7 部电影

1966 年 12 月 20 日

二战期间,英国一架飞机在执行轰炸任务中,被德军击中,几名英国士兵被迫跳伞逃生。他们约好在土耳其浴室见面,并用这次行动的代号“鸳鸯茶”作为接头暗号。他们分别降落在法国巴黎德军占领区的不同地点。大胡子中队长雷金纳德被动物园管理员所救。而另外两名士兵,也分别在油漆匠奥古斯德 (布尔维尔 饰)和乐队指挥斯塔尼斯拉斯(路易·德·费内斯 饰)的帮助下掩藏好了。即便德军展开了全城的搜索,油漆匠、指挥和中队长还是在浴室顺利地会面,几经辗转,英国士兵终于接上了头。几个原本并不认识的人,就这样结成了生死同盟,与敌人展开了斗智斗勇的生死游戏。同时,也闹出了不少温情的笑话。他们用微薄的力量对抗严酷德军,险相迭生,滑稽搞笑,为了逃出虎口,共同战斗。

In 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were brutally murdered in her Los Angeles home by whom most believe to be O.J Simpson. But what role did Glen Rogers, also known as the Casanova Killer play in their death?

1964 年 12 月 18 日


1998 年 08 月 07 日

Vietnam veteran Archibald Wright is a house painter hired to work on a Beverly Hills mansion where he becomes involved in the life of the resident family. The owner Elaine left her husband J.P. while he was serving in Vietnam, causing him to become an alcoholic hobo living in downtown Los Angeles. Archibald tries to help their daughter Tory to continue her relationship with her father, even though Elaine is strongly against it.

Švand, a room painter from Strakonice, begins a dizzying career as a pop music star, but he soon discovers that fame is not the most important thing in life or what he is looking for and what he longs for in life.

1964 年 01 月 01 日

Two dimwitted house painters are hired to paint an apartment hotel. It turns out that the hotel's residents consist entirely of beautiful women. The two painters inadvertently mix vanishing cream into their paint, and discover that when they paint the walls they become transparent, allowing then to observe the girls doing their daily "routines"--exercising, showering, etc.

While playing, the children start drawing on the walls of the room. A painter comes to whitewash the flat. To entertain the children, the painter paints images on the walls. But even when he whitewashes over the picture he has painted for them, the children can still see it and are happy. No one knows about their secret gift from the painter.



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