9 elokuvaa

Ruusun nimi on Umberto Econ romaaniin Ruusun nimi perustuva saksalais-ranskalais-italialainen elokuva vuodelta 1986. Pääosassa on Sean Connery.Tarina on keskiaikaan sijoittuva murhamysteeri. Se yhdistää keskiajan kuvausta nykyaikaiseen jännityselokuvan juoneen.

12 marraskuu 1999

17-vuotiaana Jeanne d'Arc otti Ranskan armeijan komentoonsa ja voitti englantilaiset Orleansissa. 18-vuotiaana hänet vangittiin ja myytiin pahimmille vihamiehilleen. 19-vuotiaana hänet julistettiin noidaksi ja poltettiin roviolla. On kulunut yli 500 vuotta hänen kuolemastaan, mutta saammeko koskaan tietää, kuka ja mikä oli Jeanne d'Arc?

27 toukokuu 1929

Grave robbing, torture, possessed nuns, and a satanic Sabbath: Benjamin Christensen's legendary film uses a series of dramatic vignettes to explore the scientific hypothesis that the witches of the Middle Ages suffered the same hysteria as turn-of-the-century psychiatric patients. But the film itself is far from serious-- instead it's a witches' brew of the scary, gross, and darkly humorous.

2 heinäkuu 1936

The story is set in the British province of New York during the French and Indian War, and concerns—in part—a Huron massacre (with passive French acquiescence) of between 500 to 1,500 Anglo-American troops, who had honorably surrendered at Fort William Henry, plus some women and servants; the kidnapping of two sisters, daughters of the British commander; and their rescue by the last Mohicans.

12 helmikuu 1937

When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.

27 marraskuu 2015

Could a nineteen-year-old girl change the course of history simply by faith? From ordinary farm girl to extraordinary hero, the life of Joan of Arc was one of conviction and courage. Fifteenth-century France was devastated by an ongoing war in which women did not fight. Yet Joan heeded the counsel of angels and transformed into a military leader, something her country needed but many feared. In this BYUtv original special, discover the stalwart spirit, military prowess, and enduring influence of Joan of Arc.

21 elokuu 1981

In 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, young Ann Putnam accuses several residents of being witches, and they are tried and put to death. In 1980, young Loreen Graham is on a school outing to the Salem Witch Museum when a wax figure of a man from 1692 comes to life and accosts her. It seems that she may be the reincarnation of Ann, who has accused the man's 5-year-old girl of witchcraft and the girl is scheduled to be burned at the stake. Loreen must fight being possessed by Ann Putnam and confront the evil minister from 1692 who is consorting with Ann to falsely accuse people of witchcraft.

20 lokakuu 1971

A young woman who learns that one of her ancestors had been burned at the stake as a witch decides to exact her revenge on the descendants of the people who had her killed.

27 helmikuu 1981

Vivian has magic powers. She doesn't hesitate to save her boyfriend David from failing in school by murdering teachers. However, David has gotten tired of her and is putting his charm on a new girl in school, Robin. Robin discovers that she also has magic powers, and before long the two girls clash violently.

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