8 本の映画

A woman tries to win back her husband when she discovers he's keeping a model for a mistress.


A photoshoot on the roofs and in the streets of Paris, under the astonished eyes of the inhabitants.


A down-and-out detective attempts to solve a disturbing case involving the massacre of models. Can he find the killer before it's too late?

A scientist carelessly dumps some toxic waste into a river. The gardener at a nudist camp drinks the water, turns into a monster and attacks all the (female) nudists.


Short subject on how fashion is created-- not by the great couturiers, but on the street.


Mr. Murphy, a photographer, lures models to his house on the pretense of legitimate modelling work, and then busies himself bedding them. After a while, his bedroom has gotten pretty crowded and he's exhausted, so he snags a taxi cab driver to help out. Soon, a trio of domineering women show up and force him (willingly) to dress in women's clothes and submit to their whims.


Manila is a high-demand model. One day, her car breaks down on the way home and she meets Angelo and Mike, two nasty women traffickers. They are looking for new women for their brothels and harass Manila. She puts up a desperate fight, but the two pimps are stronger: they rape Manila. From now on, Manila's life no longer runs as usual. She is plagued by nightmares in which the two pimps haunt her. What's more, she can no longer have relationships with men. In the middle of sex with her boyfriend, visions of rape haunt her again and she kills her boyfriend with great satisfaction. She realizes that only women can give her pleasure. She hires a call girl, but this meeting also ends in death as she discovers the remains of her boyfriend. Manila knows that only revenge on her tormentors can turn her life around. In the red light district of the two pimps, a thrilling final battle ensues, which turns out differently than either side had hoped...


A neo-noir tale of photography and murder. On the verge of fame, Damien Drake abruptly quits his dark photography dubbed, The Death Series. As Damien tries to forget his past, John Godewynn, the biggest fan of the Death Series, emerges hellbent on re-sparking Damien's creativity. John's push quickly spirals into chaos and murder, exposing the shocking secret that led to Damien's self-exile.



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