36 Filme

Tim og hans babyboss-lillebror er blevet voksne og gledet fra hinanden. Ted er blevet en succesfuld direktør, og Tim er hjemmegående med to børn. Alt ændrer sig, da Tims yngste barn Tina viser sig at have overtaget kontakten til Babycorp. Tina afslører også, at den onde Dr. Armstrong har sat sig for at overtage verdensherredømmet, og de eneste, der kan stoppe ham, er Tim, Tom og Tina. Men planen inkluderer, at de voksne brødre bogstaveligt talt går i barndom igen.

Tom og Kate Baker er forældre til ikke færre end 12 børn i alle aldre. Da Tom får tilbudt et nyt job i en anden by, må hele familien pakke flyttekasserne. Børnene er dog ikke glade for at skulle flytte væk fra venner og kærester. Samtidig tager Kate på turne for at gøre reklame for sin nye bog, og pludselig må Tom både håndtere et krævende nyt job og en ikke mindre krævende børneflok.

24. April 1968

When a widower with ten children marries a widow with eight, can the twenty of them ever come together as one big happy family?

The U.N.G.C.C. (United Nations Godzilla Countermeasure Center) recovers the remains of Mecha-King Ghidorah and construct Mechagodzilla as a countermeasure against Godzilla. Meanwhile, a giant egg is discovered along with a new monster called Rodan. The egg is soon found to be none other than an infant Godzillasaurus.

15. Mai 1987

Det er weekend og Glen, Terry og Al ved ikke hvad de skal lave. Forældrene er bortrejst og de er overladt helt til sig selv i det store hus. I baghaven stod et stort træ, der nu er fældet. De beslutter sig for at undersøge det enorme hul der nu er, hvor træet tidligere stod. Men det var dumt. Djævelsk dumt. Siden ældgammel tid har træet skjult en indgang til ondskabens verden. Nu er døren åben og jorden kan forvandles til et endnu større helvede end den allerede er. De må finde en måde at lukke døren på inden ondskaben slipper løs... hvis det ikke allerede er for sent!

2. Februar 2022

20-year-old Jing Hao came to Shenzhen to live with his young sister alone. The siblings live a warm yet straitened life. In an effort to pay for his sister's expensive surgery, Jing Hao gets an opportunity by chance, thinking that a better life is coming, but unexpectedly encounters a serious setback. Under the pressure of both time and money, Jing Hao, who has no way out, decides to take a desperate gamble. Can this ignite the spark of hope for his troubled ordinary life?

13. September 2000

The siblings Linus, 19-years-old, who are taking driving license and Vanja, 17-years-old, who's still in school. Their mom Eva works night shift at a hotel. We get to follow them during one month. Linus and Vanja begin to realize that they are living in a universe of their own. And there is neither room for the mom or boy- and girlfriends. At first it is only the longing love in unspoken thoughts. But when thought gets into words they realize that they are each others perfect half. They are drawn closer to each other and finally can't resist the taboo temptation in each others bodies. At first they deny, lie and try to resist. It's about shame and guilt and forbidden feelings which leads to a point where everything is at stake.

Fire søstre går sammen om at forhindre deres unge brors bryllupsplaner efter at have mødt hans forlovedes krævende familie. Undervejs afsløres hengemte familieproblemer.


16. März 2015

A family intervention goes horrifically awry within the snowy confines of an isolated lake house.

25. Dezember 2003

Florencia, the matriarch of the Filipinas family, is in poor health, and Yolanda, the eldest of the Filipinas children, finds herself in the unenviable position of keeping her bickering family from disintegration. As the tension rises, Yolanda seeks refuge in a local church. She is critically injured trying to break up a nasty fight between brothers Emman and Samuel, forcing her family to make a life-changing decision.

20. März 2018

Alice ankommer til hendes bror Ethans hus i et forsøg på genforening, men bizarre visioner, tilbagekomsten af hans mærkelige kæreste, samt Alices paranoia tvinger dem til at holde fast i virkeligheden.

15. Februar 1950

Two sisters fall in love with the same man. After the wedding, the new husband realizes he may have married the wrong sister.

In the near future, the “ARK Project” has initiated a program to increase the quality of human life through the peaceful use of robots. Dr. Komyoji, the chief scientist on the project, has developed a process to create a robot with a figurative human “heart” through the installation of a “conscience circuit”, but his plans are violently opposed by researcher Gilbert Kanzaki. When Dr. Komyoji is killed in an apparent accident, his children Masaru and Mitsuko are targeted by mysterious forces within the ARK Project looking to gain control of the scientist’s research data. But the villains are opposed by Jiro, the android with a human conscience who fights for justice as the hero Kikaider.

Late at night, a brother and his sister ride in an elevator with their father. Suddenly, the lights go off, and the lift gets stuck between two floors. In the dark and unable to get any help, the father pushes his son through the narrow space between the shaft and the hallway. Alone in the claustrophobic box, the father and daughter stay silent, until a childish whining is heard from the shadows. Someone is inside the elevator... breathing by their side.

12. Juli 2019

Two brothers mountain climb in hopes of spreading the ashes of their recently deceased sibling.

A traveler arrives at the Usher mansion to visit his old friend, Roderick Usher. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that Roderick and his sister, Madeline, have been afflicted with a mysterious malady: Roderick's senses have become painfully acute, while Madeline has become nearly catatonic. That evening, Roderick tells his guest of an old Usher family curse: any time there has been more than one Usher child, all of the siblings have gone insane and died horrible deaths. As the days wear on, the effects of the curse reach their terrifying climax.

Året er 1912. Ombord på det luksuriøse Titanic fejrer familien Winfield datteren Edwinas forlovelse og 6-års fødelsdagen for søsteren Alexis. Men Titanic nåede aldrig frem... Edwinas forældre og hendes forlovede bliver væk for de fortvivlede søskende. Nu er hun familiens overhoved, og dag og nat må hun arbejde for at holde sammen på familiens avisimperium. I tolv år lægger hun tanker om følelser og kærlighed på hylden og hun bruger al sin energi på at holde resten af familien samlet. Men så rejser hun igen over Atlanten - og træffer en engelsk gentleman, der vækker følelser hun havde glemt...

Nora is 15 years old. Her parents died when she was young and now she lives with Anders and Karin and their son Dag. They move into an old apartment in an old house in Enköping. Behind a wall they find some old items from people who lived there a long time ago. They also discover that their apartment is haunted by a ghost. Together with Dag, Nora tries to find out more about the people who lived there.

15. Oktober 2020

Twelve-year-old Iwo lives in a small, post-communist town that is home to the old and destroyed Black Mill – once a place of work for many parents. Breaking the promise to not approach the old mill, the children accidentally unleash its evil powers. From that moment, nothing will ever be the same again as people and things start to disappear.

15. Februar 2019

A jailed activist is bailed out by her brother, who happens to be involved with the very land development she was protesting.

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