12 部电影

2018 年 01 月 21 日

讲述了一只叫白牙的狼诞生于荒野世界中,幼年所见的是弱肉强食的世界。后来,母狼带着它一起 从荒野回到印第安主人身边,成为了一只雪橇犬,然而短暂的平静生活之后,印第安主人因经济压力被迫将白牙卖给了诡计多端的史密斯。在史密斯的虐待和监控下,他成为了一只凶狠的斗狼。经历了一段几近亡命的斗狼生涯后,新主人斯考特救了它。斯考特仁慈的爱使得白牙逐渐 从凶残的野兽转变成为忠实的宠物,并从坏人手中成功救下了斯考特一家。

A Montana bounty hunter is sent into the wilderness to track three escaped prisoners. Instead he sees something that puzzles him. Later with a female Native Indian history professor, he returns to find some answers.

1947 年 10 月 10 日

1763年,英格兰,年轻貌美的阿比盖尔·黑尔(Abigail Hale)在被判有罪后,同意逃离绞刑架,在弗吉尼亚殖民地当14年奴隶。弗吉尼亚殖民地的居民开始听到并害怕在俄亥俄州荒野山谷中响起的战鼓的险恶歌声。

1955 年 05 月 20 日

美国刚刚从法国收购了路易斯安那。 由刘易斯和克拉克(Lewis and Clark)率领的探险队被派去调查该领土,并前往以前没有白人的地方。 他们能否在萨卡哈维亚的帮助下克服危险?

2008 年 02 月 09 日

Ancient Native American legend of the Bone Eater rises up and begins terrorizing the local townspeople

1934 年 07 月 30 日

John Travers and Yak, his faithful Indian sidekick, pick up where a murdered sheriff leaves off, and try to nab the mysterious Shadow.

1937 年 05 月 14 日

Set in colonial times, the stooges are convicted criminals who are banished from England to the American colonies. When they arrive, they find that the colonists are starving because the local Indians won't let them on their hunting grounds. The stooges go hunting any, and after a wild chase, are captured by the Indians. They escape and another wild chase ensues.

2022 年 04 月 12 日

With exclusive access to the lives of 8 women, ranging in age from 10 to 98, explore powerful testimonials of loss and survival and gain insight into the experience of a modern Indigenous American living on a reservation. Gripping historical accounts and startling timely statistics guide viewers down the path that has led to these present day conditions.

2000 年 10 月 20 日

Following four Lakota families over three years, Homeland explores what it takes for the Lakota community to build a better future in the face of tribal and government corruption, scarce housing, unemployment, and alcoholism. Intimate interviews with a spiritual leader, a grandmother, an artist, and a community activist from South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation reveal how each survives through family ties, cultural tradition, humor, and a palpable yearning for self-reliance and personal freedom.

2010 年 07 月 09 日

Documentary about the Red Lake school shooting and its perpetrator, Jeff Weise.

1983 年 01 月 01 日
2013 年 01 月 01 日

By chance, an Apache encounters an ambushed settler trek, of which only one infant seems to have survived. He picks up the child and raises it – 20 years later it has become the beautiful young woman “Silver Moon”, who only now learns from the chief the truth about her origins. Besides, she's supposed to marry her fellow tribeman "Black Feather", but he's an asshole. So she decides to escape and find her father, who, meanwhile, blames hatred on all Indians on his farm near Buffalo City.



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