5 Filme

An aging gangster, Fernand Naudin is hoping for a quiet retirement when he suddenly inherits a fortune from an old friend, a former gangster supremo known as the Mexican. If he is ambivalent about his new found wealth, Fernand is positively nonplussed to discover that he has also inherited his benefactor’s daughter, Patricia. Unfortunately, not only does Fernand have to put up with the thoroughly modern Patricia and her nauseating boyfriend, but he also had to contend with the Mexican’s trigger-happy former employees, who are determined to make a claim.

A new schoolteacher learns that the previous teacher was killed by his students, and he fears the same fate will befall him.

Mr. Pelletan's rascal son Bébert son got another F for playing in class. His punishment is an essay on the Merovingian king Dagobert. All they know is he had eight wives and reunited Francia. The ignorant knave's irreverent imagination turns that into a harem and a ludicrous war without armies, loaded with anachronisms, in a race against rival king Charibert for the crown of Reims. The king's right hand, archbishop Eloi, the later patrons saint of carpentry, is portrayed as an inventor.

5. April 1952

A lazy and fat cat, named Dodsworth, is ordered by his mistress to catch mice that have invaded her home and are terrorizing her. Dodsworth doesn't want to condescend to personal physical effort to catch the mice, so dons a professor's hat and dupes a kitten into doing the job for him, on the pretext that he's a teacher who is giving the kitten a valuable learning experience.

The brother of a delinquent schoolboy falls in love with his teacher and intrigues to make him reciprocate her love, and succeeds.

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