16 部电影

1988 年 10 月 13 日

劇情描述重案組探員家駒不滿上頭釋放重犯,憤而辭職。後與女友May(張曼玉飾)在商場散心,恰巧遇到炸彈狂徒做案。嗣後炸彈恐嚇接二連三,且目標竟直指警局,令警方不知所措,無法之下唯有重召家駒歸隊負責此案。 不料狂徒多番出動皆未得手後,竟起意綁架May,並藉此威脅家駒在身上縛上炸彈,往警局劫走贖款。狂徒取得贖款後,欲殺May滅口,家駒遂拼死直搗賊巢,不料貨倉竟已安裝炸彈……

1994 年 07 月 01 日

Blown Away tells the story of Jimmy Dove, who works for the Boston bomb squad. Shortly after Dove leaves the force, his partner is killed by a bomb that Dove thinks might have been made by someone he knows.

2002 年 02 月 08 日

戈登(阿諾·史瓦辛格)是一名勇敢而敬業的資深消防員,他工作出色,有著溫柔的愛妻和活潑可愛的孩子,對戈登來說,生活中的一切都是那麼安定和諧而美滿,真是人生如此,夫復何求。然而,不幸卻在戈登最沒有防備的時候以他做夢都沒想到的方式降臨了——一夥哥倫比亞的左翼極端分子策劃謀害哥倫比亞駐美國的大使,他們在大使外出的路上佈置了威力強大的炸彈,意圖將大使連同整個車隊一起炸上天,在炸彈引爆的同時,恰巧經過這裡的戈登的妻兒被不幸殃及,雙雙殞命,而後警方卻只是以“因意外事故引起的間接傷害”為理由草草了解了案子。得知這個消息的戈登無疑是五雷轟頂,他無論如何也不能相信,自己溫馨幸福的小家就這樣在恐怖分子的炸彈下灰飛煙滅,幾乎就在一轉瞬間,他就失去了對他至關重要的一切,而隨後警方的懦弱無能更讓他無法接受,求助無門的戈登發誓要不惜一切代價尋求正義,即使追到天涯海角也要嚴懲罪魁禍首以告慰慘死的妻兒。在他的不懈追查下,戈登很快就查出此次爆炸事件的主使者——臭名昭著的恐怖分子頭子“豺狼”佩里尼(克利夫·柯蒂斯),並且還找到了佩里尼的妻子賽萊娜(弗朗西斯卡·內莉),但是他沒想到的是,賽萊娜也正在苦苦追尋丈夫的下落,幾經周折,賽萊娜和戈登結成了同盟,他們決定直搗黃龍,一起闖入位於哥倫比亞腹地的恐怖組織老巢…… 一番鬥智斗勇、激烈火爆的較量之後,戈登終於製服了佩里尼,就在他將要手刃這個不共戴天的仇人時,卻發現自己不得不去面對一個嚴峻的問題——這種以暴制暴的手段究竟意義何在?殺死佩里尼是否會招致更血腥更瘋狂的報復?是否會有更多和自己妻兒一樣的無辜者為此付出生命?

1986 年 06 月 06 日


2007 年 08 月 22 日


2017 年 12 月 27 日


2005 年 01 月 20 日

Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Jarecki's shrewd and intelligent polemic would seem to give an affirmative answer to each of these questions.

2004 年 08 月 13 日

Bombs tear through Bombay in 1993, wreaking havoc and polarising the citizens. With perpetrators at large, the state launches a massive man-hunt to unmask the perpetrators behind these events.

1998 年 11 月 03 日

When Chris Murdoch falls obsessively in love with a Japanese girl attending University in Seattle (Kaori Ozaki) he murders Japanese men who have shown her kindness under the pretext of revenge for the attack on Pearl Harbor during WWII. However the ruse involves the FBI in the case, and Agent Sara Daniels. However, the investigation is hampered when Yoko Sugimura of the Tokyo Police arrives to take Kaori back to her influential father. Despite their initial dislike, Sara and Yoko are forced to work together to stop Chris when his obsession is manifest with high explosives.

2017 年 12 月 01 日

Jai is a patriotic man for whom the nation always comes first. He harbours the dream to work for the DRDO and wants nothing else from life. But what happens when an evil mastermind Keshav makes a plan to harm the nation?

2019 年 05 月 17 日

Denmark, in the near future. One year after a major bomb attack in Copenhagen, political radicalization has intensified and ethnic tensions are increasing. As next year's parliamentary elections approach, in which nationalist leader Martin Nordahl hopes for a landslide victory, Zakaria becomes involved in a radical organization, where he befriends Ali.

2006 年 06 月 26 日

Throughout history, regimes have used terror attacks as a means of control over their populations, and for the last 100 years, Western governments have employed the same measures.

2013 年 07 月 06 日

The true story of a journalist who investigates the backgrounds of the Oktoberfest terror attack of 1980.

2002 年 04 月 20 日

Lord Paddington, an honorable member of society, is blown up with a small tennis ball. "Die vier Gerechten" are not of this opinion, however: "Sentenced to death and executed for countless crimes" they leave at the scene. More honorable personalities must die before the perfume Higgins betrays the murderer and exposes the honorable personalities as heads of the organized trafficking of girls.

1989 年 01 月 27 日

On July 24, 1978, a bomb blasted a hole in the outer wall of a prison in Celle, Germany. The attack was blamed on the Red Army Faction. Years later, in April 1986, the true background was revealed. The attack had been staged with the complicity of Lower Saxony's domestic intelligence service, the GSG 9 and high-ranking government officials. The result was the expansion of anti-terror measures to protect citizens. The documentary tries to get to the bottom of the affair, and at the same time asks whether this action is not just the tip of an iceberg, whether much more was not initiated to stir up public sentiment.

1945 年 04 月 01 日

This short film focuses on the USS Franklin, an aircraft carrier that in March 1945 suffered heavy bombing damages and a massive toll on servicemen before returning to the U.S.



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