139 部电影

約翰法蘭克海默執導經典政治驚悚片,將冷戰時期的政治諷刺與懸疑故事作完美的結合,劇情緊湊氣氛緊張,充分發揮戲劇張力。法蘭克辛納屈、勞倫斯哈威、珍妮李、安潔拉蘭斯貝瑞主演。入圍1963年奧斯卡金像獎最佳女配角(安潔拉蘭斯貝瑞),與最佳剪輯兩個獎項。 背景設在韓戰後,剛返回美國的軍人雷蒙蕭(勞倫斯哈威飾),被視為戰爭英雄獲國會頒發勳章。但是,與他並肩作戰的同袍甚至排長班奈特(法蘭克辛納屈飾)皆對他的英勇事跡百思不解,完全不清楚雷蒙到底在戰場上作了什麼。班奈特時常夢見韓戰的景象,皆是一些零碎的畫面,於是他決定調查拼湊出真相。原來,他們的分隊在韓戰期間曾被北韓軍隊俘虜並洗腦,而雷蒙蕭是蘇聯派到美國作政治暗殺的洗腦殺手…

1973 年 10 月 17 日





1961 年 12 月 15 日

C.R. MacNamara is a managing director for Coca Cola in West Berlin during the Cold War, just before the Wall is put up. When Scarlett, the rebellious daughter of his boss, comes to West Berlin, MacNamara has to look after her, but this turns out to be a difficult task when she reveals to be married to a communist.

1995 年 10 月 03 日

David Carr is a British Communist who is unemployed. In 1936, when the Spanish Civil War begins, he decides to fight for the Republican side, a coalition of liberals, communists and anarchists, so he joins the POUM militia and witnesses firsthand the betrayal of the Spanish revolution by Stalin's followers and Moscow's orders.

Toward the end of World War II, Russian soldiers pushing into eastern Germany stumble across a secret Nazi lab, one that has unearthed and begun experimenting with the journal of one Dr. Victor Frankenstein. The scientists have used the legendary Frankenstein's work to assemble an army of super-soldiers stitched together from the body parts of their fallen comrades -- a desperate Hitler's last ghastly ploy to escape defeat

Bewildered, Don Camillo learns that Peppone intends to stand for parliament. Determined to thwart his ambitions, the good priest, ignoring the recommendations of the Lord, decides to campaign against him.

1979 年 12 月 18 日

A low-ranking Secret Service agent is conned into supplying information to Eastern Bloc countries. Although he is not a suspect due to his unimportant position, when his office partner is hauled in as a suspect he realises he has got himself into very deep water.

1957 年 10 月 25 日


After a chance encounter with a wanted man, a woman is harassed by the police and press until she takes violent action.

1992 年 04 月 15 日

Set in colonial French Indochina during the 1930s to 1950s, this is the story of Éliane Devries, a French plantation owner, and of her adopted Vietnamese daughter, Camille, set against the backdrop of the rising Vietnamese nationalist movement.

1951年,患有氣喘的23歲醫學院學生格瓦拉(Ernesto Guevara)與死黨阿爾貝托(Alberto Granado),載著滿滿的家當與憧憬,跳上屌車(諾頓500重型機車),從家鄉布宜諾艾利斯出發,揭開一場貫穿南美大陸,總長超過一萬三千公里的壯旅。行過草原、高山、大河、深雪,儘管一路上險阻不斷,偶有爭執,樂天浪漫的倆人仍被這前所未見的無邊景致深深感動。隨著旅程逐漸開展,他們目睹、並體驗了自五百年前殖民者登陸以來,這塊土地所承受的種種創傷、苦難、與不義。貧富的懸殊、階級的對立、種族的剝削、帝國的壓迫,以及人世間永無止息的生、老、病、死,都不斷激盪兩人的靈魂,也在青年格瓦拉的心裡埋下了日後席捲世界的革命之火。

本片由喬治庫隆尼(George Clooney)自編自導自演,榮獲2006年奧斯卡六項大獎提名。《晚安,祝你好運》講述1950年代初,共產黨全面滲透、赤化世界的恐懼瀰漫美國社會,來自威斯康辛州的約瑟夫‧麥卡錫議員(Joseph McCarthy)則利用機會隨意指控、誣陷,意圖將恐懼擴大。此時此刻,人人害怕如驚弓之鳥,言論及新聞自由面臨空前未有的威脅。然而,哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)的記者艾德華‧蒙洛(Edward R. Murrow)和他的節目製作人佛瑞德‧芬德利(Fred W. Friendly)決心起身對抗撲天蓋地的麥卡席主義,並揭露他化身恐懼販子,剝削人民及言論自由的真相。然而,這場以個人身份向國家機器發起的正義之戰卻讓兩人付出慘痛代價…… 最後,在強大信念的堅持下,愛德華與佛瑞德成功扳倒麥卡錫議員-這個美國200年歷史上最具爭議的政治人物之一。也捍衛了曾經用鮮血、生命爭取來的自由! 為了烘托氛圍,電影特別以黑白影像拍攝,並大量使用50年代爵士樂,盡顯時代風情。

1974 年 11 月 26 日

Deathly ill Count Dracula and his slimy underling, Anton, travel to Italy in search of a virgin's blood. They're welcomed at the crumbling estate of indebted Marchese Di Fiore, who's desperate to marry off his daughters to rich suitors. But there, instead of pure women, the count encounters incestuous lesbians with vile blood and Marxist manservant Mario, who's suspicious of the aristocratic Dracula.

1994 年 09 月 30 日

根據余華同名小說改編。 富少福貴(葛優)嗜賭成性,妻子家珍(鞏俐)屢勸無果後帶著女兒鳳霞離開了他,當夜,福貴輸光所有家產氣死父親,被迫靠變賣母親首飾租間破屋過活。一年後,家珍手拉鳳霞懷抱剛出世的兒子有慶回到家中,福貴痛改前非,開始靠演皮影戲過起安份守己的日子。 但好景不常,內戰時期,福貴被國民黨抓去當勞工,一番輾轉終回到家鄉與一家人團圓後,鳳霞因病變成啞巴,而在後來的大躍進運動和文化大革命中,他雖獲某些小福,逆境卻也一直與他如影相隨。

1965 年 12 月 16 日

British agent Alec Leamas refuses to come in from the Cold War during the 1960s, choosing to face another mission, which may prove to be his final one.

Energetic priest Don Camillo returns to the town of Brescello for more political and personal duels with Communist mayor Peppone.

2016 年 03 月 31 日

New York, 1961. Alexander Ivanov, a high-ranked Soviet bureaucrat, reluctantly defects to the West while is part of a diplomatic mission, feeling the grief of being unable to know the fate of his wife Katya, whom he has had to leave behind in Moscow. Only many years later, in 1991, he will finally find out the truth when his niece Lauren travels to Moscow to participate in a painting exhibition.

Priest Don Camillo blackmails his friendly rival Peppone into letting him join a Communist delegation visiting the Soviet Union.

The film centres on Moncho and his coming-of-age experience in Galicia in 1936. Moncho develops a close relationship with his teacher Don Gregorio who introduces the boy to different things in the world. While the story centres on Moncho's ordinary coming-of-age experiences, tensions related to the looming Spanish Civil War periodically interrupt Moncho's personal growth and daily life.



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