29 films

Počuli ste ten vtip o policajtovi, vtáčatku, psychoške a mafiánskej princeznej? Vo filme Vtáky noci a fantastický prerod jednej Harley Quinn rozpráva hlavná hrdinka svoj prekvapivý príbeh tak, ako to vie len ona. Keď sa v Gothame jeho najnechutnejšie sebestredný zločinec Roman Sionis a jeho horlivá pravá ruka Zsasz zamerajú na dievča menom Cass, mesto počas jej hľadania okamžite prevrátia hore nohami. Cesty štyroch svojských žien - Harley, Huntress, Black Canary a Renee Montoya – sa pretnú a ony nemajú na výber. Musia sa spojiť, aby zločinca porazili. Toto je Fantastická premena Harley Quinn.

19 september 2008

Ve světě plném šílených vědců a zlomyslných vynálezů jistý nadaný, i když hrbatý asistent pracující v laboratořích jednoho ze zlotřilých profesorů sní o tom, že se sám také stane šíleným vědcem a vyhraje letošní ročník pravidelně pořádaného Festivalu monster.

Fotograf psov Bryan je prinútený vziať si dcéru chorvátskeho bossa, ktorá potrebuje zelenú kartu. S tým sa Bryan rýchlo zmieri, keď zistí, ako jeho nastávajúca vyzerá. Menšiu radosť mu, ale bude robiť jej plecnatý nápadník, ktorého si má v budúcnosti skutočne vziať. Aby novomanželia presvedčili imigračných úradníkov, odídu na medové týždne, kde sa, čuduj sa svete, niečo stane...

11 november 2003

Ruby, je ostrieľaný zločinec, jedna akcia mu však nevyjde podľa jeho predstáv a tak sa dostane do väzenia. Tam sa zoznámi s Quentinom, urozprávaným dobrákom, ktorému to však trošku pomalšie myslí. Quentin k novému priateľovi hneď priľne tak, že ten sa ho ani po úteku z väzenia nedokáže zbaviť... začína sa naháňačka plná komických situácií...

15 september 1966

A man tries to recover a horse stolen from him by a Mexican bandit.

12 juni 1947

After the mysterious disappearance of an oil well owner, one of his workers, Gerardo assumes the business management. Soon, the owner's sister arrives from Argentina, and, believing that Gerardo killed her brother to keep the wells for himself, she starts working as a singer under a false name in the same casino her brother disappeared, in order to find out what exactly happened.

31 maart 1940

Cowboy puts on a black mask and a black outfit to fight a gang of land-grabbing crooks.

15 juni 1955

The Mayhew brothers flee from one Texas town to another as older brother Bill repeatedly attempts to keep younger brother Sam out of jail. Bill finally gives up on his younger brother and heads for Colorado. He gets a job and all is well until his brother shows up and takes a job that puts them on opposite sides of the law.

15 mei 1934

The Marshal sends John Weston to a rodeo to see if he can find out who is killing the rodeo riders who are about to win the prize money. Barton has organized the rodeo and plans to leave with all the prize money put up by the townspeople. When it appears that Weston will beat Barton's rider, he has his men prepare the same fate for him that befell the other riders.

5 oktober 1995

An elaborate heist unites 8 strangers in a simultaneous assault on targets all over the city- and explodes in a hailstorm of gunfire and high-speed chases in this powerful action-thriller. Recruited by a Mafia nightclub owner (Eric Roberts), 4 teams launch a brutal cross-town attack to retrieve suitcases full of cash. But as the violence escalates, the team members discover just who their real target has been all along - and the shocking truth they have in common.

12 december 1947

A crusading newspaper reporter battles big-city gambling interests.

Story concerns the efforts of Buffalo Bill to protect the Indian's land from a gang who want to get the gold buried there. The outlaws disguise themselves as Indians and raid and plunder the settlers in order to blame the tribe.

30 juli 1939

When his well-meaning sidekick (Smiley Burnette) buys a cow farm instead of a cattle ranch, singing cowpoke Gene Autry prepares to embrace the dairy business. But with a corrupt association bent on driving up milk prices, it's up to newly elected Sheriff Gene to clean up the mess. Country music icon Patsy Montana sings "I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart," while radio crooners the Texas Rangers perform alongside Autry.

19 april 2024

After the death of their super powered villainous boss, low-level henchpeople Beatrix, Cain and Harold are left destitute living in an abandoned grocery store. Not content with the situation they find themselves in, Beatrix is determined for them to strike out on their own and take over the world by any means necessary.

12 augustus 1943

Jerry Johnson inherits a 50,000 acre ranch. Lucky Miller wants to take over the ranch. Roy is trying to get a railroad spur right of way. Lucky has a woman come west to marry Jerry to get control of the ranch. After the wedding, Lucky has the owner killed. Roy’s gun is substituted for the murder weapon, so Roy is put in jail.

6 maart 1937

Rodeo stars are being killed with poisoned needles, and Tex Ritter is next on the list.

10 september 1932

Ken Maynard's exceptionally intelligent horse, Tarzan the Wonder Horse, is the star of this western about evil cowboy Steve Frazer (Welch) who gathers horses for slaughter, whose meat is sold to pet food manufacturers. The wild horse Tarzan frees the doomed horses from their corrals, and Frazer convinces the Sheriff that Tarzan is a threat and can be shot on sight. Local cowboy Ken Benson (Maynard) and rancher Pat Riley (Kennedy) work together to clear Tarzan's good name and put Frazier behind bars for his evil deeds.

31 maart 1954

Judy is the daughter of a famous opera singer who once bankrolled prospector Andrew "Cactus" Clayton. Now Clayton hopes to repay the favor, but first he must reclaim his stash of gold from the crooked Williams. Judy helps the old coot by taking on not only Williams, but duplicitous private detectives Walter Martin and Eddie Taylor, not to mention gangsters Spider Mike and Louie.

Brown arrives in the town of, yes, Gunsight, in the company of saddle pal Raymond Hatton. Like a new broom, Brown sweeps clean, going after the town's corrupt element.

A man who has a talking mule gets a job on a newspaper, and both get mixed up in a murder trial.

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