9 部电影

1994 年 07 月 01 日

讲述吉米原在警局负责炸弹拆穿的工作。因为工作过于危险,他辞去工作改为任教于警察学校。然而没过多久接任他工作的同事却因炸弹爆炸而身亡。他怀疑这个炸弹乃是他熟悉的人所安装。当他深入调查之后发现,他过去在爱尔兰共和军的老师兼伙伴,当年因为他的告密而入狱,现在要来向他报仇了…… 影片由汤米·李·琼斯(《亡命天涯》)、福里斯特·惠特克(《末代独裁》)等诸多好莱坞明星助阵。 该片在处理爆破场面有两场最为吸引,爆车、爆船,也可谓达到大爆炸的感官刺激。确实,一班幕后精英确实花了不少心思设计,这点从影片不断营造气氛方面可以肯定。剧中刺激过瘾的地方,相信是爆炸前一刻的情节处理,插电话接驳线、开煤气炉等生活小节也在企图制造一种危机感,好让观众透不过气。在人物性格与铺排正邪斗法方面,《零点爆破》也下了不少工夫,务求故事说来合情合理,且讲述了一段不光彩的往事,令剧情走向多元化,对于一部刺激动作电影来说,尽管用上公式化的商业元素,但也强调了动作戏的基本要求。

2019 年 03 月 11 日

In the south of Tunisia, two football fan brothers bump into a donkey lost in the middle of the desert on the border of Algeria. Strangely, the animal wears headphones over its ears.

2017 年 05 月 09 日

An immigrant love story set on a street corner.

2020 年 10 月 20 日

A psychologist suffering from an anxiety disorder begins to have a mental breakdown when she hears a sinister voice through her headphones.

2013 年 04 月 02 日

She works nights, when most people are asleep. As she listens to trendy music, she practices the words she means to say to jump out to the world that she senses, is vibrating outside.

2019 年 06 月 07 日

On a crowded street, a man spots a woman from his past and tries to get her attention. Will she hear him?

A film featuring David Bazan performing songs from his Pedro The Lion, Headphones, and Bazan solo catalog plus candid interviews about songwriting, disappointed fans, touring, family and love songs.

2018 年 12 月 24 日

Music is everything. Tom listens to music to get by day to day, but what would happen if he had to suffer through his first world problems without his beloved earbuds?

2021 年 12 月 13 日

A sound recorder finds himself being recorded by someone else.



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