17 本の映画

Aquesta vegada Manny, Sid i Diego tindran la missió d'informar els resta animals que l'edat de glaç s'acaba, però que una gegantina inundació podria acabar amb la preciosa praderia.

L'obsessió de l’Scrat per trobar glans provoca que un asteroide vagi de dret cap a la Terra i amenaci l'edat de gel. En Sid, en Manny, en Diego i la resta de la colla intentaran impedir-ho. És que l’univers no va començar com ens ho havien explicat.

En l'època glacial de la prehistòria un mamut, un mandrós gegant i un tigre s'ocuparan de cuidar un bebè humà extraviat per la seva família.


10.000 anys abans de Crist els grans mamuts vivien a la Terra. Un jove caçador de mamuts guia un grup a través d'un desert en un viatge en el qual s'hauran d'enfrontar a les amenaces dels grans predadors prehistòrics. Finalment, troben un altre grup d'humans.


A harried prehistoric bird mother entrusts her precious, soon-to-hatch egg to Sid. When she recommends him to her neighbours, business booms at his new egg-sitting service. However, dastardly pirate bunny, Squint, who is seeking revenge on the herd, steals, camouflages and hides all the eggs. Once again, with Squint’s twin brother assisting, Manny, Diego and the rest of the gang come to the rescue and take off on a daring mission that turns into the world’s first Easter egg hunt.

Fa més de quatre mil anys, una tribu de cavernícoles, durant un combat, va perdre el foc, que sabien conservar però no encendre. Tres homes de la tribu se'n van a la recerca d'una nova font d'energia. Han d'enfrontar-se amb una natura hostil fins que troben el campament d'una altra tribu. Amb enginy s'enduen una branca encesa. Aprofitant la confusió, una presonera de l'altra tribu s'escapa de ser menjada pels seus carcellers i s'uneix als tres fugitius. El viatge de tornada estarà ple de dificultats.


When a deep space fishing vessel is robbed by a gang of pirates, the Captain makes a daring decision to go after a rare and nearly extinct species. His obsession propels them further into space as the crew spins toward mutiny and betrayal.


A well-preserved mammoth carcass is found in the remote New Siberian Islands in the Arctic Ocean, opening up the possibility of a world-changing “Jurassic Park” moment in genetics.

Four schoolboys go on an awe-inspiring expedition back through time, where they behold landscapes and creatures that have long since vanished from the earth.


On a hot summer afternoon in the sleepy town of Blackwater Louisiana, a meteor streaks across the sky and crashes through the roof of the local Natural History Museum. The meteor is actually a spaceship containing an alien life form which animates the museum's partially frozen Woolly Mammoth and begins a rampage. Local authorities and Government Investigators join forces with Frank Abernathy, the Museum Curator, and his father Simon, a B-Movie enthusiast, to bring down the giant mammoth in this alien-invasion flick!


Titans of the Ice Age transports viewers to the beautiful and otherworldly frozen landscapes of North America, Europe and Asia ten thousand years before modern civilization. Dazzling computer-generated imagery brings this mysterious era to life - from saber-toothed cats and giant sloths to the iconic mammoths, giants both feared and hunted by prehistoric humans.

Un grup d'excursionistes muntanyencs són sorpresos per una tempesta. Es refugien en una cova on un arqueòleg estudia pintures primitives. Mentre es guareixen, aquest els narrarà la història de dues tribus prehistòriques, la de les roques i la de les petxines, i de l'amor de Tumak i Loana enmig d'un món inhòspit...

Sir David Attenborough joins an archaeological dig uncovering Britain's biggest mammoth discovery in almost 20 years. In 2017, in a gravel quarry near Swindon, two amateur fossil hunters found an extraordinary cache of Ice Age mammoth remains and a stone hand-axe made by a Neanderthal.


A documentary about the 1999 discovery of a Mastodon skeleton in a Hyde Park backyard.

Two sisters discover a 4000-year-old baby mammoth during their mother’s scientific expedition.


During the last Ice Age, millions of large animals roamed the Earth, from wooly mammoths and giant sloths to cave lions and saber-toothed cats. But as the temperatures rose, three-quarters of these species died out. What happened? Can environmental changes alone really explain this mass extinction, or did humans—who at this very time were beginning their conquest of the planet—play a key role? To find out, researchers around the world are hunting and studying fossils in their search for answers to solve the mystery of the Ice Age giants.



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