45 部电影

2010 年 06 月 10 日

以唯美畫面,呈現女人間的愛慾關係,娜塔莎亞羅文科(Natasha Yarovenko)、伊蓮娜安娜雅(Elena Anaya)超越尺度大膽演出。 故事從義大利羅馬展開,兩個分別來自西班牙與俄羅斯的女人,在初夏中,相遇、相識,並慢慢互相吸引…。 慾火熊熊燃起的她們,來到羅馬市中心一家飯店,進行一場身體與心靈的緊密結合。而層層的謊言與挑逗,也穿梭在她倆的靈肉之間…,彼此靈魂深處無人觸及的領域,眼看慢慢被探索、發掘…。 這一夜激情,她們得到無限滿足,然而在春宵過後,彼此關係又將何去何從…?

2022 年 02 月 11 日


2022 年 12 月 02 日

一起長大的兩小無猜好朋友里歐(伊登丹布林 飾)和雷米(古斯塔法夫德韋勒飾),幾乎無話不談,也常常留宿對方家中。當他們進到青春期對於情感懞懂曖昧的年紀,因為同儕對於他們親密關係的嘲笑和質疑,讓里歐心生畏懼而刻意與雷米保持距離。心思細膩的雷米對於里歐的行徑無法理解也感到憤怒,兩人的關係從密不可分逐漸分崩離析、漸行漸遠!

1999 年 04 月 14 日

年輕漂亮的小學教師瑪麗(Caroline Ducey凱薩琳•杜希飾)與相識三個月的男友保羅(Sagamore Stévenin薩加莫爾•史蒂文飾)同居,雖然保羅口口聲聲說深愛瑪麗,卻從不與她做愛。縱然瑪麗極盡挑逗之能,也始終得不到回應。倍感失落和挫折的她終於嘗試出軌,她周轉與各色男人之間,盡情享受久違的肉體歡愉。 然而即便如此,瑪麗仍然瘋狂愛著那個讓她心碎、嫉妒、癡迷的保羅。在不甚成功的床第歡愉之後,瑪麗終於懷有身孕,也如願和保羅走入婚姻的殿堂。只是,似乎一切並未囙此有所改變……

2005 年 02 月 04 日

凱特(黛伯拉梅西飾)收到妹妹的喜帖,晴天霹靂的是婚禮伴郎之一,竟是曾經悔婚的前未婚夫。 為了扳回顏面,凱特找來男伴遊尼克(德莫麥隆尼飾)佯裝男友返家參加婚禮。就在甜蜜的氣氛下,凱特假戲真做了起來…

2004 年 08 月 27 日

Bud Clay races motorcycles in the 250cc Formula II class of road racing. After a race in New Hampshire, he has five days to get to his next race in California. During his road trip, he is haunted by memories of the last time he saw Daisy, his true love.

1991 年 05 月 10 日

From the rains of Japan, through threats of arrest for 'public indecency' in Canada, and a birthday tribute to her father in Detroit, this documentary follows Madonna on her 1990 'Blond Ambition' concert tour. Filmed in black and white, with the concert pieces in glittering MTV color, it is an intimate look at the work of the icon, from a prayer circle before each performance to bed games with the dance troupe afterwards.

A filmmaker holds a series of boundary-pushing auditions for his latest project: a thriller on the subject of female pleasure.

1997 年 04 月 14 日

A newly married happy couple visits a sex therapist to determine why the wife can't achieve an orgasm with her husband. This causes a horrific suppressed memory to emerge and she becomes more and more distant.

2019 年 07 月 12 日


A young man challenges the web to offer money for a sex tape of him and his girlfriend to finance his work and finally be able to afford having a child. Is it really wrong to sell our own intimacy in order to be able to afford making our dreams come true?

2021 年 10 月 29 日

Ben is a young bisexual man. He comes out to the world and develops an intense relationship with Sam, a man of color struggling with deep wounds of his own. As the summer progresses and their intimacy grows, Ben's past crawls to the surface.

2021 年 06 月 18 日

Three days in the life of fitness motivator Sylwia Zając, whose presence on social media has made her a celebrity. Although she has hundreds of thousands of followers, is surrounded by loyal employees and admired by acquaintances, she is looking for true intimacy.

2018 年 11 月 01 日

A sex and love addicted woman learns what real intimacy is when she starts making music with a reclusive man.

1984 年 08 月 15 日

In this dense setting, the inhabitants of a large, claustrophobic apartment reveal their darkest secrets, fears, obsessions and hostilities.

2009 年 10 月 24 日

Claude Pérès pushes actor/director relationship to its breaking point by asking an actor to make love with him.

2024 年 05 月 29 日

After the sudden break up of a relationship, a young man tries to make a film using the images of his ex-girlfriend that he had on his camera.

2019 年 03 月 12 日

The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experience that is drawn along a line in time. This line is comparable to a crease in the pages of the family album, but also to a crack in the walls of the paternal house. It resembles the open wound created when drilling into a mountain, but also a scar in the collective imaginary of a society, where the idea of salvation finds its tragic destiny in the political struggle. What is at the end of that line? Will old war songs be enough to circumvent that destiny?

2010 年 07 月 10 日

Jared is closeted. Sam is straight. They find a connection in each other that they've never had before, but where do they go from there? Over the course of three nights, six gay men sat down for interviews about their experiences, sexual and otherwise, with straight men. Those documentary interviews provide the narration for 'Curious Thing' as we watch Jared and Sam form a friendship that tests the boundaries of what they know about love. But as Jared's walls slowly come down and his passion for Sam grows, things take an unexpected turn.

1998 年 06 月 08 日

A look at the sex lives of the guys who make L.A. adult movies.



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