5 Serien

18. Januar 1974

Follow the adventures of Steve Austin, cybernetically enhanced astronaut turned secret agent, employed by the OSI, under the command of Oscar Goldman and supervised by the scientist who created his cybernetics, Rudy Wells. Steve uses the superior strength and speed provided by his bionic arm and legs, and the enhanced vision provided by his artificial eye, to fight enemy agents, aliens, mad scientists, and a wide variety of other villains.

Cyborg warriors were created by the Special Science Investigation Squad to bear nuclear, gravitational, magnetic, and electrical forces. They fight the crime empire known as "Crime".

Masane Amaha and her daughter Rihoko are on the run from a government child welfare agency that wants to take Rihoko away from her mother. They are caught and Rihoko is taken away. Meanwhile, Masane is attacked by an advanced weapon that can disguise itself as a human being. When faced with the danger, a strange light emits from her wrist and she transforms into a powerful being. She becomes involved in a power struggle between powerful organizations, with her at the center of their attention because she holds the greatest power of them all, the legendary Witchblade.

26. September 2007

Jaime Sommers er en vanlig hardt arbeidende kvinne som tar seg av tenåringssøsteren sin i tillegg til jobb og forhold. Livet hennes tar derimot en brå vending når hun blir utsatt for en ulykke som er nær ved å drepe henne. Jamies eneste sjanse for å overleve er å få montert bioniske kroppsdeler, en eksperimentell behandling som skal vise seg å gi henne utrolige evner.

Set in the year 2035, humanoid robots that are indistinguishable from humans have raised public concerns due to their rapid advancement. The members of "Mingmou" organization, Cheng Nuo, a level-headed individual, and An Qiu, who excels in empathy, join forces to unravel the mysteries behind the continuous murders of humanoid robots. Amidst the complexities of life, the boundary between humans and humanoid robots blurs. The fate of both humans and humanoid robots is being silently rewritten...

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