30 部电影

2001 年 12 月 25 日

When her scientist ex-boyfriend discovers a portal to travel through time -- and brings back a 19th-century nobleman named Leopold to prove it -- a skeptical Kate reluctantly takes responsibility for showing Leopold the 21st century. The more time Kate spends with Leopold, the harder she falls for him. But if he doesn't return to his own time, his absence will forever alter history.

1990 年 04 月 13 日

A bitter ad executive, who has reached his breaking point, finds himself in a mental institution, where his career actually begins to thrive with the help of the hospital's patients.

1991 年 05 月 10 日

Steve Brooks, a sexist womanizer, is killed by a group of his angry former lovers. In heaven, he makes a bargain with God for redemption and agrees to return to Earth. Once there, he must have a sincere relationship with a female and make her fall in love with him. If not, Steve's soul will become the property of the devil. But the devil hedges his bet, and Steve is reincarnated as a woman named Amanda Brooks.

2018 年 11 月 02 日

After serving five years in prison, wild child Tanya looks to her buttoned-up, by-the-book sister Danica to help her get back on her feet. The feisty ex-con becomes suspicious and concerned when Danica tells her that she's in a long-distance, online relationship with a mysterious man she's never seen. As the polar opposites start to collide, Tanya soon discovers that her sibling's picture-perfect life may not be what it seems.

2007 年 09 月 26 日

Paris, France, 2001. Octave Parango, a young advertiser working at the Ross & Witchcraft advertising agency, lives a suicidal existence, ruled by cynicism, irresponsibility and debauchery. The obstacles he will encounter in developing a campaign for a new yogurt brand will force him to face the meaning of his work and the way he manages his relationship with those who orbit around his egotistic lifestyle.

1990 年 03 月 23 日

Madison Avenue executive Graham Marshall has paid his dues. A talented and devoted worker, he has suffered through mounting bills and a nagging wife with one thing to look forward to: a well-deserved promotion. But when the promotion is given to a loud-mouthed yuppie associate, Graham unleashes his rage on an overly aggressive panhandler, who he accidently kills by pushing him into the path of an oncoming subway train. He re-thinks his problems with an entirely new solution. First, he arranges an "accident" for his annoying wife. Then he creates another "mishap" for his boss. It seems like the world is once more Graham's oyster…but a missing cigarette lighter and a prying police detective may change all that.

1991 年 03 月 22 日

Is there love after death? After he dies suddenly, the hapless advertising executive Daniel Miller finds himself in Judgment City, a gleaming way station where the newly deceased must prove they lived a life of sufficient courage to advance in their journey through the universe. As the self-doubting Daniel struggles to make his case, a budding relationship with the uninhibited Julia offers him a chance to finally feel alive.

2013 年 02 月 15 日

人民革命,廣告救國!八十年代,智利經歷了十五年的軍方獨裁統治,終於在1988年舉行公投,人民要投「Yes」或「No」決定未來八年是否繼續被獨裁者皮諾切特強勢統治,還是由反對黨候選人取而代之。面對橫蠻政權和政治冷感的民眾,反對黨領袖請來年輕廣告人拉利(加爾卡西亞般奴 飾),製作一系列廣告和宣傳策略來推動革命,傳達反抗信念,以彩虹旗幟喚醒沉默群眾,呼喚人民向政府說不,還我真正民主自由!但與此同時,拉利任職的廣告公司的老闆,卻在全力推行保皇運動……雙方以一連串電視廣告攻勢,爭取人民支持,用創意和想像力打仗!究竟是「Yes」的官方洗腦有效,還是「No」的自由革命得勝?

Three half-brothers are reunited at their mother's funeral. After being told of their inheritance they quickly spend the money, only to find out that they will not receive it after all. The men grow closer while deciding how to proceed.

2011 年 04 月 22 日

A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement that is financed and made possible by brands, advertising and product placement.

1940 年 10 月 25 日

An office clerk loves entering contests in the hopes of someday winning a fortune and marrying the girl he loves. His latest attempt is the Maxford House Coffee Slogan Contest. As a joke, some of his co-workers put together a fake telegram which says that he won the $25,000 grand prize.

1980 年 10 月 08 日

A bored wife leaves her husband for an unemployed, petty criminal.

1989 年 05 月 05 日

Pressure from his boss and a skin-cream client produces a talking boil on a British adman's neck.

1970 年 12 月 09 日

A comedy about an absent-minded man who works at a advertising company and topples from one problem to another.

任職於廣告公司的太田喜一郎(妻夫木聰飾),雖然有對廣告的熱情,但做起事來總是很兩光。某天,他半調子的上司大瀧一郎(豐川悅司飾),突然派給他一項任務,竟要他遠赴美國聖莫尼卡擔任國際廣告節評審。不過喜一郎的一口爛英文又怎麼有辦法讓他在每晚的派對上跟別人對談如流?於是他拜託熱衷賭博的美女同事大田光(北川景子飾),假冒成他的妻子共赴廣告節。大田起初拒絕,但想到會場和賭城拉斯維加斯近在咫尺,於是勉強答應了請求。 廣告節盛大開幕!此時上司大瀧打電話給喜一郎,聲稱如果公司的竹輪廣告不能得獎,就要把他解僱!但這支無聊到讓人翻白眼的竹輪廣告,顯得這要求既蠻橫又無理,也讓喜一郎頓時晴天霹靂、不知所措。同時,喜一郎還得面對敵對公司的菁英,以及不擇手段的各國評審。喜一郎唯一的武器,似乎只剩同事鏡先生(Lily Franky飾)所傳授的私房秘技,以及他對廣告那份純粹又忠誠的熱情。身處歌舞昇平的異鄉,私下卻勾心鬥角的廣告戰場,喜一郎能否在工作與愛情的兩端,作出人生最關鍵的評判呢?

1992 年 09 月 16 日

Thriller about three friends who work in an advertising agency, one of whom has a nervous breakdown. Upon her recovery, she embarks upon an affair with her former employer's husband, with deadly consequences.

1958 年 04 月 24 日

While working as a counselor at a summer camp, college-student Marjorie Morgenstern falls for 32-year-old Noel Airman, a would-be dramatist working at a nearby summer theater. Like Marjorie, he is an upper-middle-class New York Jew, but has fallen away from his roots, and Marjorie's parents object among other things to his lack of a suitable profession. Noel himself warns Marjorie repeatedly that she's much too naive and conventional for him, but they nonetheless fall in love.

2013 年 03 月 16 日

When Tom loses his job at an advertising agency, he enlists a youthful con-man to help save his career.

Advertising surrounds us. It is part of our lives, our memory and our culture: it is a pure reflection of our society. However, those who think and create ads are unknown people. Playing with the mechanisms of publicity as a narrative resource, we enter this medium through Spain's best creative director: Toni Segarra.

1952 年 03 月 07 日

Advertising executive Alan Miller, a recovered alcoholic who now does interventions on behalf of Alcoholics Anonymous, is called to help Broadway actress Jenny Carey whose developing career is threatened by an increasing dependence on alcohol. Alan's growing interest in Jenny strains his marriage to Edna, with whom he has two children.



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