6 سریال

نوامبر 10, 1994

After his handler is killed, police dog Rex teams up with recently-divorced inspector Richard Moser to investigate crimes and solve mysteries on the streets of Vienna. And they sometimes get help from their two-legged friend, Inspector Stockinger.

Piasts' reign is coming to end on Casimir the Great, who have no sons. Polish throne comes to Anjous. Thanks to the marriage of Saint Jadwiga of Poland with Lithuanian Grand Duke Jogaila, an alliance is made and a new dynasty - Jagiellons, who rule Poland for next two hundred years

نوامبر 18, 2019

Max Liebermann, a student of Sigmund Freud, helps Detective Rheinhardt in the investigation of a series of disturbing murders around the grand cafes and opera houses of 1900s Vienna.

Dr James Fox tells the story of three cities in three exceptional years - cities whose artists and thinkers, writers and musicians set the world on a new course.

دسامبر 25, 1980

Ringstraßenpalais is an Austrian television series.

ژوئیه 18, 2024

فیلم و نمایش تلویزیونی را نمی‌توانید پیدا کنید؟ به سیستم وارد شوید تا آن را ایجاد کنید.


s تمرکز بر منوی جستجو
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esc بستن پنجره باز
? پنجره میانبرهای صفحه‌کلید باز شود

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e برو به صفحه ویرایش

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t انتخابگر ترجمه باز شود
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در صفحات بحث

n ایجاد بحث جدید
w تغییر وضعیت وضعیت تماشا
p تغییر وضعیت عمومی/خصوصی
c تغییر وضعیت بسته/باز
a گشایش صفحه فعالیت
r پاسخ به بحث
l برو به آخرین پاسخ
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