septembris 20, 2019

After fighting his demons for decades, John Rambo now lives in peace on his family ranch in Arizona, but his rest is interrupted when Gabriela, the granddaughter of his housekeeper María, disappears after crossing the border into Mexico to meet her biological father. Rambo, who has become a true father figure for Gabriela over the years, undertakes a desperate and dangerous journey to find her.

janvāris 19, 1996

After kidnapping a father and his two kids, the Gecko brothers head south to a seedy Mexican bar to hide out in safety, unaware of its notorious vampire clientele.

decembris 16, 2016

Los Reyes County, Arizona. Leland, a retired lawman, works with Wallace, the new sheriff who replaces him, when a vicious hit man, sent by a Mexican drug cartel, threatens their border small town.

augusts 2, 2019

Two dangerous and unwanted guests threaten a young woman and her overbearing mother at a small bed-and-breakfast near the U.S.-Mexico border.

aprīlis 4, 2024

A powerful set of stories of “righteous persons” taking action along the U.S.-Mexico border, motivated by moral conviction and compassion. "Borderland" shows how courageous actions can lead to political mobilization and the defense of human rights in the face of hate and discrimination.

janvāris 23, 1935

An ambitious Mexican-American gets mixed up with the neurotic wife of his casino boss.

Forced to run from Texas Rangers after a heated misunderstanding leads to the death of a lawman, Mexican American farmer Gregorio Cortez sets off in desperate flight, evading a massive manhunt on horseback for days. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts in 2016.

oktobris 14, 1939

The story of President Monroe's response to attempts by Spain to interfere in South America.

An analysis of the impact on the United States Latino community of immigration policies promoted by President Donald Trump.

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