38 elokuvaa

9 toukokuu 2024

Yaz is a popular top model and known for her fondness for nightlife. After meeting Uzay, the director of the film she auditioned for, the duo experience a love pain that they will never forget.

15 joulukuu 2022

It's 1997. Frank Verstraeten, a computer genius with a nose for business, a fascination for nightlife and an unhealthy urge to prove himself, only wants one thing: his own disco that not only outperforms the competition but simply humiliates it. The futuristic mega discotheque Zillion is a fact and Frank turns from computer dealer to the pivotal figure of the Antwerp nightlife. He parades with the most beautiful women in Belgium and forges an alliance with Dennis Black Magic, the porn king who provides the spicy extras. Unfortunately, beautiful songs don't last long either.

2 marraskuu 2012

The modern-day story focuses on two beautiful young vampires who are living the good nightlife in New York until love enters the picture and each has to make a choice that will jeopardize their immortality.

Young boxer Michel Maudet is sacked by his manager after a series of match defeats and is forced to look for a new job. He is engaged as secretary to a millionaire named Ferchaux who is in a hurry to flee the country when he discovers he has been implicated in a high-profile fraud.

Too shy to make a proper introduction, a recent college grad devises to shoot a documentary about the NYC nightlife scene in order to meet the go-go guy he’s cyber-obsessed with.

28 marraskuu 1980

The hidden nightlife of ordinary people living in Manila unveils. Lovers and families conflict with each other as they live on the streets, which are rampant with drugs and prostitution.

The story takes place on a wonderful night in Changsha. Nightbird Jing Weiwei met He Xixi, who was about to leave her hometown tomorrow morning at a bookstore, and they arranged to take a night trip together.

20 elokuu 2013

Ken on paskiainen ja väsymätön pilailija, joka on vuosien varrella hankaloittanut ystäviensä elämää näiden polttareissa erilaisilla hulluilla tempuilla, jotka ovat jättäneet syviä haavoja, sekä fyysisiä että psyykkisiä. Hän odottaa nyt hermostuneena omia polttareitaan, ja on suloisen koston aika. Ystävillä on lapsellinen suunnitelma, mutta asiat eivät tietenkään suju kuten oli tarkoitus.

21 joulukuu 1956

An ex-football brute (Anthony Quinn) and his beatnik gang take a rich girl (Carol Ohmart) and her boyfriend hostage (Arthur Franz) at a jazz joint.

30 toukokuu 2023

The night shift clerk at a sex hotel, suffering from narcolepsy, is faced with a night when things are unusually busy and housekeeping finds a gun in room 6.

Strap yourself in for an exhilarating journey into darkness with these five award-winning short films from across the globe that delve into heart-pumping escapades varying from the intensely erotic to the ultra-violent to the warm-inside feels. The night has never looked so inviting. Segments: After Dawn [Passée l'aube] (2017), Poof (2018), Spiral (2018), Night of Love (2018), Floating Melon [浮果] (2015).

Documentary by the musiclabel Defected and its brand Glitterbox about electronic music, its beginning in New York and its importance for minorities all around the world.

27 marraskuu 2022

A chance encounter on a weekend getaway turns into a night no one will forget.

19 lokakuu 2015

The tale of a young writer trying to get over the girl that left him behind and survive the intricacies of the capital's nightlife with only the help of his hard partying, wisecracking friends as they drag him from one London nightspot and party to the next.

24 maaliskuu 2007

A young, cynical French film student comes to London for the weekend to make a film project for his course. Disillusioned by his London experience, he's befriended by a stranger who shows him a side of the city, and himself, that he never would have seen. The story unfolds through his Super 8 film footage, and his voice-over narration gives us an insight into his thoughts and feelings throughout the journey.

9 kesäkuu 2022

A one minute short film showcasing the sights, sounds, and people that characterizes Singapore's nightlife.

21 kesäkuu 1967

This documentary on the nightlife of Las Vegas was filmed primarily at the Topicana and Dunes Hotels, respectively, in 1962-63. Musical numbers performed by the film's stars aside, "Spree" also includes scenes of gambling casinos, cock fights and boxing.

24 huhtikuu 2023

Luna runs away from home in the middle of the night. In an unexpected encounter with a group of drag queens, she redefines her concept of family.

1 toukokuu 2017

Dubbed New York's "Queen of the Night," proto–club kid Susanne Bartsch has been throwing unforgettable parties for over 30 years and is still going strong.

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