5 部剧集

2009 年 07 月 04 日

Two years ago, Shibuya was ravaged by a biological terrorist attack using the deadly Ua virus. Maria Osawa was saved when her father inoculated her against the virus, but is left with partial amnesia from the shock. She works as a cameraman when she reunites with a girl named Canaan in Shanghai, China. A gifted assassin with synesthesia, she is under orders from an unknown organization for a yet unspecified mission

2020 年 09 月 27 日

Príbeh dvoch španielskych rodín z Baskicka, trvajú viac ako tridsať rokov, ktoré boli zasiahnuté násilným konfliktom vyvolaným Španielskou národnou stranou a teroristami organizácie ETA. Život Bittori a jej rodiny sa prevráti hore nohami v deň, keď ETA vo dverách ich domu zavraždí jej manžela Txata. Skončí tak aj priateľstvo s najlepšou kamarátkou Miren, ktorej syn je jedným z členov teroristickej organizácie. Obe rodiny musia čeliť nielen zármutku, ale aj morálnym paradoxom. Dokážu si raz odpustiť, dať svoje rozdiely stranou a nájsť cestu z kruhu násilia a nenávisti?

2016 年 12 月 06 日

The Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In an atmosphere of tension and fear, where the harassment of separatist nationalism and the violence of ETA terrorist gang are a constant in life, Eloy, a young civil guard from Madrid, arrives at the Intxaurrondo base, in San Sebastián, as a volunteer; a hostile environment that causes havoc among his companions: alcoholism, depression and suicides reign. The so-called “Northern Syndrome” kills as much as bombs do.

Since its birth in 1865, in the wake of the American Civil War, the history of the Ku Klux Klan has been inseparable from that of the United States. The debates over slavery, the populism in the roaring twenties, the struggle for civil rights in the sixties, the rise of the far-right in the early 21st century; the Klan seems to have always embodied the dark side of the nation, with its gray areas and blind spots.

2022 年 09 月 07 日

Chronicle of the attack perpetrated by the Palestinian terrorist group Black September in the Olympic Village during the 1972 Munich Summer Games.



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