82 סרטים

ספטמבר 13, 1961

這是黑澤明首次企圖拍攝的動作娛樂片,全片以喜劇性的格調,展開一個精彩痛快的打鬥故事,也是之後西部片《荒野大鏢客》的範本。 描寫一自由主義英雄三十郎在混亂的年代 ,不顧自身安危,用其特有的手段為善良百姓抵抗惡痞的感人故事。透過本片,隱喻日本內戰時期傳統時期和睦社會的崩潰瓦解。本片埸、背景皆有令人驚民異的強烈對比,尤其攝影宮川一夫繼《羅生門》後,在此片又再度發揮其精確且均衡的攝影技巧,使這部電影生色不少。 三船敏郎飾演的三十郎不拘小節的造型,可說是創新了日本電影中另一種迷人的大俠形象。在黑澤明的所有作品中,本片是日本電影史上最賣座,最風行的电影。其風格淋漓的表現出無政府主義的哲學,隱沒於電影中而成一種罕有的藝術,既少教條氣氛,又注入了人性尊嚴,自由的超道德觀,的確難能可貴。

אוקטובר 10, 1980

Akira Kurosawa's lauded feudal epic presents the tale of a petty thief who is recruited to impersonate Shingen, an aging warlord, in order to avoid attacks by competing clans. When Shingen dies, his generals reluctantly agree to have the impostor take over as the powerful ruler. He soon begins to appreciate life as Shingen, but his commitment to the role is tested when he must lead his troops into battle against the forces of a rival warlord.

江戶幕府末期,鎖國的日本面臨美國強迫開國的威脅,安中藩主-板倉勝明(長谷川博己 飾)為此鍛鍊武士,要求武士們進行一場馬拉松賽跑,最終優勝者就能獲得實現願望的機會。消息一出,全城武士群起激動,有想與公主結婚的傲慢公子哥-辻村平九郎(森山未來 飾)、擁有最快腳程卻被賄絡要求放水的上杉廣之進(染谷將太 飾),連想藉機落跑出城而女扮男裝的雪姬公主(小松菜奈 飾)也來參一腳。但在比賽前夕卻有人藉機計畫謀反,僅有一人察覺到了事情的不對勁,他是幕府派來的間諜-唐澤甚內(佐藤健 飾)。隨著比賽聲響起,各懷鬼胎的參賽者們終於起跑,與此同時,刺客們也準備展開襲擊。為了拯救所愛之人、守護重要之物,唐澤開始全力奔跑!

ספטמבר 12, 2003


The mother of a feudal lord's only heir is kidnapped away from her husband by the lord. The husband and his samurai father must decide whether to accept the unjust decision, or risk death to get her back.

年輕的武士青木宗左衛門(岡田准一 飾)為了尋找殺父仇人金澤十兵衛(淺野忠信飾)遠離家鄉,千里迢迢從信州來到了江戶。但是在這個復仇不能當飯吃的太平盛世,劍術拙劣的宗左毫無用武之地,腳底抹油的速度比揮劍還快。眼看著錢袋漸空,只好暫時在一間破舊的小屋中落腳,開了家小私塾糊口度日,還愛上住在對門的年輕寡婦阿冴(宮澤理惠 飾)。沒想到,好不容易找到殺父仇人,卻發現對方早已放下屠刀、重組幸福快樂的家庭,這讓他開始重新思考復仇究竟意味著什麼?另一邊,赤穗藩的武士也來到這一帶潛伏,伺機為含冤切腹而死的領主報仇,他們真能放下仇恨,或者成功復仇嗎?

The adventures of a blind, gambling masseur and master swordsman. Zatoichi targets a yakuza-controlled village, because war with a neighbouring town's smaller gang is brewing.

מרץ 5, 1965

Japan, 1860. The men of the Mito clan, victims of the Ansei purge, anxiously prowl around the Sakurada Gate of Edo Castle with the intention of assassinating Naosuke Ii of Hikone, tairō of the Tokugawa shogunate and responsible for their misfortune.

ספטמבר 28, 2018


《石榴坡的復仇》是根據淺田次郎的同名短篇小說改編的電影,由若松節朗執導,中井貴一 、阿部寬主演。故事發生在幕末安政7年,講述了櫻田門之變中大老井伊直弼被殺,其藩士志村金吾收到密令進行復仇,踏出不歸之旅。


אוקטובר 15, 2021


The fifth and final installment with the build up of the epic battle between Sasaki Kojiro and Miyamoto Musashi. With all the familiar characters making appearances: Otsu (Musashi's great love), Akemi, Matahachi (his former fellow soldier), old lady Osugi (still doggedly trying to defeat Musashi), and even the return of Priest Takuan (the man responsible for his journey towards enlightenment). But most of all, the boastful, long-haired and long-sworded Sasaki Kojiro.

A humble and simple Takezo abandons his life as a knight errant. He's sought as a teacher and vassal by Shogun, Japan's most powerful clan leader. He's also challenged to fight by the supremely confident and skillful Sasaki Kojiro. Takezo agrees to fight Kojiro in a year's time but rejects Shogun's patronage, choosing instead to live on the edge of a village, raising vegetables. He's followed there by Otsu and later by Akemi, both in love with him. The year ends as Takezo assists the villagers against a band of brigands. He seeks Otsu's forgiveness and accepts her love, then sets off across the water to Ganryu Island for his final contest.

本片獲得2015法國安錫動畫影展評審獎。改編自日本著名漫畫家兼江戶文化研究者杉浦日向子生涯代表作!有「哭泣動畫導演」稱號的原惠一擔任導演,並由《深夜食堂 電影版》松重豐和《破案天才伽利略:真夏方程式》杏擔任配音,這也是杏首次挑戰聲優工作。 江戶時代的浮世繪大師葛飾北齋(松重豐配音),一生作品無數,他不挑剔題材,什麼都接受,什麼都肯畫。其眾多畫作中以《富嶽三十六景》及其中一景「神奈川衝浪裡」最為人所知,此作深受荷蘭畫家梵谷喜愛,其所創作的〈星夜〉也被認為是受到葛飾北齋此幅畫影響。 《百日紅》以葛飾北齋之女阿榮(杏配音)視角切入,描述同為畫師的阿榮,與父親以及弟子池田善次郎(濱田岳飾)三人清居於小屋之中,以三人對繪畫、人生的不同觀點,穿插愛情、家庭甚至鬼怪離奇的生活故事,勾勒出一代大師的創作過程與江戶時代最生動風土民情。

A sadistic Daimyo (feudal lord) rapes a woman and murders both her and her husband, but even when one of his own vassals commits suicide to bring attention to the crime, the matter is quickly hushed up. Not only will there be no punishment, but because the Daimyo is the Shogun's younger brother, he will soon be appointed to a high political position from which he could wreak even more havoc. Convinced that the fate of the Shogunate hangs in the balance, a plot is hatched to assassinate the Daimyo. The two most brilliant strategic minds of their generation find themselves pitted against each other; one is tasked to defend a man he despises, and has a small army at his disposal. The other is given a suicide mission, and has 12 brave men. They are the 13 Assassins.

אוגוסט 9, 1969

A ronin desperately seeks a way out of financial straits; he allies with the Tosa clan under the ruthless leader Takechi, who quickly takes advantage.

In the fourth installment, Musashi's potentially greatest opponent Kojiro jumps in and out of the story at the oddest and most coincidental moments. As his great love Otsu has succumbed to madness. Musashi then sets off to beat the functionaries of a treacherous clan in an arranged duel. 73 against one. Boastful Kojiro watches, secure in the knowledge that only he is a worthy opponent.

דצמבר 14, 2013





פברואר 9, 1962



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