19 本の映画


En lo más crudo de la Primera Guerra Mundial, dos jóvenes soldados británicos, Schofield y Blake reciben una misión aparentemente imposible. En una carrera contrarreloj, deberán atravesar el territorio enemigo para entregar un mensaje que evitará un mortífero ataque contra cientos de soldados, entre ellos el propio hermano de Blake.

Un joven soldado enfrenta la desilusión en el horror de la desgarradora Primera Guerra Mundial. Junto con otros jóvenes alemanes experimentará una maldad que que no puede concebir y nunca esperó al unirse la la lucha.

Ambientada en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Francia, 1918, un batallón de oficiales británicos que se encuentran en Saint-Quentin, Aisne, al norte del país a 60 metros de la línea enemiga. La compañía está encabezada por el capitán Stanhope (Sam Claflin) que junto con Osbourne (Paul Bettany) tratarán de ganarle terreno al enemigo.


In the brutal trench fighting of the First World War, a British Infantry Company is separated from their regiment after a fierce battle. Attempting to return to their lines, the British soldiers discover what appears to be a bombed out German trench, abandoned except for a few dazed German soldiers. After killing most of the Germans, and taking one prisoner, the British company fortifies to hold the trench until reinforcements can arrive. Soon, however, strange things being to happen as a sense of evil descends on the trench and the British begin turn on each other.

"They Shall Not Grow Old" rinde homenaje a los soldados que participaron en la I Guerra Mundial con motivo del primer centenario de su final en 1918. Empleando metraje original remasterizado y coloreado, testimonios reales y material inédito hasta el momento, el director Peter Jackson reflexiona sobre las secuelas mentales y espirituales ocasionadas por el conflicto, así como las graves secuelas que dejó tras de sí en una generación mermada por la ingente cantidad de víctimas que se cobró. El título es un extracto del poeta Laurence Binyon, escrito a principios de la guerra, bajo el título "A los caídos".

Cuando la I Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) se acerca a su fin, para una joven francesa está a punto de comenzar la más cruel de las batallas. Mathilde ha recibido la noticia de que su prometido Manech es uno de los cinco soldados heridos que, tras haber sido sometidos a un consejo de guerra, han sido enviados a la tierra de nadie que hay entre el ejército francés y el alemán, lo cual supone una muerte casi segura. Mathilde, que se niega a aceptar esa situación, emprende un extraordinario viaje para conocer el destino de su prometido. Las noticias que va recibiendo sobre Manech son desalentadoras. Aún así, animada por una fe y una esperanza inquebrantables y también por un gran optimismo, sigue su investigación hasta el final. A medida que se acerca a la verdad sobre los desafortunados soldados y su brutal castigo, se ve más envuelta en los horrores de la guerra y en las marcas indelebles que deja en quienes la han vivido.

Kaji is sent to the Japanese army labeled Red and is mistreated by the vets. Along his assignment, Kaji witnesses cruelties in the army and revolts against the abusive treatment against the recruit Obara. He also sees his friend Shinjô Ittôhei defecting to the Russian border, and he ends in the front to fight a lost battle against the Russian tanks division.

Volunteering as a "comfort woman" on the Manchurian front, where she is expected to service hundreds of soldiers, Harumi is commandeered by the brutal Lieutenant Narita but falls for the sensitive Mikami, Narita's direct subordinate. Seijun Suzuki's Story of a Prostitute is a tragic love story as well as a rule-bending take on a popular Taijiro Tamura novel, challenging military and fraternal codes of honor, as seen through Harumi's eyes.

The inhabitants of an institution in a remote country rebel against their keepers. Their acts of rebellion are by turns humorous, boring and alarming. An allegory on the problematic nature of fully liberating the human spirit, as both commendable and disturbing elements of our nature come forward. The film shows how justifiable revolt may be empowering, but may also turn to chaos and depravity. The allegory is developed in part by the fact that the film is cast entirely with dwarfs


It's 1938, but Stan doesn't know the war is over; he's still patrolling the trenches in France, and shoots down a French aviator. Oliver sees his old chum's picture in the paper and goes to visit Stan who has now been returned to the States and invites him back to his home.

It is the summer of 1941. An eastern-Finnish machine gun company receives an order to turn in their surplus equipment. The company is transferred to the front lines. The next morning the soldiers wake to the sound of guns – the war has begun.


A brigade of five marines are sent on a dangerous mission to capture an enemy stronghold during the Korean War.


A British Company in the WWI trenches await an inevitable German attack in this 1988 adaptation of R.C. Sherriff's play.


The story of trench life during World War I through the lives of a French regiment. As men are killed and replaced jaunty Lt. Denet becomes more and more somber. His rival for the affection of nurse Monique is Capt. La Roche.

A mail trip from battlefield to town, with a purpose of expressing one soldier's feelings.


In France, 1917, an alcoholic captain is afraid that his new replacement, his sweetheart's brother, will betray his downfall.

Based on diaries, records and eyewitness accounts, this is the story of the two Battles of the Somme from the perspective of British and German soldiers. It shows how the major lessons learned by the British Army leadership after the disastrous first attacks of July 1916 were turned into victory at the second attempt in September 1916, arguably the turning point for the First World War.


'DISMAYED' a short student film set during World War One using toy soldiers, lighting and cinematography to recreate the horror, distortion and isolation of the war. The idea of this isn't really to represent a plot as such, more to present and display provocative emotions to the audience and invoke their feelings towards the film and as well as the horrors of World War One.


'DISMAYED' a short student film set during World War One using toy soldiers, lighting and cinematography to recreate the horror, distortion and isolation of the war. The idea of this isn't really to represent a plot as such, more to present and display provocative emotions to the audience and invoke their feelings towards the film and as well as the horrors of World War One.



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