29 elokuvaa

The tale of rock band KISS and their efforts to thwart a diabolical plan by mad scientist Abner Devereaux. Devereaux has found a way to clone humans into robots in his laboratory at an amusement park. It just so happens that he plans to use the KISS concert as a platform to unleash his plan on the world. KISS must use their special powers to stop him.

15 elokuu 1957

The turbulent life and professional career of vaudeville actor and silent screen horror star Lon Chaney (1883-1930), the man of a thousand faces; bearer of many personal misfortunes that even his great success could not mitigate.

Narkoleptik bir transseksüel olan Marieta (Monica Cervera) hayalindeki göz alıcı kadın kimliğine kavuşmak için can atmaktadır. Hiç olmadık zamanlarda birdenbire uyuyakaldığında ise rüyalarında o kadın olup, her dilden şarkıları kostümlü, fantastik ve sürreal koreografiler eşliğinde söyleyebilen şahane bir şarkıcıya dönüşüverir.

1 heinäkuu 1958

When master monster make-up man Pete Dumond is fired by the new bosses of American International studios, he uses his creations to exact revenge.

15 syyskuu 2017

Sherry Graham, a self-destructive makeup saleswoman, hopes a new man and business venture will provide her a fresh start. After her plans are foiled, she takes control of her life in a dramatic turn of events.

5 lokakuu 2015

David Prowse is an eighty years old actor, who has lived behind Darth Vader's mask during three decades. A group of Star Wars fans find out why he has been apparently forgotten by Lucasfilm during thirty years, and decide to give him back the glory he never had. This is their last opportunity.

10 syyskuu 1999

An Italian movie crew goes to London to make a documentary about a murder case that took place a few years before.

22 maaliskuu 2024

World-renowned Drag Queen Miz Cracker helps a Texas family that’s experiencing strange occurrences after renovating their 1892 home. As a lover of the paranormal, can Miz Cracker solve their ghost problem and help them coexist peacefully with the spirits?

12 joulukuu 2023

5 people talk about their relationship with makeup and how it relates to gender and self expression.

10 tammikuu 1972

This film shows a surreal train ride by several passengers whose journey is not quite what they expect in this brilliant short film.

1 tammikuu 1970

Two women in a living room: smoking, playing cards, listening to the radio. As often in Dwoskin’s films, the use of masks, make-up and costumes allows the characters to playfully transform themselves. Shot in colour film, C-film exuberates swinging London energy. In the second part of the film, the women appear to be watching the rushes of the film on an editing table. ”We are making a movie” we hear them say. As Dwoskin points out, “C-film asks how much is acting acted”, an ongoing question in Dwoskin’s cinema. Produced by Alan Power, with Esther Anderson & Sally Geeson.

Tempe Video presents 20 unique, easy-to-apply makeups, all created from materials found around the home and in local costume shops. Professional Hollywood makeup artists introduce you to some of their secrets, explained in easy to understand, step-by-step detail! Don't settle for the same old boring Halloween masks - impress your friends and be the life of any costume party! Makeups include: Zombie, Pumpkin-Head, Lizard, Witch, Cat, Exorcism Victim, Vampire, Alien, Burn Victim, Frankenstein's Monster, Mummy, Creature, Old Man, Phantom, Gargoyle, Robot, Swamp Creature, Evil Clown, Dracula and Ghastly Ghoul.

11 maaliskuu 2017

Misawa Akane is a corporate spy out working undercover for competitive and industrial purposes. She manages to successfully infiltrate the ranks of a successful cosmetics' company, go through training, make friends and apply the products in order to gain access to proprietary intellectual property. Her work is not without danger, however, and takes discipline. What is more, her conscience gnaws at her.

Although Nuni has been selected to play the lead (King David) in his Jerusalem grade school play, he'd secretly rather play the princess role instead.

A boy is forced by his father to go to a boxing gym and train as his successor, but his fascination with make-up made him question his true identity.

18 helmikuu 2021

While preparing for the anticipated summer party in a cramped bathroom, Mercedes navigates her blossoming desires.

23 maaliskuu 2023

For 18-year-old Finnish–Kosovan Fatu, a simple visit to the grocery store feels as nerve-racking as a lunar expedition: for the first time in his life, he’s wearing makeup in public. Luckily his best friend Rai, a young woman on the spectrum of autism, is there to ferociously support him through the voyage.

15 maaliskuu 2018

The 6 episode micro-series follows a well-known makeup vlogger who decides after the election to convert her many followers into radical activists, by smuggling coded messages about overthrowing the regime into her usual beauty product reviews and tutorials. Dealing with questions about complicity, beauty standards, and the privilege of self-care in a time of political disruption, the series brings together the worlds of our current political climate of anxiety and the messages of women's beauty culture.

9 kesäkuu 2020

In their small village, seventeen-year-old Léo and his friends are crazy about makeup. Jules, Léo's older brother, doesn't share his sibling's passion, fearing he'll be the laughing stock among his gang of pals. The night of the village's "open theater" event, against Jules' advice, Léo walks on the stage dressed in drag.

31 joulukuu 1968

This MGM short film highlights the work of master make-up artist William Tuttle. As the head of MGM's make-up department, Bill Tuttle has been involved in many of MGM's best known productions. He shows how they make masks of actors' faces that allows them to work on make-up, particularly prostheses or appliances, without the actor having to spend hours in the make-up room.

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