10 部电影

1934 年 02 月 22 日

  艾丽有一个显赫有钱的家庭,这恰恰成为她感情不如意的根源——父亲不赞成她和飞机师卫斯理结婚。艾丽一气之下离家出走,前去找卫斯理,不料途中钱财遭抢。遇上记者沃恩,沃恩得知艾丽是个不平常的富家女,确信艾丽非常有新闻价值,可以炮制出吸引眼球的新闻,便一路与艾丽同行。路上车前进遇阻,乘客得在半路住一晚旅馆,而身无分文的艾丽只能与沃恩同屋,并在床上用毯子间隔开两人来睡。   旅途颠簸,意外连连,二人共同经历了不少难忘之事。感情在渐渐滋长。艾丽的目的地就要到了,两人的心中都有些欲言又止的情愫。面对自己本来想要寻找的卫斯理,面对父亲门当户对的思想,艾丽和沃恩的感情不知走向何处。

1951 年 08 月 01 日

The spoilt young son of a wealthy railroad owner manages to get himself lost in the middle of nowhere. He is found by a cowboy on a cattle drive and the lad must start learning the hard lessons of working in a team if he wants to make it to San Diego.

1938 年 04 月 30 日

Roberta Morgan is being raised in a wealthy home where her mother is occupied with her society-club activities and her father is immersed in his business activities. She also feels that the household staff is against her and that no one understands her needs and problems. Things spiral out of control.

2024 年 08 月 16 日

Two girls from very different backgrounds compete for an internship that could change their future.

1953 年 06 月 20 日

Barney, outraged by his neighbor William Wildcat spanking his son, borrows the lad to try applying child psychology. But the boy's grasp of psychology (and explosives) is much better than Barney's.

This is the story of three characters (brothers Tomek and Jacek and their neighbor Magda), each of them is in their own way lonely and alienated. The title character makes herself secluded. Tomek's alienation results from his neurological disease, and Jacek contacts the world mainly via the Internet. This is also a film about love. Love of one brother to the other and of one alienated human being to the other. All together it creates a very universal picture with a Polish entourage.

1927 年 05 月 01 日

This is a better than average Hamilton film thanks to the presence of a bratty kid who makes Lloyd's life miserable. It seems that Lloyd was hired as a combination chauffeur, butler, cook, etc. and isn't particularly adept at any of these tasks. however, to make things worse, there is a bratty kid in the home who does his best to ruin everything.

2016 年 11 月 15 日

When kids become so bratty and self-centered that Santa's elves go on strike, Santa, in desperation, must bring six unscrupulous youths to his boot camp to help save Christmas.

2007 年 03 月 04 日

Unforeseen obstacles stand in the way of a family planning to take a road trip in an RV.

2013 年 03 月 09 日

Man drags his girlfriend to hospital for abortion. A brat is a last thing needed right now. But sitting in a waiting room can change your mind.



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