9 movies

Martin Scorsese celebrates American movies from the silent classics to the Hollywood of the seventies.

augusts 25, 2006

At a sexy, sizzling nightclub, pianist Percival lives life by the rules, while Rooster, the club's flashy lead performer, struts his stuff on the stage. But all changes when greed, fame and murder threaten to destroy them and the joint.

decembris 30, 2014

As they penetrate deeper into the darkness of the forrest, a group of hunters guided by a wolf is getting closer and closer to the source of the original sin.

janvāris 1, 1990

A cop sets up his girlfriend as a target in order to trap a serial killer.

marts 7, 2015
janvāris 1, 1968

A static camera records, in one single continuous shot, a woman's face before, during and after orgasm. The act of looking and the limits of the film frame are highlighted in this intimate sexual episode with Tina Fraser. Artist Stephen Dwoskin presents a powerful, personal moment while maintaining a distance and resisting the viewer being subsumed into the action on screen.

septembris 11, 2020

Tormented by a mysterious figure named Belmiro, a young woman goes up on a stage to deliver a monologue about her past and fight against herself.

janvāris 10, 1989

The painful exit of a child of man in the world of God. The highest sense of being and the earthly joy of man and woman.

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