jūnijs 5, 2020

A teenager's weekend at a lake house with her father takes a turn for the worse when a group of convicts wreaks havoc on their lives.

Harry is a rich dentist who often brings women up to his rural lakehouse. One weekend, he invites Diane, a former fashion model. On their way to the house, Diane runs a gang of thugs off the road. Humiliated, the thugs track down the couple for revenge.

janvāris 22, 1992

Mike's obsession with horror movies means he can't help but expect to find a monster lurking around every corner. When he joins his friends for a weekend away at a remote lodge, Mike instantly senses that something isn't right. Can Mike use his movie knowledge to save his pals from a bloody end?

Four popular members of a cheerleading team decide to go to a lake house for a fun weekend. For fun, the girls summon the spirit of a serial killer who lived centuries ago and spread terror. However, the session suddenly becomes terrifying and they are forced to face the consequences of their mistake.

maijs 24, 2022

A young AI prodigy gets rejected from a world-renowned robotics lab and does what any rational teenager would do -- steals a van and drive cross-country to Minnesota to track down the professor who turned him down.

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