15 Filme

Cuenta los primeros 22 capítulos del Génesis: la creación del mundo, la expulsión del hombre del Paraíso Terrenal, la expansión del Pueblo de Dios por la faz de la Tierra, el Diluvio Universal o la destrucción de Sodoma y Gomorra.

10. Juli 1998

Max es un brillante matemático que está a punto de dar con el descubrimiento más importante de su vida: la decodificación del sistema numérico que rige el aparente caos del mercado bursátil. Mientras se acerca a la verdad, y afectado periódicamente por unas brutales jaquecas, Max es acosado por una agresiva firma de Wall Street y una secta judía que pretende descifrar los secretos ocultos tras los textos sagrados. Todos ansían apropiarse del inminente hallazgo de Max.

Los tres protagonistas escuchan a un narrador contar la creación, así como la caída. Al mismo tiempo, aprenden sus propias lecciones de honestidad después de engañar a un jardinero para que les dé fruta gratis.

9. Februar 1967

The Lecturer, leader of the Feminine League Against Frivolity, tells the history of eroticism and censorship from the beginning of time until the late 1960s.

16. Mai 2023

A girl, her father, and an AI system work to preserve the remnants of plant life in a post-apocalyptic ice age.

1. Juni 1966

A young Hans Christian Andersen goes in search of knowledge in the Garden of Paradise in order to make his studies easier. Each time he falls asleep, he experiences in his dreams the different characters he would later write about in fairy tales including The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina, and The Emperor's New Clothes.

1. Februar 2013

The story about the dog of Eden. What happened in those first days of Creation that made Man and Dog so inseparable? The dog, as he lives through this curious world, encounters a strange creature; a human being named Adam - and with that discovers a new found connection to the world.

22. September 1934

Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden preparing their latest meal. After the meal, they take a stroll through time. They make a few stops along the way for some musical interludes. These stops include in the Gardens of Emperor Nero of Rome for a concert circa 100 A.D., in King Arthur's court, and at a beach resort in current times.

1. Februar 2015

In this short story, João and Pedro live in this garden. What João wants the most is for Pedro to be happy and the only way he found to make that happen is to support him in his escape with Sara. On the other hand, Pedro learned how to love João and does not want to leave the garden. But one of them ate the forbidden fruit.

3. April 1974

Wakefield Poole's Bible! is an 1973 American softcore pornographic anthology film written and directed by Wakefield Poole. The film presents the biblical stories of Adam and Eve, David and Bathsheba, and Samson and Delilah in the form of pornographic vignettes.

2. Januar 2024

A scientist sets up another garden of Eden where he imprisons his creations and unleashes his dark fantasies on them.


7. Juni 2019

Embark yourself to embrace temptation with Anna Henderson, a blogger getting out of town to work on her latest article on sexuality. Alone in her mountain retreat she finds out much about her own desires, as it becomes harder and harder to differentiate dream from reality.

18. Oktober 2013

GO IN THE WILDERNESS tells the story of Lilith, Adam’s rebellious first mate, and her guardian, as they forge an uneasy alliance on their journey back to Eden. Once in the Garden, they meet Adam and his new mate Eve, and realise that all is not as it seems in Paradise...

11. Dezember 2009

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