33 部电影

2018 年 01 月 19 日

描述美國遭受 911 攻擊事件過後,祕密派遣一支俗稱「綠扁帽」的陸軍特種部隊潛入阿富汗,聯手當地北方聯盟,對抗阿富汗恐怖分子「塔利班」和蓋達組織,為配合阿富汗地形和攻敵戰略,特種部隊們駕著馬匹化身騎兵隊,在險惡的山區追擊敵軍,一連串生死交鋒的激烈戰爭一觸即發。

2012 年 12 月 19 日

兩架載運特種海豹部隊的黑鷹直昇機在2012年5月1號凌晨1點多之際,以低於雷達偵測的高度低空飛行,部隊成員運用繩索垂降至恐怖分子賓拉登藏身的別墅,但途中卻遭遇一架直升機機械故障而迫降於屋外,於是其他人以迅雷不及掩耳的速度進入潛進屋內,立即展開地毯式搜索。 當海豹部隊擊斃兩名賓拉登的信使之後,即在別墅三樓主臥室發現賓拉登,賓拉登睜大雙眼瞪著所有人並且頑抗的拒絕投降,在一番激烈的爭鬥之下,賓拉登最終遭海豹隊員精準的擊中左眼而斃命,整個過程大約40多分鐘。自911恐怖攻擊事件後,美國動員所有情報系統,傾力追緝十年的世紀頭號公敵賓拉登即被閃電擊斃而亡。

2002 年 12 月 19 日

史派克李的最新作品,二十四小時後,蒙提(愛德華諾頓飾)就要揮別他所熟悉的曼哈頓公寓及紐約糜爛的夜生活,去坐牢七年,在入獄前夕,他先找父親道別,然後與女友及兩位多年的好友在舞廳見面。 蒙提懷疑同居女友向警方提供他販毒的線索,不甘心被出賣的他,有著極端的不滿,和一些朋友不知道的秘密…。他希望在今晚撮合當英文老師的好友和他的女學生,並且要求擔任證券經理人好友幫他一個大忙,讓他逃過一劫。 在好友開導他的同時,蒙提的內心仍然不斷地掙扎,當他向好友提出如何幫他逃過一劫的計劃時,卻被好友斷然拒絕,究竟他要求的是什麼?他如何度過這無止盡的漫漫長夜?

2007 年 03 月 23 日

世上最可怕的事情,不是被悲傷擊垮,而是無法從悲傷中重新站起……多年未曾謀面的查理(Adam Sandler 飾)和艾倫(Don Cheadle 飾)在曼哈頓街角偶遇,他們在大學時代不但是好友,還是同居的室友呢,但畢業後,他們因過於專注自己的生活而失去了聯繫。這次的重逢讓兩個好友喜極而泣,隨著越深入的談話,他們瞭解到,在失聯的這幾年裡,他們都經歷了許多:五年前,「911」的恐怖攻擊中,查理失去了他所有的親人,當時他是位非常成功的牙醫師,在這場意外後,他整個人都變了,每天有如行屍走肉,這個傷痛徹底將他擊倒;對好友的不幸感到震驚的同時,艾倫也獨自品嚐著自己的苦惱,在別人眼中,他可能是這世界上最幸福的男人,擁有漂亮的妻子、活潑可愛的小孩,以及人人都羨幕的好工作,然而,看起來應該很快樂的他,卻在家庭與事業的雙重責任壓力下感到無比吃力。這次巧遇,改變了這兩個男人的生命線,雖然他們的生活與經歷不盡相同,就在此時他們都需要一個值得信任的朋友,命運女神讓他們重新相遇,自然有她的用意。亞當山德勒繼《真情快譯通》、《命運好好玩》後又一溫馨感人作品,希望藉由他幽默誠懇的演出,帶領全球觀眾正向紀念911。


2019 年 11 月 15 日


911 事件發生數日後,含有致命炭疽桿菌孢子的信件在美國帶來恐慌和悲劇。本紀錄片記敘聯邦調查局的後續調查。

2009 年 01 月 16 日

Private detective John Rosow is hired to tail a man on a train from Chicago to Los Angeles. Rosow gradually uncovers the man's identity as a missing person; one of the thousands presumed dead after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Persuaded by a large reward, Rosow is charged with bringing the missing person back to his wife in New York City.

2012 年 05 月 05 日

Following the 9/11 attacks, the war on terror against Afghanistan continues. With the Taliban insurgents hiding out in the mountains however, they become increasingly difficult for the US military to engage. The solution is to try and flush them out by adding low level chemicals to the water supply. Little do the USA know however that enemy scientists have adapted the chemicals to make their own formula, one that can bring the dead back to life.

2018 年 01 月 26 日

Two strangers, both folk musicians stranded in California, take a road trip to New York in the days after 9/11. A story about the kindness of strangers and the power of music.

2021 年 09 月 11 日

From the immediate aftermath of 9/11 to today stand-up comedians, talk-show hosts, sketch performers, television animators and other entertainers have used often-controversial jokes to unite and heal in the face of tragedy.

2020 年 04 月 15 日

A Former Guantánamo detainee and best-selling author and his one-time American guard form an unlikely friendship.

2021 年 05 月 02 日

The History Channel marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11 with a new groundbreaking documentary about the biggest manhunt in human history. This documentary draws on interviews and stories told in the Museum's special exhibition of the same name, and features interviews with Jan Seidler Ramirez, chief curator and executive vice president of collections, to tell the sweeping tale, linking policy, intelligence, and military decision-making as they converged on a mysterious compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

This electrifying film documents the efforts of Vincent Bugliosi, one of our nation's foremost prosecutors, as he presents his case that former president George W. Bush should be prosecuted for the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq because he deliberately took our nation to war under false pretenses. Based on Bugliosi's New York Times bestseller, the movie discloses shocking hidden details of how Bush and his people systematically lied to Congress and the country. He shows incontrovertible evidence that Bush, Cheney, Rice, et al committed a monumental crime under our constitution and the laws of this land. He leads us through a legal understanding of what is needed to bring a formal prosecution, setting the stage for what would be the biggest and most important trial in U.S. history.

2017 年 09 月 08 日

"Man in Red Bandana" is about Welles Remy Crowther, an extraordinary 9/11 hero. However, how his heroics became known is even more remarkable. Eight months after the disaster, his parents learned about how their son spent his last hour due to an ordinary object ... a red bandana. This revelation dramatically shifts their perspective on their loss. After hearing his remarkable story and how it unfolds, viewers will see how the actions of one man have touched 1,000s. This inspirational segment of the film depicts the unique, diverse and folklore ways that Welles is honored throughout the United States including in art, sports and song. Even President Barack Obama pays homage to this young man in the film. Our uplifting ending culminates in the revelation of a secret about Welles that can only be described as "perfect".

2010 年 05 月 09 日

Tells the story of two men, Abu Jandal and Salim Ahmed Hamdan, whose fateful encounter in 1996 set them on a course of events that led them to Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, 9/11, Guantanamo, and the U.S. Supreme Court.

安德魯·麥克斯韋(Andrew Maxwell)帶了五個典型的年輕的英國陰謀論信徒,從紐約到華盛頓,他試圖解決9/11事件的真相。

2015 年 11 月 29 日

A documentary about 7 World Trade Center.

2010 年 09 月 05 日

When the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001, thousands were feared trapped beneath the tons of steel and rubble. These are the stories of the rescue workers and civilians who raced to Ground Zero to rescue the buried. Immediately after the collapse, rescue workers are convinced that they will find survivors in the ruins – and, miraculously, a handful are found. As the last survivors are pulled from the rubble, the rescuers shift focus to the monumental task to identify and recover the lost among the ruins. After the Towers Fell is the first in-depth look at the aftermath of the Towers' collapse and the heroes who selflessly took on the monumental task of rescue and recovery of their fellow New Yorkers

2012 年 10 月 17 日

After the attack of 9/11, John Walker Lindh is accused of killing an American hero. John is then arrested and put on trial as the true cause of John's death is uncovered.



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