48 Filme


四個高中生吉姆(Jason Biggs 飾)、凱文(Thomas Ian Nicholas 飾)、芬奇(Eddie Kaye Thomas 飾)和歐滋(Chris Klein 飾)約好在畢業舞會當晚要告別他們的處男生涯。就拿吉姆來說,他就像其他健康、熱血沸騰的處男一樣,他心癢難耐。但自從他的父母撞見他在看彩虹頻道的A片後,他的焦慮就更嚴重了。在家裡,他那熱衷禁慾的父親負責他的性教育,而在學校,他和美麗的外籍交換學生娜迪亞的經驗被證明是網路大災難,因此他最後把希望放在蜜雪兒這位話講個不停的樂隊長笛手身上。 吉姆的好友凱文,只想要討好他的女友維琪,他找到一部代代相傳的「聖經」,一本手抄本的性愛寶典,他已經成功在望。歐滋是一位英俊的長曲棍球員,他喜歡的是一位合唱團的女生海瑟,但想要贏得她的芳心,似乎比想像中的還要困難許多。而沒有人知道芬奇是怎樣的一個人,但是關於他的英勇行徑的傳言著實讓他順利不少。但自從他喝了史帝夫偷偷放在他咖啡中的一劑通便劑之後,他就再也無法在公共場合露臉。 雖然這四個大男生用盡各種辦法,而舞會裡也有一大堆「甜姐兒」待其誘惑,可是,令人意想不到的是:「上壘得分」卻比他們想像中困難多了……

快40歲的安迪 住在一間會讓無數小男孩們瘋狂的「夢幻」公寓裡,圍繞他的是大量的玩具、齊全的漫畫書、整套整套完整的動作英雄模型、各式各樣的電子遊戲,有些收藏幾乎是別人夢寐以求的,而安迪本人人好、心好、態度好,還有一幫關係好到讓人羨慕的死黨。不過,安迪有個不太為人知的小秘密——他有一件事從未嘗試過,而在他這個年齡的絕大多數人絕對已經經驗老到,對了,你猜對了,那就是安迪還是個正兒八經的百分百處男。安迪本人倒覺得這沒什麼大不了,可和尚不急急死太監,他那一群狐朋狗友在偶然發現這個對他們而言驚世駭俗的秘密之後,沒經過幾分鐘思考,便迅速達成決定,一定要幫安迪盡快找到女朋友。仔細思量一下,已經40歲的安迪條件算是不錯,還不說本人條件優秀,就說他在一家大型電子商店搞文員兼銷售的工作,應該也一點不難推銷出去!雖然自己心不甘情不願,不過已經被趕鴨子上架的安迪也只好聽從朋友們的安排。可每一次,他們的安排都只會讓安迪對此更不屑一顧——這些小詭計包括快速約會、騙喝醉的女孩子、和召來一些古怪的妓女,也難怪安迪一次比一次嚇得夠嗆。不過,很快,安迪自己找到了對象——40歲的單親媽媽翠西。就在朋友們準備祝賀安迪脫離處男生涯的時候,晴天霹靂,安迪竟然已經和曾經感情很受傷的翠西達成了無性戀愛的協議!


This episodic film is a close relative of Wolf Hartwig's schoolgirl report movies, made by the same people, in a similar style, around similar topics. However, this one specifically focuses on the coming-of-age aspects, to an extent that it also touches on delicate issues such as paedophilia.

Feeling pressured to become more sexually experienced before she goes to college, Brandy Klark makes a list of things to accomplish before hitting campus in the fall.

27. September 1997

大學教授賀伯特(傑瑞米艾朗 飾)在學校教法文,年少時初戀女友意外過世的回憶,導致他對10幾歲的少女無法抗拒。一次偶然的機緣下,他成為夏洛特(梅蘭妮葛莉芬 飾)的房客,並瘋狂愛上她14歲的女兒蘿莉塔(多明妮克史旺 飾)。為了能夠和蘿莉塔永遠生活在一起,賀伯特娶夏洛特為妻,成為她的繼父。然而,賀伯特對蘿莉塔的瘋狂愛戀,最終還是被夏洛特發現……


30. Juli 1982

The friendship of a group of young friends struggling with teen sex, drugs, and work is jeopardized by a romantic interest which may turn pals into bitter rivals.

13. November 1981

In 1954 Florida, a group of high schoolers seek out to lose their virginity which leads them to seek revenge on a sleazy nightclub owner and his redneck sheriff brother for harassing them.

20. Oktober 2000

When students in the town of Cherry Falls hear that a serial killer is targeting virgins, they realize that the only way to protect themselves is to begin planning a "Pop Your Cherry" party.

23. November 2014


Four sisters work together to raise rent money after learning they have to move to another neighborhood in this coming-of-age drama based on the series.


Follows Andy, who needs to hook up with a hottie, pronto, because he hasn't had sex in... well, forever - and his luck isn't the only thing that's hard. His equally horny teenage roommates also need it superbad, and with the help of their nerdy pal, McAnalovin' and his fake I.D., they may tap more than just a keg.

24. September 2010

Four guys, one camera, and their experience chronicling the exhilarating and terrifying rite of passage: losing your virginity. As these guys help their buddy get laid, they'll have to survive friends with benefits, Internet hookups, even porn stars during an adventure that proves why you will always remember your first time.

Two soldiers, Daniel and Jerome, flee a war we don’t see and we know nothing about. Jerome is badly injured, he will die, he says it, he knows it, he is afraid. Then Jerome confesses to Daniel his last will: he does not want to die a virgin, he wants to die loved…

21. August 1959

Meg is a young wide-eyed girl who is endures many calamities in her search for a husband in modern-day New York. After losing her suitcase at Penn Station, being kicked out by her roommate, and changing bosses because her boss made a pass at her, she finds herself looking for work at a Manhattan motivational research agency run by punctilious Miles Doughton and his playboy brother, Evan.

卡洛琳(莫妮卡·博洛克Monica Broeke 飾)、朱利安(Inge Maria Granzow 飾)和伊蓮娜(艾曼紐·貝阿Emmanuelle Béart 飾)是感情十分要好的朋友,年輕而富有活力的她們嚮往刺激而又富有激情的生活,她們駕駛著遊艇飛馳在波濤洶湧的大海之中,誰知道遭遇了暴風雨,遊艇被打翻,三人生死未卜。


8. April 1983

In 1965, four Los Angeles school friends -- Woody, Dave, Spider and Wendell -- go on a series of misadventures when they head to Tijuana, Mexico, for a night of cruisin', causing trouble, and to lose their virginity.

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