19 Filme

14. August 2018

Rose spends her days fishing near the beautiful lake house she’s called home for 50 years. She’s not getting any younger and her daughter Patti worries about Rose being all alone, but the stubborn matriarch will not sell. There are memories here that she doesn’t want to leave. These come flooding back one weekend during a visit from Patti and granddaughter Allison, when a long-forgotten roll of film reminds Rose of the summer she met and fell in love with the bold and beautiful Louise.

Diane, Molly und Rick fahren in die Ozark-Mountains in Arkansas, um sich eine Auszeit zu gönnen. Nahe des idyllischen Orts in einer Kleinstadt findet auch gerade das alljährliche Feuerwerksfestival statt, weswegen nicht wenige auf den gleichen Gedanken gekommen und für ein paar Tage angereist sind. Doch der erholsame Teil des Familienurlaubs endet abrupt, als gefährliche Bullenhaie aus den Tiefen des Sees auftauchen und alles und jeden angreifen, der ihnen in die Quere kommt. Dabei fallen einzelne Finger, Arme und Menschen den Bestien mit ihren scharfen Zähnen zum Opfer. Aus dem geplanten Aufenthalt wird also schnell ein knallharter Kampf ums Überleben: Um den tödlichen Angriffen zu entkommen, decken sich die Urlauber mit ausgefallenen Waffen ein und schlagen zurück.

9. September 2009

Ozark-Gebirge, tief im Süden von Missouri. 4 Studenten reisen durch die weitläufige Land- schaft, um einen Studienbericht über das ursprüngliche Amerika zu erarbeiten. Eine Autopanne zwingt sie zum Aufenthalt in der ländlichen Gegend, wo sie unter den sehr gottesfürchtigen Einwohnern verstärkt auf körperlich deformierte Menschen treffen. Eine alte Legende besagt, dass es im Ozark-Gebirge eine geheime Farm gegeben haben soll, auf der Missgebildete, Verkrüppelte und sonstige Launen der Natur im 19. Jahrhundert eine Zuflucht vor der Welt der "Normalen" gesucht haben. Doch die Nachkommen der früheren Bewohner der "Albino Farm" verloren durch genetische Inzucht jegliche Menschlichkeit und lauern als kannibalistische Mutanten unter der Erde. Die Wesen wittern die Jugendlichen und haben rein gar nichts gegen eine gehörige Portion "Studentenfutter" einzuwenden. Eine brutale Hetzjagd nimmt ihren Lauf...

Jason Bateman, Laura Linney and other cast members open up about the show's characters and creators, plus what they'll miss most.

Als Matt Mathews ein kleiner Junge war, starb seine Mutter bei einem Unwetter. Sein Vater hatte die Familie schon vorher verlassen. 20 Jahre danach taucht ein Fremder auf, den die Bewohner bald ins Herz schließen und "Hirten der Hügel" nennen. Er ist Matts Vater ...

22. Oktober 2006

Deep in the remote Arkansas backwoods, a father passes on the traditions of the Ozark mountain men to his 5 year-old son. Under his strict and cruel guidance, young Lucas learns to protect the family land at all costs, and hones the skills of the hunt that have been handed down from generation to generation. But their prey is no ordinary game. . .

28. Januar 1941

Arkansas Judge is a 1941 American film starring Roy Rogers as a young lawyer defending a farmer accused of slander.

14. September 2018

An army veteran discovers an abandoned boy lurking in the woods behind her childhood home. After taking in the boy, she searches for clues to his identity, and discovers local folklore about a malevolent life-draining spirit that comes in the form of a child: The Tatterdemalion.

25. November 1941

The Weaver Brothers and Elviry have migrated from their usual hard-scrabble digs in the Ozarks and have taken up truck-farming.

18. Juni 1937

Mary Beamish, a folksy Ozark girl, yearns for the glitter of show business and for a man. She knows she is anything but gorgeous, but figures her enthusiasm offsets that small deficit.

15. August 1946

When an agricultural professor returns home to the farm with her scientifically-raised mule for a needed rest, they find themselves caught up in a movie being filmed in the Ozarks.

1. April 1975

The Civil War is over but in the Ozarks of Arkansas people are not ready to forgive and forget. The Mondier brothers have returned from fighting for the Union and Mort Fagan is keeping things difficult for them in the community.

1. Januar 1928

David Howitt, a stranger, comes among the mountain folk of the Missouri hills and, taken in by an Ozark family, becomes known as The Shepherd because of his gentle and kindly ways. Years earlier, his son betrayed a mountaineer's daughter, and The Shepherd hopes to atone for his error. When a continued drought threatens the people with starvation and ruin, they lose faith in the "miracle man" and mock him, though he begs them to keep the faith.

1. Januar 1995

Discover the "character" of one of Missouri's oldest tie and lumber operations through this archival black-and-white film that documents one of the last railroad tie drives on the Black River made by the T.J. Moss Tie Company of St. Louis in the 1920s. Thanks to release of the film by the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation, the rare footage in "Stamp of Character" takes us through the entire process of making railroad ties, at a time when forests covered almost two-thirds of the state. The original silent motion picture was shown in movie theaters as an advertisement by the T.J. Moss Tie Company. Using digitally edited narration and realistic sound effects, this video makes the past live again.

26. März 1942

Aluminum magnate James J. Maloney, Sr. meets with government officials to discuss the war effort and the need to end price-fixing. After the meeting, Maloney receives word that his son Jimmy, a playboy turned Army flight instructor, is lost with his navigator, Scully, somewhere in the Ozarks. While Maloney rushes to find his son, Jimmy and Scully crash land in the small town of Weaverville, where the mayor and his wife, Abner and Elviry Weaver, are trying to impress upon the citizens that they are better off in the mountains than in the big city

12. Dezember 2017

Jack & Pete Tell it All is a documentary about how creativity, family, faith, and risk took a small cave in the Ozarks from a regional anomaly to one of America's largest family owned entertainment companies, known today as Herschend Enterprises. Shot on location at both Dollywood and Silver Dollar City in the fall and spring of 2016 and 2017, the film follows the stories as told by the brothers Jack and Pete Herschend; their wives, Sherry and JoDee; and the many others who were there in the early days of the company's inception. It's a celebration of the American spirit, Ozark ingenuity, love and humble beginnings...and serves as an inspiration even today.

17. August 1942

In this entry in the "Weaver Family" series, the town of Farmington is being plagued by a crime wave. The angry citizens are ready to impeach the mayor, June Weaver, and the police chief, Leon Weaver. To end the crime and preserve her career, June feigns corruption and hires a real gangster to get rid of the local mobs. Unfortunately, a bona fide crooked councilman intervenes and makes real mob connections causing an earnest journalist to launch a front page attack.

29. März 2022

An unraveling of a man haunted by his father's legacy of serial murder.

13. Juli 2017

On a cold Ozark night, a roadhouse Waitress thinks her last customer of the night is the Devil.

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