34 films



普通上班族野野宫良多(福山雅治 饰)和妻子野野宫绿(尾野真千子 饰)结婚多年,感情十分要好,两人共同养育着聪明乖巧的儿子野野宫庆多(二宫庆多 饰),生活宁静中处处透露着幸福。令本以为平静生活将一直持续的三人没有想到的是,一通来自庆多出生的医院的电话将这个小家庭卷入了风口 浪尖之上。原来,庆多并非良多和绿的儿子,而是由斋木雄大(利利·弗兰克 饰)和尤加利(真木阳子 饰)的爱情结晶。是朝夕相处的感情珍贵,还是血脉相连的羁绊重要?面对多年前一个小小误会所酿成的后果,良多和绿不知该何去何从。而对于雄大、尤加利和两人亦非亲生的孩子斋木琉晴(黄升炫 饰)来说,他们亦站在了人生的十字路口之前。

印度教教徒 Bajrangi,与 Rasika 在新德里的月光集市相遇,彼此有所误解而成为一对冤家,但他们却联手帮助一位有语言障碍的穆斯林小女孩沙希达,让她回到自己的家乡与家人团聚。

一次偶然中,一直默默无闻和母亲相依为命的雅顿(托妮·科莱特 Toni Collette 饰)发现了一具年轻的女性尸体,死去的女子名为克里斯塔(布莱特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy 饰),死因是谋杀。这一爆炸性的消息让雅顿瞬间成为了社区里的红人,她单调枯燥的生活一去不复返了。

16 octobre 2015


里约热内卢的中央车站,朵拉(费尔南达-蒙特内格罗Fernanda Montenegro饰)在这里帮人写信。但她会把看不顺眼的信统统撕掉不寄,甚至公开读信里的内容取乐。朵拉生活拮据,年纪不小却还未嫁,或许在她内心,人与人之间的真情根本就不值得信赖。小男孩约书亚(文尼西斯•狄•奥利维拉Vinícius de Oliveira 饰)的出现令她开始了一段重新认识人生的旅程——约书亚很想见到远方素未谋面的父亲,不断写信给他。男孩母亲意外的车祸让朵拉决定陪伴约书亚前往东北部寻找父亲。在约书亚眼中,即使父亲很陌生,却总是骄傲地谈起父亲。而朵拉,也同样有着一段和父亲的痛苦往事。在约书亚寻父的过程中,朵拉因为往事而冰冻的内心慢慢回暖。

第二次世界大战结束后,曾经的大都会东京放眼望去一片疮痍,破败凄凉。在穷苦百姓聚集的长屋街,活不容易活下来的人们用勤劳的双手重新修缮自己的生活,他们团结一心,向往美好的未来。某天,田代领回来一个名叫幸平(青木放屁 饰)的男孩。幸平的父母双双死于战火,他一个人孤苦伶仃,朝不保夕。虽然善良的人们都很同情幸平的遭遇,可是维持自身的生计已然勉强,如何再应付新添的一张嘴呢?几经合计,田代决定将幸平托付给经营店铺的老板娘阿胤(饭田蝶子 饰)。然而阿胤由于自身的痛苦经历,对孩子表现出抗拒厌恶的态度。不过随着时间的流逝,她心底的温柔母性慢慢地苏醒过来……



Big Bird is sent to live far from Sesame Street by a pesky social worker, who thinks it would be better for him to live with other birds. Unhappy, Big Bird runs away from his foster home, prompting the rest of the Sesame Street gang to go on a cross-country journey to find him.

12 septembre 2024

A stranger receives mysterious promptings compelling him to search for a boy lost in an abandoned mine.

An unworldly and closed-minded American travels to a small village in exotic Chiapas, Mexico; at the behest of his estranged mother when his half-sister disappears during a local epidemic of kidnappings attributed to the legendary J-ok'el, the weeping woman, who drowned her own babies, centuries ago and whose spirit has returned to claim more children as her own.

15 novembre 1983


小女孩林英子(沈洁 饰)住在五十年前的北京南城,在他们家院子附近住着一个疯女人秀珍(张闽 饰),秀珍的丈夫因参与学生运动被杀,孩子也不知所踪,因此落下了疯病,时常把英子当做自己的孩子“小桂子”看待,英子也喜欢秀珍,答应帮她找回小桂子。英子有个苦命的小伙伴妞儿,学戏时常遭干爹打骂,英子偶然发现妞儿有小桂子的胎记,帮助她们母女相认。英子上小学后,一家人搬到了厂甸。在家门口荒废的院落里,英子发现了一个小偷(张丰毅 饰)藏赃的草堆,小偷为了供弟弟读书只得干不光彩的勾当,英子却不把他看作是坏人。不久,女佣苏妈返乡,父亲去世,英子的童年,彷佛一下结束了……

Pavan is a boy who reached Kerala after he lost everything in the Gujarat earthquake on the Republic Day. Operator Madhavan happens to meet the boy among the beggars. Initially he dislikes the boy but soon he becomes a part of Madhavan's family. But soon they must part with him as the Govt. decides to send him back to Gujarat. Can the family bear that?

14 septembre 2018


Instead of enjoying her vacations in a peaceful peninsula of Turkey, Anna feels stuck in a strange torpor, while her boyfriend, Thomas, doesn't seem to notice it at all. Later in the afternoon, when a little girl suddenly disappears on the beach, Anna awakens and decides to go and find her, despite the unknown and the nightfall.

22 octobre 1983

A little girl gets lost in the wilds of Utah.

The rumpled owner of a dry-cleaning firm joins forces with a nun to care for an abandoned baby.

5 avril 1941

A mole lad with sensitive vision is allowed outside to play in the daylight on the condition that he stay close to home. Outdoors, he meets a traveling sales-skunk.

As the Metropolitan Museum of Art closes, Big Bird decides to leave his Sesame Street friends behind in search of Snuffy. Once locked inside for the night, educational hilarity ensues as Big Bird and Snuffy team up to help a small Egyptian boy solve a riddle - as the rest of the cast searches for their big, yellow friend.

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