7 movies

Desmonds Doss ir viens no ievērojamākajiem 2.Pasaules kara varoņiem. Sīvu cīņu laikā par Heksoridžu starp ASV un Japānas impērijas armijām viņš izglāba vairāk nekā 75 kareivju dzīvības ne reizi nepieskaroties ieročiem vai nogalinot kādu. Viņš stingri ticēja, ka karš ir taisnīgs, bet nonāvēšana ir slikta. Viņš bija vienīgais karavīrs 2. Pasaules karā, kurš frontes līnijās cīnījās bez ieroča un par nopelniem valsts labā saņēma Goda medaļu (Medal of Honor) un Purpura sirds ordeni (Purple Heart).

septembris 29, 1995

On the streets they call cash dead presidents. And that's just what a Vietnam veteran is after when he returns home from the war only to find himself drawn into a life of crime. With the aid of his fellow vets he plans the ultimate heist -- a daring robbery of an armored car filled with unmarked U.S. currency!

janvāris 24, 1951

A ragtag group of American stragglers battles against superior Communist troops in an abandoned Buddhist temple during the Korean War.

novembris 11, 2017

Filmmaker River Hagg travels to war-torn Syria, in hopes of documenting the war between the YPG and ISIS. He eventually finds himself in a volunteer unit, the only medics on the battlefield.

Raymond Carlson remembers his older brother, a medic killed in action in the Vietnam War when Raymond was only seven years old. The impact of that loss lingers today more than fifty years later.

About trauma, resilience and post-traumatic growth in the medics who served with Australia's special forces in Afghanistan. From losing mates in the battlefield to treating horrifically injured Afghan kids in remote surgical theatres.

Casey Conklin joined the 3rd Ranger Battalion as a medic, because he always believed they were the toughest group around. After his experience in the Battle of Mosul in Iraq and receiving his Ranger tab, he doesn't question how tough he is. After returning home, he finds that he still must challenge himself to stay healthy and redefine toughness at home.

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