87 部电影

2003 年 07 月 18 日


1995 年 04 月 07 日


2013 年 08 月 07 日

格大維 (積遜蘇迪堅斯 飾) 係個有原則的大麻小拆家,顧客層面非常廣泛,有廚師、中產阿媽…唯獨未成年少年免問。以為咁樣就唔會瀨嘢?答案係:錯哂。為了掩飾身份,佢一直保持低調;但一次出手幫鄰居解圍點知好心著雷劈,反被三個古惑仔搶走所有大麻同現金,令佢欠落拆家班主高列畢 (艾希姆斯 飾) 一身債。大維唯有幫高列畢由墨西哥走私大麻返美國來還債;為求低調過境又唔使坐監,大維不惜威逼利誘一眾鄰居:性感鋼管舞女郎露絲 (珍妮花安妮絲頓 飾)、未夠秤準買家毒男堅尼 (威爾保爾特 飾) 同叛逆少女姬思 (愛瑪羅拔絲 飾) 扮成美國典型溫馨家庭,一家四口扮姓「米」參與呢個「疑似實無死」任務。一個假老婆、兩個假仔女,再加一大架RV旅行車,「米氏一家」喺美國獨立日出發去墨西哥食大茶飯,引發連串囧人膠事。

1992 年 10 月 29 日

Journey with Emmanuelle and the world's most excuisite models deep into the Amazon jungle to the heart of paradise. Beauty can be dangerous and the women soon find themselves captive to a powerful drug lord. Now they must escape from a land of darkness

1983 年 12 月 09 日


懷才不遇的前巨星基治(尼古拉斯基治),瀕臨破產邊緣,唯有出賣自己出席瘋狂「基粉」富豪哈維(貝哲羅柏斯卡)的生日派對,以賺取100萬酬勞。估唔到,這份筍工突然失晒控!CIA 特工踢爆哈維原來是大毒梟,仲要求基治幫手做臥底救出人質!這位傳奇奧斯卡影帝,決心盡地一煲,挑戰成世人最破格的角色:「尼古拉斯基治」!觀眾將置身一場人生如戲,戲如人生,真假難分的爆笑冒險之旅。

2024 年 02 月 07 日

After more than 300 years in hiding, Dracula's brides, Luna, Adriana and his new apprentice Katya, must team up once again to stop the most diabolical threat from their past, his sister Mina.


2019 年 03 月 06 日


2013 年 06 月 28 日


2012 年 09 月 21 日

2139年,未來世界已被毀滅,罪惡橫行。原本的美國東岸已經成為一個擁有超過8億人口的第一巨城,為了更有制止罪案,當局發展出即捕即審即行刑的罪惡煞星「特警判官」,趕絕一切惡黨兇徒,其中最強皇牌正是德烈 (Dredd)。德烈與擁有超能力的新拍檔姬珊,首日一起行行動已經遇上毒后黨的人馬,更發現三名死者在200層樓高的賊竇「桃樹塔」墮樓身亡。特警判官與毒后大軍重裝對戰一觸即發。

2018 年 12 月 19 日

1970 年代,來自釜山的小走私犯一頭栽進非法毒品走私活動,並一躍成為將毒品賣到日本的大亨。

2022 年 07 月 01 日

Undercover U.S. agent Bill Wilson makes the bust of his career taking down a cartel leader. Hiding the evidence in his home exposes his family to a brutal targeting on the night of the annual Purge, the deadliest night of the year.

1930年代,鄉村少年唐水生來到上海投靠六叔(李雪健),在他的引薦下,做了歌舞皇后小金寶(鞏俐)的貼身傭人。小金寶是上海灘一霸唐老爺(李保田)的女人,但與其手下宋二爺有染,而宋二爺已經覬覦唐老爺的位子良久。 六叔的猝死使唐老爺心生警覺,帶著小金寶、水生等人來到一個只有寡 婦翠花和她一雙兒女在的小島避難,並下令對上島的生熟面孔格殺無論。小金寶在同翠花的相處中對生活有了另一番理解,漸漸對唐老爺的殘忍非常不滿,然而她的命運亦掌控在唐老爺手中。

1984 年 03 月 30 日

Though she can spin wild tales of passionate romance, novelist Joan Wilder has no life of her own. Then one day adventure comes her way in the form of a mysterious package. It turns out that the parcel is the ransom she'll need to free her abducted sister, so Joan flies to South America to hand it over. But she gets on the wrong bus and winds up hopelessly stranded in the jungle.

1990 年 09 月 28 日

A former drug lord returns from prison determined to wipe out all his competition and distribute the profits of his operations to New York's poor and lower classes in this stylish and ultra violent modern twist on Robin Hood.

1995 年 08 月 25 日

Mariachi plunges headfirst into the dark border underworld when he follows a trail of blood to the last of the infamous Mexican drug lords, Bucho, for an action-packed, bullet-riddled showdown. With the help of his best friend and a beautiful bookstore owner, the Mariachi tracks Bucho, takes on his army of desperados, and leaves a trail of blood of his own.

2016 年 05 月 13 日

Two American expatriates, Jack and Sam, unwittingly steal a drug lord's money when they rob a series of banks in Southeast Asia and become the target of the gang's vengeance.

Hired assassin John Lee is asked by Chinatown crime boss Terence Wei to murder the young son of policeman Stan Zedkov. Lee has the boy in his sights, but his conscience gets the better of him, and he spares the child's life. Afraid that Wei will take revenge on his family in China, Lee seeks out expert forger Meg Coburn to obtain the passport he needs to get out of the country, but a band of replacement killers is soon on his trail.

2006 年 03 月 31 日

After a phone call from his ex-girlfriend, teenage loner Brendan Frye learns that her dead body was found. Vowing to solve her murder himself, he must infiltrate high-school cliques that he previously avoided. His search for the truth brings him before some of the school’s roughest characters.



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