52 本の映画

Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past, and he's not sure if it's love -- or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard, Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.


Wounded Civil War soldier John Dunbar tries to commit suicide—and becomes a hero instead. As a reward, he's assigned to his dream post, a remote junction on the Western frontier, and soon makes unlikely friends with the local Sioux tribe.

Galaktični lov na zaklad se začne, ko junaški Jim Hawkins najde zemljevid do največjega bogastva v vesolju. Kot pomočnik se vkrca na vesoljsko ladjo in se spoprijatelji s kiborškim kuharjem Johnom Silverjem. Petnajstletni Jim Hawkins po naključju naleti na zemljevid do največjega bogastva v galaksiji. Njegova pustolovščina v vzporednem vesolju se začne, ko se kot pomočnik vkrca na vesoljsko ladjo. Tam se spoprijatelji s karizmatičnim kiborškim – pol človeškim in pol robotskim – kuharjem Johnom Silverjem, ki ga vzame pod svoje okrilje. Z izurjeno posadko se sooča s supernovami, črnimi luknjami in vesoljskimi neurji; a prave nevarnosti so še pred njim, saj kmalu odkrije, da je njegov zaupni mentor Silver v resnici pretkan pirat, ki načrtuje upor na vesoljskem plovilu. Med izdajo, ki se globoko dotakne njegovih moralnih in človeških načel, Jim iz dečka dozori v moža, ki se bo moral zoperstaviti upornikom in bo slednjič odkril "zaklad", večji od vsega, o čemer je kdaj sanjal.


The Bounty leaves Portsmouth in 1787. Its destination: to sail to Tahiti and load bread-fruit. Captain Bligh will do anything to get there as fast as possible, using any means to keep up a strict discipline. When they arrive at Tahiti, it is like a paradise for the crew, something completely different than the living hell aboard the ship. On the way back to England, officer Fletcher Christian becomes the leader of a mutiny.


A peaceful alien planet faces annihilation, as the homeless remainder of the human race sets its eyes on Terra. Mala, a rebellious Terrian teenager, will do everything she can to stop it.


When a US Naval captain shows signs of mental instability that jeopardize his ship, the first officer relieves him of command and faces court martial for mutiny.


After the Cold War, a breakaway Russian republic with nuclear warheads becomes a possible worldwide threat. U.S. submarine Capt. Frank Ramsey signs on a relatively green but highly recommended Lt. Cmdr. Ron Hunter to the USS Alabama, which may be the only ship able to stop a possible Armageddon. When Ramsay insists that the Alabama must act aggressively, Hunter, fearing they will start rather than stop a disaster, leads a potential mutiny to stop him.


Režiser oskarjevskih dram Schindlerjev seznam, Reševanje vojaka Ryana in Grivasti vojak predstavlja vpogled v zaključni del življenja in dela enega največjih ameriških predsednikov, Abrahama Lincolna. Ameriška državljanska vojna se leta 1865 po dolgih letih krvavih spopadov bliža koncu, toda predsednika Lincolna skrbi usoda temnopoltih Američanov. Še pred koncem vojne želi v senatu sprejeti 13. amandma k ustavi, s katerim bi suženjstvo v ZDA postalo nezakonito, vendar naleti na srdit odpor političnih nasprotnikov. Da bi nabral dovolj glasov, najame pretkane lobiste, toda hkrati mora brzdati tudi ambicije političnih zaveznikov in se soočiti z osebnimi dilemami lastne družine.


Beleaguered adventurer Carl Denham returns to the island where he found King Kong.


Maverick Navy Lieutenant Commander Tom Dodge will never be a textbook officer, but he's a brilliant seaman who's always wanted to command a nuclear submarine — he's been given one last chance to clean up his record. Unfortunately, Admiral Graham, his nemesis, would rather sink the fleet than give Dodge his own boat. So, Graham stacks the deck against him and assigns Dodge to the Stingray, a diesel-powered WW2 submarine that can barely keep afloat. To make matters worse, Dodge's crew is a collection of maladjusted, mistake-prone misfits. Then, he's tagged the "enemy" in a crucial war game, and ordered to take on the U.S. Navy's best.


At the height of Hitler's infamous U-boat war, the crew of the U.S.S. Swordfish were heading home after months at sea. They never made it. Now prisoners of war aboard U-boat 429, a small group of American survivors will find their loyalties put to the ultimate test when they're forced to join their German captors to fight for their very lives.


The familiar story of Lieutenant Bligh, whose cruelty leads to a mutiny on his ship. This version follows both the efforts of Fletcher Christian to get his men beyond the reach of British retribution, and the epic voyage of Lieutenant Bligh to get his loyalists safely to East Timor in a tiny lifeboat.

Ko kapitan ameriške mornarice Queeg pokaže znake duševne nestabilnosti, ki ogroža varnost ladje in posadke, ga prvi častnik Maryk razreši poveljevanja zaradi česar je pred vojnim sodiščem obtožen upora. Greenwald, skeptični odvetnik, nerad zagovarja Maryka in postaja vse bolj zaskrbljen, ko se sojenje nadaljuje ter se sprašuje, ali je šlo za pravi upor ali za preprosto pogumno dejanje skupine mornarjev, ki niso mogli zaupati svojemu nestabilnemu vodji.

The crew of an atomic submarine battle to save the world from global destruction.


Dan Roman is a veteran pilot haunted by a tragic past. Now relegated to second-in-command cockpit assignments he finds himself on a routine Honolulu-to-San Francisco flight - one that takes a terrifying suspense-building turn when disaster strikes high above the Pacific Ocean at the point of no return.


Fletcher Christian successfully leads a revolt against the ruthless Captain Bligh on the HMS Bounty. However, Bligh returns one year later, hell bent on revenge.


Defiant's crew is part of a fleet-wide movement to present a petition of grievances to the Admiralty. Violence must be no part of it. The continual sadism of Defiant's first officer makes this difficult, and when the captain is disabled, the chance for violence increases.


Young Jim Hawkins, while running the Benbow Inn with his mother, meets Captain Billy Bones, who dies at the inn while it is beseiged by buccaneers led by Blind Pew. Jim and his mother fight off the attackers and discover Billy Bones' treasure map for which the buccaneers had come. Jim agrees to sail on the S.S. Espaniola with Squire Trelawney and Dr. Livesey to find the treasure on a mysterious isiand. Upon arriving at the island, ship's cook and scaliwag Long John Silver leads a mutiny of crew members who want the treasure for themselves. Jim helps the Squire and Espaniola officers to survive the mutiny and fight back against Silver's men, who have taken over the Espaniola.


Captain Stone's newly recruited officer, Tom Merriam, idolizes his senior who treats him like a friend. But when a couple of his crew members die mysteriously, Tom starts doubting Stone's authority.


An English slave trader is marooned on a remote tropical island, forced to fend for himself and deal with crushing loneliness.



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