27 filmek

1999. augusztus 6.

  麦克(布鲁斯·威利斯 饰)是著名儿童心理学家,却也有始终未能治愈的患者,甚至因此遭到枪杀,这名少年随后也饮枪自毙。这给麦克带来很大心理阴影,一年后他找到另一个症状很像这名患者的男孩柯尔(海利·乔·奥斯蒙 饰),并耐心的做起了他的医生。柯尔并不容易接近,但麦克还是慢慢赢得 了他的信任,得知了柯尔的秘密。原来柯尔有着灵异的第六感,可以看到鬼魂。虽然这令人感到难以置信,但麦克在证实了事情的真相后还是帮助柯尔接受了这个事实。   可是就在问题即将得到解决的时候,麦克却在柯尔的引导下,发现了一个更令人震惊的秘密……

1990. július 13.

  年轻的银行职员萨姆(帕特里克•斯威兹)与未婚妻美莉(黛咪•摩尔)相爱极深,在朋友卡尔(托尼•戈德温)的热情帮助下,他们搬进一幢漂亮的公寓,做着结婚前的准备。某晚看戏归来时,他们遭遇持枪歹徒,与歹徒搏斗时,萨姆不幸中枪身亡,美莉悲痛欲绝。   萨姆变作幽灵,发现卡尔是导致他死亡的幕后策划,而为了窃取银行里的巨款,他又对美莉展开追求,以便获得萨姆所掌握的密码。为了保护美莉,萨姆常常游荡于她的周围,并渐渐地学会了如何使用力量,但他苦于无法同美莉交流。在能与幽灵沟通的灵媒奥塔的帮助下,他与美莉取得联系,但美莉起初并不相信,直到事实令她感受到萨姆的存在,可是,深深相爱的两人仍无法直接接触和交流。

2002. február 22.

乔(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)的妻子艾米丽(苏珊娜·汤姆森 Susanna Thompson 饰)死于一场车祸,讽刺的是,在医院担任心理创伤治疗的乔这一回却无法修复自己破碎的内心。乔的世界崩塌了,他抑郁,酗酒,对于工作的无法放弃和责任感成为了他活在这个世界上的唯一理由。   一次偶然中,乔被委托完成一项工作,他的病人们是身患绝症的儿童。令乔感到意外的是,艾米丽生前一直照料着的,正是这些儿童。为了怀念妻子,乔毅然接手了这项工作,天真懵懂的孩童逐渐治愈了乔的内心,正当他的生活逐渐走上正轨之时,一个意外的消息再次扰乱了乔的内心,一个有过濒死经历的孩子告诉乔,他在“那个世界”里看到了艾米丽,而艾米丽似乎有着什么话想要传达给乔。

二战后的威尼斯,在一个怪异的万圣节前夜,著名侦探赫尔克里·波洛本已退休,并在世界上最迷人的城市过着自我放逐的生活。他不情愿地参加了一座破败闹鬼的宫殿举办的降神会,当其中一位来宾被谋杀后,波洛被卷入了一个充满阴影和秘密的险恶世界 。

  克里丝(罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 饰)与安妮(安娜贝拉·莎拉 Annabella Sciorra 饰)深爱着彼此,这对让人艳羡的夫妻有个美满的家庭,聪明可爱的孩子们,坚贞不移的爱情。可是一切都在孩子们意外死亡后打碎了。自从孩子们逝世后,克里丝与安妮夫妇俩每天都活在痛苦之中,他们心里惦记的始终是死去的孩子,他们的生活彻底失去了快乐的根源,都变得郁郁寡欢,但两人依然互相依靠着生活。可是,厄运并没有就此停止。安妮最心爱的克里丝也在意外当中逝世,死后的克里丝在天堂上看到了自己的孩子,仿佛生活又回到了当初快乐的样子,但他的心里仍记挂着尚在人间的妻子。丈夫的逝世,使安妮心痛不已,生活变得更加难熬了。终于,她还是无法忍受独自生活的寂寥,自杀了。生前的她经常凭想象画出天堂的样子。可是由于自杀,她只能堕入地狱。克里丝誓要留在妻子身边,不让她继续受折磨。于是,他到地狱去了…… ©豆瓣

2001. augusztus 10.

  一个名叫葛瑞丝(妮可基嫚饰)的女人在二次大战末期,带著两个孩子避居到小岛上,等著丈夫从战场回来。由于她的孩子们患有疾病,不能接触阳光,所以一家人必须被迫孤独地生活在陌生的小岛上。葛瑞丝在日常生活上订有种种奇怪的规定,如:不可随便把门打开,除非先确定前一扇门已经关上。 葛瑞丝一家虽然过著与世隔绝的生活,但她总觉得这座房子有那麽点不对劲,尤其她的女儿一直声称屋子裡还有其他人... 加上新来的三个古怪又神祕的僕人,葛瑞丝究竟会遭遇到什麽样的危险呢?

2021. december 17.

斯坦顿(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)是一个穷困潦倒的男人,误打误撞之中来到了流动马戏团,在这里,他凭借着自己的聪明才智为自己某得了一份差事——为塔罗牌占卜师赞娜(托妮·科莱特 Toni Collette 饰)和她的情人皮特(大卫·斯特雷泽恩 David Strathairn 饰)工作。从这两个人身上,斯坦顿学会了如何依靠巧舌如簧和敏锐观察来施展观众们眼中的“魔法”。与此同时,斯坦顿还在马戏团里邂逅了名为茉莉(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)的女孩,随着时间的推移,斯坦顿和茉莉之间产生了感情。最终,斯坦顿带着茉莉离开了马戏团,他们坚信他们能够靠自己的双手打开一片属于他们的天地。一晃眼多年过去,虽然斯坦顿在占卜圈已经小有名气,但他并不满足,渴望更多的金钱。此时,一个名叫莉莉丝(凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett 饰)的女人出现在了他面前。

2017. augusztus 11.

  背景设置在上世纪30年代,电影中的女巫姐妹被人们认为拥有与鬼魂沟通的超自然能力,她们被一位法国制片人带到巴黎进行表演。制片人角色的灵感来源于著名犹太制片人伯纳德·纳坦,他是上世界20、30年代法国电影工业最重要的人物之一。娜塔莉·波特曼与约翰尼德普的女儿Lily Rose Depp合作。

2010. szeptember 3.


2000. október 15.

After having strange dreams, Jenny Cole discovers that in her last incarnation she was Mary Sutton, an Irishwoman who died in the 1930s. Suspicious, Jenny goes to Ireland to investigate her past life.

When a group of students manage to complete Thomas Edison's unfinished "spirit phone" that allows communication with the dead, they are brought to the spirit world by an ancient Incan priest. There they meet historic figures such as Albert Einstein, Buddha, and Friedrich Nietzsche and learn the hidden truths of the cosmos, heaven, hell, and God.

2012. szeptember 14.

Ernesto is 50 years old and carries with him a tragedy from the past, which he hides behind a good-humored smile. He meets 25-year-old Evelina when helping her on the road after her car breaks down. Both are going to the same hotel and, little by little, build a solid friendship based also on the difficulties faced throughout life, since Evelina is emotionally hurt due to her husband's infidelity.

Three mothers see their reality become completely, they are: Ruth, whose teenage son, Raul, faces problems with drugs; Elisa, trying to make up for the absence of her husband giving full attention to the child, the little Theo, and Lara, teacher who faces the dilemma of an unplanned pregnancy. These three women, living in different times of their lives, seeking comfort next to Chico Xavier. And Karl reporter remains insisting on interviewing the medium, even without being prepared for it.

UFO experts claim that after the explosion of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was an increase in the number of sightings of UFO'S (Unidentified Flying Objects) worldwide. Just over two decades later, the Brazilian medium Chico Xavier confided to close friends that when man reached the moon on July 20, 1969, happened a meeting with the celestial beings of our solar system to check the progress of humanity. They decided to grant a period of 50 years for humanity to evolve morally and live in peace, without provoking a third world war. If we live in peace until the Deadline, humanity would be ready to enter a new era of its existence, and magnificent feats would be checked everywhere, including our brothers from other planets would be expressly authorized to present themselves publicly and officially to Earth's residents.

2012. április 13.


The adventurous life of Natacha Rambova (1897-1966), an American artist, born Winifred Kimball Shaughnessy, who reincarnated herself countless times: false Russian dancer, silent film actress, scenographer and costume designer, writer, spiritist, Egyptologist, indefatigable traveler, mysterious and curious; an amazing 20th century woman who created the myth of Rudolph Valentino.

A documentary on the importance of the Spiritism doctrine around the world, from its inception with Allan Kardec's works and experiences, first reported on "The Book of Spirits" and then other works, up to its current influence, wisdom and legacy with teachings about faith, human and spiritual evolution, the physical plan and the spiritual plan.

2011. október 7.

Após perder a esposa e a caminho do suicídio, um homem se depara com O Livro dos Espíritos e começa uma jornada de transformação interior rumo aos mistérios da vida espiritual e suas influências no mundo material.

The film follows the life of the doctor Menezes (Carlos Vereza), known as the doctor of the poor.

In this unusual feature, Manika is a girl born in a Catholic family in a south Indian fishing village is convinced that she has recently had a former life as a Brahman wife in Nepal. Her parish priest, Father Daniel is under orders to convince her otherwise, as reincarnation does not accord with official Catholic doctrine. Instead, he agrees to journey with her to the site of her dreams of a previous life. Once there, they discover that all is just as she had dreamed it, and her former husband has remarried despite promising not to. Her arrival on the scene does not disturb the man, but it really upsets his new wife, who departs with her baby. Manika decides that it helps no one for her to remain there in Nepal, and returns to her home in the south. However, all this has caused a genuine crisis of faith for the priest who, witnessing all this, has had to grapple with some irreconcilable issues.

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