13 Filme

Ben Owens, ein junger Mann, möchte, nachdem er nach dem Tod des örtlichen Sheriffs als Übergangslösung installiert wurde, dauerhaft diese Position übernehmen.

Da kommt es ihm gerade recht, daß Morgan Hickman, ein erfahrener Kopfgeldjäger, in der Stadt ist, denn es stellt sich heraus, daß dieser vor seiner Karriere als Kopfgeldjäger ebenfalls viele Jahre als Sheriff gearbeitet hat, und daher in der Lage ist, Ben in die Künste dieses Berufs einzuweisen.

Die tragische Liebesgeschichte zwischen einem amerikanischen Journalisten und einer chinesischen Ärztin spielt vor dem Hintergrund des beginnenden Korea-Krieges.Hongkong ist zu dieser Zeit Zufluchtsstätte für Tausende von Flüchtlingen. In diesem Hexenkessel begegnen sich der US-Korrespondent Mark Elliot und die schöne eurasische Ärztin Dr. Han Suyin. Die Romanze endet jedoch jäh, denn Mark wird nach Korea geschickt und kurz darauf getötet.

James Earl Jones narrates this examination of the historical relationship between American Indians and African-Americans, who often merged their cultures to work and live together while mainstream white society shunned them. Through illuminating anecdotes and interviews, descendants of fused black and Indian families discuss the complications of their mixed heritage and how their culture was largely erased on official documents.

Psychologisierende Mischung aus Western und Familiendrama, im Mittelpunkt der langjährige Konflikt eines autoritären und hartherzigen Sheriffs mit seinem ältesten, ihm gegenüber zunächst loyalen Sohn. Erst als der indianerfeindliche Patriarch ein Halbblut, das seine Tochter liebt, der Lynchjustiz ausliefert, bricht der Sohn mit ihm und versucht mit aller Gewalt, den Vater zur Aufgabe seines Amtes zu zwingen. Obwohl den Gesetzen des Genres verhaftet, bietet der ambitioniert gestaltete und gut fotografierte Film eine nachdenklich stimmende Auseinandersetzung mit Generationskonflikten und dem Problem der Autorität.

18. Dezember 1959

A young orphan is sent to live in a Danish village where he is cast out because his mother was a West Indian. With nowhere to turn, the ingenious survivor begins devising a new life outside of town.

27. April 2011

The lives of the late Bradford playwright Andrea Dunbar and Lorraine, one of her daughters, and the community of Bradford, in the 30 years since the 18-year-old Andrea penned a play about growing up in the community titled "The Arbor".

29. September 2011

Shirley is the youngest of eight children from a mixed race marriage. By the time she is a toddler the family have moved to the all white area of Splott and by the time she is 12 Shirley has discovered she has an extraordinary voice and can earn money singing in pubs around the docks after her father if jailed for sexual crimes. As a young teenager she begins singing and dancing in 'coloured review shows'. But it is a chance meeting with struggling agent Mike Sullivan that changes her life forever. He promises to make her a star, but has no idea of the personal sacrifice that will mean for the teenaged Shirley.

18. Februar 2019

Tucker and Hamid are going to be grandfathers for the first time, but only if they can come together long enough to save their first-born grandchild.

22. Januar 1923

A young Chinese woman saves an American man washed up onto the shore and the two fall in love, but he resolutely returns to his life, and wife, in America.

18. Mai 2012

Set in Hong Kong in the 1980s, the film follows a fisherman’s son who rises to become a powerful tai pan.

1645. Guadeloupe. Ibátali, a Kalinago native and wife of a French colonist, leads Olaudah, an escaped African captive, on a journey where he may lose his freedom and his life. She is ready to sacrifice him to save her own skin. But their wounds bring them together. Will this be enough to make them something other than what colonisation has decided they should be: a savage to be exterminated, an African to be enslaved?

28. November 1920

Eve Mason, a white-passing black woman, moves to a remote cottage she inherited from her late father. She makes the acquaintance of her neighbor, a dashing black settler named Hugh Van Allen, and quickly falls for him. Trouble brews as the local cadre of racist hucksters want the valuable land Van Allen lives on, and will do anything to take it from him.

Plot unknown at this time.

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