5. Mai 1939

Der Bau einer neuen Bahnlinie quer durch die USA löst einen Wettstreit zwischen den Eisenbahngesellschaften Union Pacific und Central Pacific aus, denn wer zuerst die Gleise bis zu einem bestimmten Punkt verlegt hat, soll die Lizenz erhalten, die gesamte Strecke zu betreiben. In diesen Wettstreit geraten auch die einstigen Freunde Jeff Butler und Dick Allen. Jeff soll für die Union Pacific Sabotageakte an dem Gleisbau verhindern, während Dick als Saboteur für die konkurrierende Central Pacific operiert. Damit nicht genug, stehen sich die beiden Männer auch bald in Liebesdingen als Konkurrenten gegenüber.

10. November 1954

Amerika, 1872: Im Auftrag der Regierung soll Johnny McKay die Friedensverhandlungen mit den Medoc-Indianern in Kalifornien führen. Ein Teil des Stammes will die Aussöhnung mit den Bleichgesichtern, doch Häuptling Captain Jack trommelt immer wieder

Abtrünnige zusammen, um Weiße zu überfallen...

8. November 1930

A biopic dramatizing Abraham Lincoln's life through a series of vignettes depicting its defining chapters: his romance with Ann Rutledge; his early years as a country lawyer; his marriage to Mary Todd; his debates with Stephen A. Douglas; the election of 1860; his presidency during the Civil War; and his assassination in Ford’s Theater in 1865.

16. September 1938

Gen. Ulysses S. Grant has a job for Wild Bill Hickok (George Houston) and his sidekick (Al St. John).

1. Juli 1938

During the American Civil War, General Ulysses Grant carries out the 'Tennessee Plan,' which involves stopping the Confederate supply line on the Tennessee River. This proved to be a vital action for the North in its push south...

A biographical film featuring the presidency and assassination of Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War.

As a general, he had fought to preserve the Union. As president, he helped to oversee the transformation from union to nation. As a former president, he was the embodiment of the very idea of national union, and of America's entry onto the world stage. As a dying general, he was the symbol of the nation's greatest and most traumatic war. The story of Ulysses S. Grant's life, from his first days on the Ohio frontier to his last days out-writing death in the Adirondacks, is an endlessly fascinating one. Few public figures have ever held a such a firm grip on the American popular imagination. Grant was a man whose rise from obscurity made him a hero to millions who could see themselves in him. An ordinary man who faced and met extraordinary challenges, his successes and failures seemed to encapsulate the national character. He was so popular with the American public that, despite his two scandal-ridden terms as president, he was nearly nominated to run for a third term.

5. Mai 2002

As a general, he had fought to preserve the Union. As president, he helped to oversee the transformation from union to nation. As a former president, he was the embodiment of the very idea of national union, and of America's entry onto the world stage. As a dying general, he was the symbol of the nation's greatest and most traumatic war. The story of Ulysses S. Grant's life, from his first days on the Ohio frontier to his last days out-writing death in the Adirondacks, is an endlessly fascinating one. Few public figures have ever held a such a firm grip on the American popular imagination. Grant was a man whose rise from obscurity made him a hero to millions who could see themselves in him. An ordinary man who faced and met extraordinary challenges, his successes and failures seemed to encapsulate the national character. He was so popular with the American public that, despite his two scandal-ridden terms as president, he was nearly nominated to run for a third term.

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