127 movies

Cassie tenia un brillant futur per endavant fins que un esdeveniment inesperat va truncar la seva carrera. Ara res a la seva vida és el que sembla: és intel·ligent, audaç i viu una doble vida de nit. Cassie té l'oportunitat d'esmenar tot el que no va sortir bé en el passat... venjant-se dels culpables.

oktobris 15, 2009

A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others involved in the deal.

oktobris 15, 2021

Ambientada a França, el 1386, explica l'enfrontament entre el cavaller Jean de Carrouges i l'escuder Jacques LeGris, en acusar el primer al segon d'abusar de la seva dona, Marguerite de Carrouges. El Rei Carles VI decideix que la millor manera de solucionar el conflicte és un duel a mort. El qui venci serà el guanyador, però, si ho fa l'escuder, l'esposa del cavaller serà cremada com a càstig per falses acusacions.

oktobris 8, 2010

A beautiful woman from the city, Jennifer Hills, rents an isolated cabin in the country to write her latest novel. Soon, a group of local lowlifes subject her to a nightmare of degradation, rape, and violence.

Jennifer Hills is still tormented by the brutal sexual assault she endured years ago. She’s changed identities and cities, reluctantly joining a support group where she begins to piece together a new life. But when her new friend’s murderer goes free and the tales of serial rapists haunt her, Jennifer will hunt down the men responsible and do what the system won’t – make them pay for their crimes in the most horrific ways imaginable. Only this time, no jury may be able to save her.

septembris 20, 2013

Broke, and in desperate need to update her portfolio, New York City model Katie calls a number from a tear-off flyer offering free photos. But this innocent attempt quickly turns into an unthinkable kidnapping nightmare where she's ripped away from everyone and everything she knows.

Irreversible. Perquè el temps ho destrueix tot. Perquè alguns actes són irreparables. Perquè l'home és un animal. Perquè el desig de venjança és un impuls natural. Perquè la majoria dels crims queden sense càstig. Perquè la pèrdua de l'estimat destrueix com un llamp. Perquè l'amor és l'origen de la vida. Perquè tota la història s'escriu amb esperma i sang. Perquè les premonicions no modifiquen el curs dels esdeveniments. Perquè el temps ho revela tot: el millor i el pitjor.

augusts 4, 2017

Una jove agent de l'FBI s'alia amb un veterà rastrejador local per investigar l'assassinat d'una jove ocorregut en una reserva de nadius americans...

maijs 11, 2018

Jen's romantic getaway with her wealthy married boyfriend is disrupted when his friends arrive for an impromptu hunting trip. Tension mounts at the house until the situation culminates in an unexpected way.

oktobris 16, 2016

Emad i Rana han de deixar el seu pis al centre de Teheran a causa de les feines que s'estan efectuant i que amenacen l'edifici. S'instal·len en un altre lloc, però un incident relacionat amb l'anterior llogater canviarà dramàticament la vida de la jove parella.

Després de patir una brutal agressió la seva dona i la seva filla, Paul Kersey, un ciutadà normal de Nova York, decideix venjar-se assetjant tots els delinqüents de la ciutat que actuen a la nit.

When athletic teen Mari Collingwood opts to hang out with her friend Paige in town rather than spend an evening in with her parents vacationing at the family's remote lake house, it marks the beginning of a night no one is going to forget.

novembris 22, 1978

A young, beautiful career woman rents a backwoods cabin to write her first novel. Attacked by a group of local lowlifes and left for dead, she devises a horrific plan to inflict revenge.

Yuki's family is nearly wiped out before she is born due to the machinations of a band of criminals. These criminals kidnap and brutalize her mother but leave her alive. Later her mother ends up in prison with only revenge to keep her alive. She creates an instrument for this revenge by purposefully getting pregnant. Yuki never knows the love of a family but only killing and revenge.

Two delinquents and a pervy bus station janitor hijack a bus full of upper class high school students and a female teacher. They proceed to rape and terrorize the ones they find attractive.

Following her rape, Jennifer Hills wrote a bestselling account of her ordeal and of the controversial trial in which she was accused of taking the law into her own hands and brutally killing her assailants. In the small town where the rape and revenge took place, the relatives of the rapists she killed are furious that the court declared her not guilty and resolve to take justice into their own hands.

Manji, a highly skilled samurai, becomes cursed with immortality after a legendary battle. Haunted by the brutal murder of his sister, Manji knows that only fighting evil will regain his soul. He promises to help a young girl named Rin avenge her parents, who were killed by a group of master swordsmen led by ruthless warrior Anotsu. The mission will change Manji in ways he could never imagine.

maijs 31, 2015

A nurse living in a small town goes on a blind date with a man who is not the person he says he is.

augusts 2, 2019

In 1825, Clare, a 21-year-old Irish convict, chases a British soldier through the rugged Tasmanian wilderness, bent on revenge for a terrible act of violence he committed against her family. She enlists the services of an Aboriginal tracker who is also marked by trauma from his own violence-filled past.

marts 13, 2017

After the accidental death of her rapist, an art student becomes an unlikely vigilante, set out to avenge college girls whose rapists were not charged.

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