14 Filme

Wealthy socialite Charlotte Cartwright and her dear friend Alice Pratt, a working class woman of high ideals, have enjoyed a lasting friendship throughout several decades. Recently, their lives have become mired in turmoil as their adult children’s extramarital affairs, unethical business practices, and a dark secret threaten to derail family fortunes and unravel the lives of all involved. Charlotte and Alice decide to take a breather from it all by making a cross-country road trip in which they rediscover themselves and possibly find a way to save their families from ruin.

1. Mai 2006

Dr. Richard Clayton hat alles, was sich ein Mann wünschen kann: Eine hinreißende Verlobte, wundervolle Eltern und eine erfolgreiche Karriere als Psychiater. Während sein Hochzeitstag näher rückt und sein Buch auf der Bestsellerliste nach oben klettert, konfrontiert ihn sein eifersüchtiger Bruder mit der Nachricht, er sei adoptiert. Schockiert macht sich Richard auf die Suche nach seinen biologischen Eltern und findet Frank und Agnes Manure. Seine Erzeuger sind laut, unkultiviert, rücksichtslos und in jeder Hinsicht anders. Binnen kürzester Zeit gelingt es dem Chaos-Paar, Richards Karriere zu ruinieren, seine Freunde und Adoptiveltern zu vergraulen und sogar die Hochzeit zu gefährden. Doch als Richard vor den Trümmern seiner Existenz steht, erkennt er, dass es auch etwas Positives gibt, das er von Frank und Agnes lernen kann.

11. Juli 1930

Dowdy housewife Kitty dotes on her self-centered husband but divorces him when his mistress shows up at their home one day to break up their marriage. Bob had become bored with her lackluster appearance, their children and himself. Kitty re-invents herself and becomes a Continental favorite, dressing like a fashion model and behaving gaily. Three years after their divorce, Bob is at the home of a wealthy matron romancing her soon-to-be-married granddaughter, when the matron invites Kitty to a weekend party to steal Bob away from the granddaughter. When Kitty and Bob see each other, neither lets on they have a past, and the party continues as Bob pursues his ex-wife and new conquest equally.

George Bryan Brummel, a British military officer, loves Lady Margery, the betrothed of Lord Alvanley. Despite her own desperate love for Brummel, she submits to family pressure and marries Lord Alvanley. Brummel, broken-hearted, embarks upon a life of revelry.

16. Juli 2013

Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.

17. Dezember 1922

PEG O MY HEART (Metro Studios, 1922), directed by King Vidor, under the supervision of J. Hartley Manners, introduces the legendary theatrical actress Laurette Taylor (1884-1946) to the screen reprising the role she made famous as a poor Irish farm girl who inherits a fortune but would rather have happiness instead. While a bit too old for the character supposedly in her late teens or early twenties, Laurette was tailor made for it.

An unwed mother watches as her illegitimate son is raised by others. Director Lambert Hillyer's 1934 drama stars Jean Arthur, Richard Cromwell, Donald Cook, Anita Louise, Jane Darwell, Mary Forbes and Ward Bond.

4. Dezember 1954

Es war einmal ein fleißiges Mädchen, Rosemarie, das bei seiner Mutter sehr hart arbeiten musste. Eines Tages fiel ihr beim Spinnen die Spule in den Brunnen. In ihrer Not sprang sie hinterher und kam unversehens ins Reich der guten Frau Holle. Rosemarie half fleißig bei allen Arbeiten, und wenn sie die Betten ausschüttelte, schneite es auf der Erde. Als Belohnung wurde sie mit purem Gold überschüttet. Ihre neidische Schwester Elsemarie wollte es ihr gleichtun. Doch sie war faul und Frau Holle mit ihr sehr unzufrieden.

1. September 1940

The last of the four "Five Little Peppers" films finds the children having a hard time adjusting to their new boarding school.

30. September 1931

A womanizing night club singer who has his pick of many beautiful showgirls tries to climb socially and break into society but soon discovers the social and class differences are insurmountable.

1. Januar 1935

A standoffish actress is pursued by a low ranking Navy officer

15. August 1946

A hep teen hears a tune on the jukebox at the malt shop and calls his girl; She rounds up a crowd and soon the whole place is jumping.

27. Dezember 1922

When he loses both his wife and child, Montgomery Rogers adopts his servants' little girl and raises her as his own. Completely unaware of her origins, Emerie grows up to be a first class snob. Her socially ambitious aunt takes her to Europe to become engaged to Brooks Fitzroy, an impoverished lord (Cyril Chadwick). On the voyage back she encounters a young man, Dick Clarke who is working for his passage.

Finally, one theater Critic has the the guts to tell children how bad they are at putting on plays.

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