Julie bereitet sich darauf vor, ihren Mann Roger zu verlassen. Beim Anhören verschiedener Lieder erinnert sie sich an ihre Ehe: wie sie Roger kennen und lieben lernte, wie sich die Schwierigkeiten häuften, aber sich das Glück mit der Adoption der neu geborenen Trina doch auf ihre Seite zu schlagen schien. Nachdem Trina im Alter von nur sechs Jahren an einer mysteriösen Krankheit stirbt, scheint die Ehe nun völlig am Ende, doch da erhalten sie einen bedeutsamen Anruf...

The 100 years of history of the Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-A Ilbo show that wrong press can be a social weapon.

Mauerblümchen täuscht ihren Tod vor, gibt sich als ihre betörende Cousine aus. Möchtegern-Autorin Holly wird bei einer Lesung von Journalist Aaron verrissen.

27. April 1935

Sam Preston is a small-town newspaper publisher who suffers from wanderlust. Leaving his family, he thinks well-provided for, he packs a suitcase and hits the road. Ten years later he comes back to find the newspaper shuttered and his family gone.

18. Januar 1987

The Byrds are a young couple both working as reporters but for different newspapers. When Mike invents the story of how they had the idea to make a baby his wife at first becomes furious about his article but then she adapts to it and starts to write the story from her side in the other newspaper. Making the articles reality they are now acpecting their first child...

5. September 1941

Roy and Gabby fight bad guys to save the town of Deadwood.

1. Juli 1925

A newspaper publisher finds out that his wild daughter has fallen in with a ring of gamblers. A reporter who has infiltrated the gang to get a story falls in love with the gang's female leader, and when the two are caught in a police raid, they find themselves in equal amounts of trouble.

7. Juni 2016

In the midst of a publishing revolution, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, one of America's most storied institutions of journalism, is experimenting with new tools to tell stories in preparation for the end of print in the digital era.

19. April 1987

"Impressões" rescues the history of the Brazilian press since 1808, when the "Correio Brasiliense" clandestinely reached Rio de Janeiro after being edited in London by Hipólito José da Costa, and spans until 1986. It's the first documentary to depict the history of the Brazilian journalistic press.

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