45 elokuvaa

2 syyskuu 2005

Professional driver, and former Special Forces officer, Frank Martin is living in Miami, where he is temporarily filling in for a friend as the chauffeur for a government narcotics control policy director and his family. The young boy in the family is targeted for kidnapping, and Frank immediately becomes involved in protecting the child and exposing the kidnappers.

27 syyskuu 2002

Cabbie-turned-chauffeur Jimmy Tong learns there is really only one rule when you work for playboy millionaire Clark Devlin : Never touch Devlin's prized tuxedo. But when Devlin is temporarily put out of commission in an explosive accident, Jimmy puts on the tux and soon discovers that this extraordinary suit may be more black belt than black tie. Paired with a partner as inexperienced as he is, Jimmy becomes an unwitting secret agent.

Autobiografski dokumentarni film o Olivijeu Rustenu, umetničkom direktoru „Balmena“.

13 tammikuu 2021

An ambitious Indian driver uses his wit and cunning to escape from poverty and rise to the top. An epic journey based on the New York Times bestseller.

Руска тинејџерка хитно бива пребачена у лондонску болницу кад јој почну порођајни болови. Иако бабица Ана Хитрова успева да породи здраву бебу, мајка умире. Али, с њом не умиру и тајне. Иза младе Рускиње остао је дневник. Решена да новорођенче стигне до праве породице, Ана покушава да чита дневник и открива у њему картицу за локални ресторан. Одлази тамо и упознаје власника, Семјона, који нуди да преведе дневник. Међутим, Семјон није оно за шта се представља и Ана убрзо почне да се прибојава да је дете у великој опасности. Семјон признаје да дневник садржи информације о његовом сину Кирилу због којих младић може да доспе у затвор иако је добра особа. И док се истина разоткрива, а Ана почиње да верује да Кирил и његов возач желе да науде беби, развија се паклена олуја која прети да их све прогута.

26 marraskuu 1963

In the midst of an attempt to take over his company, a powerhouse executive is hit with a huge ransom demand when his servants son is kidnapped

26 elokuu 1981

Phillip Filmore is a naive, 15-year-old, preoccupied with sex, who develops a crush on Nicole Mallow, the new 30-something, French housekeeper and sitter to look after him when Phillip's father is out of town for the summer on a "business" trip. But Mr. Filmore's unscrupulous chauffeur, Lester Lewis, takes advantage of Phillip's crush on Nicole to hire her to seduce the youth, then draws her into a plot to fake her own death in a blackmail scheme aimed to drain Phillip's trust fund.

13 kesäkuu 1986

George is a small-time crook just out of prison who discovers his tough-guy image is out of date. Reduced to working as a minder/driver for high class call girl Simone, he has to agree when she asks him to find a young colleague from her King's Cross days. That's when George's troubles just start.

15 lokakuu 1954

Linus and David Larrabee are the two sons of a very wealthy family. Linus is all work – busily running the family corporate empire, he has no time for a wife and family. David is all play – technically he is employed by the family business, but never shows up for work, spends all his time entertaining, and has been married and divorced three times. Meanwhile, Sabrina Fairchild is the young, shy, and awkward daughter of the household chauffeur, who goes away to Paris for two years, and returns to capture David's attention, while falling in love with Linus.

11 syyskuu 1963

While attending a Swiss school for diplomats' daughters, the teenage daughter of the American ambassador uses her access to various embassies to engage in espionage.

Alberto Medina is a famous composer whose car breaks down while he is on a trip. While looking for help, he finds the Valverdes' house and is welcomed in by Emilia, the mother of the family, who is known for taking in tramps.

22 elokuu 1961

A wheelchair-bound young girl returns to her father's estate after ten years, and although she's told he's away, she keeps seeing his dead body on the estate.

4 maaliskuu 1938

Society matron Emily Kilbourne has a habit of hiring ex-cons and hobos as servants. Her latest find is a handsome tramp who shows up at her doorstep and ends up in a chauffeur's uniform. He also catches the eye of Geraldine.

15 joulukuu 1995

An ugly duckling having undergone a remarkable change, still harbors feelings for her crush: a carefree playboy, but not before his business-focused brother has something to say about it.

Госпођица Дејзи је стара и веома богата Јеврејка, која је некада радила као учитељица. Има веома тешку нарав и никада не одустаје од својих принципа. Филм почиње када она креће у куповину и већ у дворишту лупа кола зато што је убацила у погрешну брзину. Њен син Були, угледни политичар и бизнисмен, обезбеђује јој возача, старог и спонтаног Хоука. Дејзи не може да поднесе његову неотесаност и мешање у њене послове. Врхунац свега је то што он не зна да чита и пише. Иако се одувек лепо опходила према својој служавки Ајдели, њега пак ставља не муке тако што му замера сваку ситницу и оптужује га за оно што није ни помислио. Али, како године пролазе, њих двоје се полако навикавају једно на друго. Када Ајдела умре, принуђени су да цео дан проводе заједно. Филм, који почиње 1948, завршава се 1973, када деведесетједногодишња Дејзи Дан захвалности проводи у старачком дому, заједно са својим најбољим пријатељем Хоуком Колбурном.

16 heinäkuu 1931

Lora Hart manages to land a job in a hospital as a trainee nurse. Upon completion of her training she goes to work as a night nurse for two small children who seem to be very sick, though something much more sinister is going on.

A schoolboy Nicholas always worries about something. When he goes on a school skiing trip, all his visions and nightmares take him over.

8 huhtikuu 2011

A drunken playboy stands to lose a wealthy inheritance when he falls for a woman that his family doesn't like.

15 joulukuu 2006

An American journalist arrives in Berlin just after the end of World War Two. He becomes involved in a murder mystery surrounding a dead GI who washes up at a lakeside mansion during the Potsdam negotiations between the Allied powers. Soon his investigation connects with his search for his married pre-war German lover.

31 toukokuu 1996

Eddie is a New York limo driver and a fanatical follower of the New York Knicks professional basketball team. The team is struggling with a mediocre record when, in mid-season, "Wild Bill" Burgess, the new owner, as a public relations gimmick, stages an 'honorary coach' contest, which Eddie wins. The fans love it, so "Wild Bill" fires the coach and hires her. She takes the bunch of overpaid prima

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