24 filmų

Vilas ir jo paauglė dukra metų metus nepriklausomai gyveno Portlando miškuose, atokiai nuo civilizuoto pasaulio. Tačiau gyvenimas pasikeičia, kai jiems tenka palikti mišką ir prisitaikyti prie mieste gyvenančių žmonių. Dabar jų vienintelis noras - sugrįžti atgal į gamtą. Bet ar jiems pavyks lengvai viską palikti?

1947 balandžio 17

A New Yorker hobo moves into a mansion and along the way he gathers friends to live in the house with him. Before he knows it, he is living with the actual home owners.

2012 rugpjūčio 17

Naujas kontraversiško režisieriaus Davido Cronenbergo filmas, sukurtas pagal D. DeLillo romaną. Tai istorija apie 24-ias jauno milijardieriaus Eriko Parkerio valandas. Per vieną dieną jo gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojomis - jis išvažiuoja limuzinu į kirpyklą, susiduria su netikėtomis kliūtimis ir galiausiai praranda visą turtą.

A detailed look at the gradual decline of Shenyang’s industrial Tiexi district, an area that was once a vibrant example of China’s socialist economy. But industry is changing, and the factories of Tiexi are closing. Director Wang Bing introduces us to some of the workers affected by the closures, and to their families.

1999 rugpjūčio 5

This dark comedy is set in Dunedin, New Zealand. A university student finds an old "abandoned" house and proceeds to invite other students to share. It even has running electricity. But what is the catch?

2014 gegužės 14

A wealthy couple from the Pacific Palisades discovers homeless young lovers have moved into their home.

1981 spalio 20

In 1945, the Carlions assemble at an English country house for a family gathering. During the event, they must determine who is to take over the family brewing empire, since the present head of the business, Sir Frederick, is getting old. The results of the 1945 general election causes a major stir, and some angry farmers occupy a barn.

Benny and Arnold are homeless and along with others living on Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The police is set to clear the building they squat in, but on the night of the forced eviction, local acid head Spacy jumps from the sixth floor.

2024 balandžio 25

A taxi drives through the city of Berlin. Its driver is a punk, left and a well-known figure in the autonomous scene. The stations of his trip are the most important places of the autonomous scene: all in the struggle for survival. The last evictions have not yet been processed and the next ones are coming right up.

Roma Illegale talks about the birth and evolution of the rave party scene in Rome through the 90s. It describes the introduction of techno music in the Italian squat scene and the politicisation of parties, the implementation of the TAZ concept in raves with the reproportion of abandoned spaces, the way awareness was increased into the suburban youth generally indoctrinated by neofascism.

The Netherlands, a bastion of capitalism, has struggled with unprecedented housing crises since 2018. This brings a rise of different ideologies that challenge the dominant status quo. In the city of Nijmegen, an anarchist collective JAN10 battles the ongoing housing crisis by squatting empty buildings, which poses a threat to the established capitalist interests.

1976 spalio 30

When a nightclub owner buys a derelict dolphinarium, he and a young woman seem to be haunted by the ghost of Buddy Boy, the star attraction. Created as an episode of Nigel Kneale's "Beasts" horror anthology miniseries.

2024 kovo 21

Pak Mokum Terug is the name of a group of Amsterdam activists that refuse to accept that the basic right to housing no longer appears to apply. The group’s name means “Take Back Amsterdam,” Mokum being the traditional nickname for a capital city in which today, for more and more people, a home is becoming unaffordable. Against this background, Hotel Mokum reports on the squatting of a dilapidated hotel in the city center, narrated in the voice of a fictitious activist.

2011 liepos 18

Lilly is nine years old and lives with her mother and brothers Robbin and Melvin in a squatter community deep in the woods.

1981 sausio 1

This short documentary chronicles a four-month period between 1979 and 1980 when residents of Hawaii's Sand Island "squatter" community attempted to resist eviction from the Honolulu shoreline - resulting in displacement, arrests, and the destruction of a community.

1989 sausio 1

1989, New York City's Alphabet City and East Village. A year after the Tompkins Square Park Riot, squatters and their community allies try to stop the demolition of their building after an arson. Police forces occupy the neighborhood while the demolition continues. A portrait of an East Village that is no more. An homage to the voices and sounds of a neighborhood before its gentrification.

1999 gegužės 9

A documentary about “1980” in Amsterdam, by Jan Groen and Hanneke Willemse Documentary originally recorded on super 8 about the squatters' movement in Amsterdam

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