește să ascundă faptul că se află la o aruncătură de băț de stațiunea lor.

maijs 14, 1994

Ten-year-old Fiona is sent to live with her grandparents in a small fishing village in Donegal, Ireland. She soon learns the local legend that an ancestor of hers married a Selkie – a seal who can turn into a human. Years earlier, her baby brother was washed out to sea and never seen again, so when Fiona spies a naked little boy on the abandoned Isle of Roan Inish, she is compelled to investigate.

maijs 18, 2013

Aaron, a young misfit living in a remote Scottish fishing community, is the lone survivor of a strange fishing accident that claimed the lives of five men including his older brother. Spurred on by sea-going folklore and local superstition, the village blames Aaron for this tragedy, making him an outcast amongst his own people. Steadfastly refusing to believe that his brother has died, he sets out to recover him and the rest of men.

jūnijs 5, 1987

Benji has become stranded on a remote island after a boating accident. He finds himself struggling to survive in the wilderness, avoiding close encounters with a wolf, a bear, and a territorial female cougar with her cub.

septembris 22, 2018

A lone fisherman on his daily run finds himself lost in a thick fog which proves impossible to navigate. The worst is yet to come when his encounter with a seemingly abandoned sailboat becomes a fight for survival against an enemy unknown.

janvāris 14, 1975

The female survivor of a shipwreck and two Coast Guard helicopter pilots sent to rescue her find themselves trapped in a mysterious part of the ocean known as Satan's Triangle.

jūlijs 24, 2006

Fourteen years after her son and estranged husband were presumed lost at sea, Kristen believes she glimpses them in the background of a friend's recent vacation video.

jūnijs 22, 2023

The ITN-produced documentary promises to “go beyond” news coverage and bring viewers up to date, while examining the wider context about the voyage, its passengers and the fascination with the Titanic shipwreck. The film will also talk to experts and look at the rise of extreme tourism.

janvāris 25, 1943

The trio Erik, Arne and Ingrid have been friends since childhood, the two boys always competing for the affection of Ingrid. At the naval academy Erik gets into a fistfight and is expelled, to instead become a captain of a trading ship. Before he leaves Ingrid and Erik are engaged in secret. Later, when Erik is believed to be lost at sea, Ingrid instead gets engaged with Arne.

februāris 1, 1958

Saddled with a loveless marriage and three ungrateful children, Charlie Walker (Jeffrey Lynn) dreams of escape. When he falls overboard on a boating trip and is presumed dead, his fantasy comes true. He washes up on a Caribbean island and meets a lovely local (Leila Barry). He gets a fresh start at life, opening a resort on his island home. But guilt and a few insurance agents may cut Charlie's dream short.

decembris 15, 1996

Sydney Carpenter is a devoted mother to her young son, and is now accustomed to the puzzling existence of her mysterious, non-communicative husband, Matthew. When her husband and son are suddenly lost at sea after a boating accident, Sydney's comfortable existence is shattered. Although overwhelmed by her grief, Sydney cannot ignore the strange pieces from her husband's past that continue to make their way into the present.

novembris 30, 2005

Explorations of the effect nature can have on humans, as explored via a navy officer lost at sea, and a child in a field.

decembris 31, 2022

A man & a boy are adrift in The Atlantic, forsaken to the wrath of the ocean & its deities.

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