34 films

比克是百萬富翁卡威爾夫婦的獨生兒子,長得十分地可愛聰明。當比克九個月大時,卡威爾夫婦希望他可以風光地上報,好讓鄰居好友認識他們的小孩,於是找來一位知名的攝影師來替比克拍嬰兒照系列。 這時候,艾迪、諾比和威哥這三位笨賊想要綁架比克來向卡威爾夫婦索取五百萬美金,於是他們便假扮成要替比克拍照的攝影師,然後把比克給綁架走,並且叫卡威爾夫婦不得報警。可是聰明的比克不但將他們耍的團團轉,還趁諾比睡著時逃走,三個笨賊在追比克的時候,被搞得傷痕累累,到最後他們非但沒抓到比克,反而還被警察給捉走。

M. L. 史黛曼同名暢銷小說改編。從慘烈的戰場歸來,湯姆(麥可法斯賓達 飾演)成為一座孤島上的燈塔看守人,與年輕的妻子伊莎貝(艾莉西亞薇坎德 飾演)一起過著與世隔絕的日子。伊莎貝對島上的生活一切都很滿意,除了遲遲生不出孩子這點之外。某天早晨,一艘小船被沖上岸,上面載著一個已經斷了氣的男人,還有一個哭泣的嬰兒。湯姆原本打算依規定通報有關單位,伊莎貝卻堅持他們應該收養這名嬰兒。既然他們身處在距離法律很遙遠的地方,那麼只要他們不說,就沒有人會知道這件事。但他們卻不知道,這個決定,將會為許多人帶來毀滅性的後果……

野野宮良多(福山雅治飾演)在建築事務所工作,對於兒子慶多十分嚴格,因為自己對慶多的未來期望很深,因此不但讓他從很小的年紀就開始學鋼琴,還想盡辦法送他去最好的幼稚園,日常生活所需也都盡量供給他最好的一切;而慶多也十分聽從父親的安排。因此,事業經營的很成功的良多、妻子綠以及乖順的慶多,三人過著幸福美滿的日子。 然而,就在慶多滿六歲、準備要上幼稚園的時候,野野宮家接到一通來自醫院的電話,讓原本十分美好的生活一夕變了調。 因為醫院的失誤,野野宮家在六年前抱錯了嬰兒,野野宮夫婦全力教養和照顧的寶貝良多,竟然和自己一點血緣關係都沒有。面臨同樣狀況的還有抱錯野野宮夫婦親生兒子的齋木夫婦(Lily Franky和真木陽子飾)。 這兩個家庭對孩子採用的教養方式截然不同,然而當面對眼前來的如此突然的重大事件,兩對夫婦卻都是同樣的掙扎與痛苦……。到底該如何處理這件事情?過去一同走過的這六年親子生活是無可取代、早已不是「血緣」二字就可以說的清楚的羈絆;可是要對體內流著自己血液的孩子放手,又覺得無法做到……。

在巴基斯坦自由克什米爾的一個小鎮上,一場由印度國家板球隊和巴基斯坦板球隊對抗的比賽中,其中一位孕婦根據比賽選手沙希德·阿弗里迪給她即將出生的女兒取名為沙希達(馬爾霍特拉飾)。在她六歲時,在玩耍時不慎從懸崖上掉下來,被一棵懸垂的樹救了下來,因為她自幼是啞巴,無法尋求幫助。因為沙希達的父親拉夫是一名前巴基斯坦軍人,不太可能獲得印度簽證,一名關心的鄰居建議她前往印度德里的大清真寺朝聖祈願,因為他就是在那裡治好的啞巴。 在火車即將返回巴基斯坦的途中,因為鐵路故障,在沙希達母親沉睡的時候,為了救助不慎掉到坑裡的羔羊,她獨自一人下了火車,但隨著火車隆隆起動,火車駛入巴基斯坦境內,沙希達與母親就這樣分隔在了國境線兩側。 沙希達另外乘坐了一輛貨車,將沙希達帶往了帕萬(薩爾曼·汗飾)所在的城市,他是一位生活在印度德里的哈努曼神的忠實信徒,他極度崇拜哈努曼神,相信自己能達到目的,並且從不說謊。他遇到了拉茜卡(卡琳娜·卡普爾飾),兩人為了結婚正在為結婚買房而努力攢錢。這時,小沙希達在印度街頭看到了正在吃東西的帕萬,出於同情的他就這樣就把她帶回到拉茜卡的家中,從一系列事件之後,開始了前往巴基斯坦送沙希達回家的旅程。


7 novembre 2006

The clues to a young woman's death come together as the lives of seemingly unrelated people begin to intersect.

16 octobre 2015

In the hazy aftermath of an unimaginable loss, Sarah and Phil come unhinged, recklessly ignoring the repercussions. Phil starts to lose sight of his morals as Sarah puts herself in increasingly dangerous situations, falling deeper into her own fever dream.

An errant salaryman's son gets lost until a man from the Tokyo tenements brings him to vendor Tane, who's reluctant to let the kid board.


2 août 1985

Big Bird is sent to live far from Sesame Street by a pesky social worker, who thinks it would be better for him to live with other birds. Unhappy, Big Bird runs away from his foster home, prompting the rest of the Sesame Street gang to go on a cross-country journey to find him.

12 septembre 2024

A stranger receives mysterious promptings compelling him to search for a boy lost in an abandoned mine.

An unworldly and closed-minded American travels to a small village in exotic Chiapas, Mexico; at the behest of his estranged mother when his half-sister disappears during a local epidemic of kidnappings attributed to the legendary J-ok'el, the weeping woman, who drowned her own babies, centuries ago and whose spirit has returned to claim more children as her own.

15 novembre 1983

  本片根據林海音的同名短篇小說改編。   小女孩林英子(沈潔 飾)住在五十年前的北京南城,在他們家院子附近住著一個瘋女人秀珍(張閩 飾),秀珍的丈夫因參與學生運動被殺,孩子也不知所蹤,因此落下了瘋病,時常把英子當做自己的孩子“小桂子”看待,英子也喜歡秀珍,答應幫她找回小桂子。英子有個苦命的小伙伴妞兒,學戲時常遭乾爹打罵,英子偶然發現妞兒有小桂子的胎記,幫助她們母女相認。英子上小學後,一家人搬到了廠甸。在家門口荒廢的院落裡,英子發現了一個小偷(張豐毅 飾)藏贓的草堆,小偷為了供弟弟讀書只得干不光彩的勾當,英子卻不把他看作是壞人。不久,女傭蘇媽返鄉,父親去世,英子的童年,彷彿一下結束了⋯⋯

Pavan is a boy who reached Kerala after he lost everything in the Gujarat earthquake on the Republic Day. Operator Madhavan happens to meet the boy among the beggars. Initially he dislikes the boy but soon he becomes a part of Madhavan's family. But soon they must part with him as the Govt. decides to send him back to Gujarat. Can the family bear that?

14 septembre 2018

An army veteran discovers an abandoned boy lurking in the woods behind her childhood home. After taking in the boy, she searches for clues to his identity, and discovers local folklore about a malevolent life-draining spirit that comes in the form of a child: The Tatterdemalion.

Instead of enjoying her vacations in a peaceful peninsula of Turkey, Anna feels stuck in a strange torpor, while her boyfriend, Thomas, doesn't seem to notice it at all. Later in the afternoon, when a little girl suddenly disappears on the beach, Anna awakens and decides to go and find her, despite the unknown and the nightfall.

22 octobre 1983

A little girl gets lost in the wilds of Utah.

The rumpled owner of a dry-cleaning firm joins forces with a nun to care for an abandoned baby.

5 avril 1941

A mole lad with sensitive vision is allowed outside to play in the daylight on the condition that he stay close to home. Outdoors, he meets a traveling sales-skunk.

As the Metropolitan Museum of Art closes, Big Bird decides to leave his Sesame Street friends behind in search of Snuffy. Once locked inside for the night, educational hilarity ensues as Big Bird and Snuffy team up to help a small Egyptian boy solve a riddle - as the rest of the cast searches for their big, yellow friend.

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