6 elokuvaa

After saving a Black Panther from some racist cops, a black male prostitute goes on the run from "the man" with the help of the ghetto community and some disillusioned Hells Angels.

13 kesäkuu 1973

This sprawling, surrealist comedy serves as an allegory for the pitfalls of capitalism, as it follows the adventures of a young coffee salesman in modern Britain.

31 maaliskuu 1978

A teenage girl falls in love with a man who works in live sex shows, and who just happens to be having an affair with the girl's stepmother--with her father's knowledge.

21 lokakuu 1985

A strippers' convention and a major contest. The movie focuses on a few strippers, each with her own strong motive to win.

26 marraskuu 1971

Rich playboy (with a bad Elvis hair-do) preys on innocent women, luring them back to his mansion, then knocking them out and locking them up! He makes them eat like animals out of food trays, whips and rapes them, and trains them to put on a sex show for his perverted pals (which is how he made his fortune). When the women tire of his erotic abuse, they rise up and brutally murder him onstage to the roaring applause of the amazed audience! Reminiscent of the later BLOODSUCKING FREAKS, the women have all been driven mad by their enforced captivity, making them no better than their dear, departed master in the end.

A newly wed couple, Romeo and Julia on their honeymoon on the French Riviera. By accident they meet three ruthless men in a Pontiac who drug them and assault the woman.

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