14 部电影

Події розгортаються у США 1960-х років. За сюжетом, дев’ятнадцятирічна Трейсі Тернблад – чудова дівчина, як не глянь: кумедна і заводна, співає і танцює. Тільки занадто пухкенька. Як і її мама Една. Обидві від цього страждають. Але Трейсі має мрію – стати відомою та популярною танцівницею. І заради цієї мрії, дівчина готова на будь-що. Важкою працею та вірою в себе дівчина долає життєві труднощі і стати зіркою популярного танцювального телешоу...

2008 年 11 月 26 日

Епічна картина про романтичні стосунки британської аристократки та австралійського ковбоя. Леді Сара Ешлі приїздить до свого чоловіка у Австралію з метою якомога дорожче продати належне їм стадо, але застає його вбитим і змушена взяти керування фермою на себе. Посварившись з управителем чоловіка, Сара звільняє його і залишається одна-однісінька, але допомогти їй погоджується місцевий ковбой Дровер, пара чорношкірих слуг та хлопчик-мулат.

Підозрюючи свого чоловіка у зраді, молода мати з Нью-Йорка вирішує прослідкувати за ним разом зі своїм ексцентричним батьком.

1951 年 12 月 14 日

A petty thief is put on trial for the attempted murder of a lawyer. Through a series of flashbacks, the intertwining lives of the thief, the lawyer, and the thief's defense lawyer are illustrated.

1983 年 10 月 21 日

In 1750, an adulterous preacher is ejected from a small British colony with his motley crew of followers, who make their way downriver to establish a new settlement of their own beyond the western frontier.

1947 年 12 月 25 日

A Shakespearian actor starring as Othello opposite his wife finds the character's jealous rage taking over his mind off-stage.

1949 年 04 月 01 日

Lord Windermere appears to all – including his young wife Margaret – to be the perfect husband. The couple's happy marriage is placed at risk when he starts paying visits to a mysterious beautiful newcomer, Mrs. Erylnne, who is determined to make her entry into London's high society. Worse, the secret gets back to Margaret that Windermere has been giving Mrs. Erylnne large sums of money.

1992 年 02 月 07 日

A former kick-boxing world champion discovers a young fighter, and believes together they can win back the world crown.

1990 年 05 月 02 日

Kamal is arrested with his mistress in the act of adultery. They also arrest her friend Ebtisam, who comes across her home, despite her innocence.

2011 年 09 月 09 日

A middle-aged writer is looking for a quiet retreat; a slightly younger female estate agent gives him details of a house a close to Venice.

When the mother of two adoptees is tipped off about the possible affair her husband may be having with one of their children, her sense of duty takes a macabre turn.

1969 年 05 月 23 日

Lawyer Federico Fendi has reasons to suspect that his fashion model wife Carla is secretly one of Rome's highest paid call-girls.

1930 年 03 月 01 日

David Cardew, a talented sculptor, lives an idyllic life in the English countryside with his wife, Laura, and their two children. But his happiness spoils as he becomes increasingly fixated on the idea that Laura is having an affair with a young cellist, Anton Falk. The three attend a fête where David watches Anton and Laura during a ballet about brutal and violent revenge - and his obsession begins to take an even darker turn....

A three-part anthology film. 1) AMSTERDAM: Jovke and his two friends try to make some quick cash before going off to army. At the same time, he tries to establish communication both with his catatonic father and the girl he likes. 2) TIE REQUIRED: While drudging at the docks with two inseparable friends of his, Neša is waiting for a waiter's job at the bar where his mother works. After not being allowed to a birthday party, the trio decides to look for fun somewhere else. 3) ABSOLUTE PITCH: An unemployed paleonthologist spends his nights sewing dresses for his beloved one. When she sets off to countryside for work and doesn't call back, he becomes suspicious and decides to solve this sudden departure on his own.



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